5 recommended cheap SIMs with unlimited data communication!Thorough explanation of benefits and precautions!

5 recommended cheap SIMs with unlimited data communication!Thorough explanation of benefits and precautions!

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It is a cheap SIM that is becoming increasingly popular as "it can be used with less monthly fees than major carriers."However, there is a limit to the data capacity, and you may be suffering from speed limit at the end of the month.

The "data communication unlimited plan" appeared to solve such troubles.In addition, services such as "count -free options" that can use the target services and "unlimited calling" are also available.

The unlimited data communication plan is a plan that can be used unlimitedly using data communication as the name suggests, but there are several precautions to use.In this article, we will explain the recommended cheap SIM selections, merits and demerits that have unlimited data communications, and points to be checked.

We will also introduce cheap SIMs that provide "Count Free Options" and "Unlimited" services, so if you are thinking about switching, please refer to this article.

What is unlimited data communication of cheap SIM?

The unlimited data communication plan is a popular price plan for cheap SIMs.Advertising and official website say "unlimited use" or "unlimited", but can it really be used unlimited?

There are three types of cheap SIM data communications.

The above plans and options have different conditions and content that are unlimited.First, let's check what kind of mechanism it is.

Unlimited data capacity


Since the data capacity can be used unlimited, it is perfect for those who want to share data on multiple terminals or those whose data usage fluctuates depending on the month.

Unlimited data capacity plans are recommended for those as follows.

As I will tell in detail later, the unlimited data capacity plan may be limited to daily data consumption, or if the upper limit is exceeded, the speed limit may be applied.Therefore, those who frequently use apps with low data consumption are more suitable.

If you consume a lot of data every day, check out the "count free options" introduced below.

Unlimited data consumption "Count free option" only for target services


Count -free services vary depending on cheap SIM, but there are videos and music distribution services, games, manga apps, and SNS.

Video and music distribution services are particularly intense, so it will be an attractive option for those who use it on a daily basis.

Even if you subscribe to a normal plan with a limit on data, if you have a count free option, you can reduce monthly data consumption.

The target service depends on the cheap SIM, so please check if there is a service you want to use.

Unlimited calling, unlimited calling plan "

In cheap SIMs, most cases do not include call charges in the basic fee.There is no free call like a major carrier.If you have a lot of calls, you need to be careful because cheap SIMs will be expensive.


Unlimited calling plans can be used for unlimited calling time and number of times.When choosing a cheap SIM, it is important to know if the service you use is unlimited as well as the cheapness of the basic fee.

Advantages of unlimited data communication of cheap SIM

If you are unfamiliar with cheap SIMs, you may be wondering if an unlimited data communication plan is really advantageous.First of all, it is important to know what the benefits are to contract an unlimited plan for cheap SIM.

Here we will explain the following advantages.

You don't have to worry about the amount of data used


If you want to use a personal computer on the go, you can use the tethering function without worrying about data consumption.By unlimited data communication, you can connect to the Internet where you select a place.

Keep a relatively stable communication speed even at low speeds

The unlimited data communication plan keeps a stable communication speed even during the crowded time.In the case of ordinary cheap SIMs, communication is unstable during hours of commuting hours and noon, such as noon.

On the other hand, the unlimited data communication plan keeps a certain communication speed and can be used comfortably even at low speeds.One of the benefits is that you can enjoy the Internet without feeling stress on the communication speed.

You can use the tethering function

Some cheap SIMs can use the tethering function for free.

The tethering function is generally a function to connect the Internet to tablets, personal computers, game consoles, etc. using smartphone data.

If it is an unlimited plan of the cheap SIM data traffic, this tethering function can use a smartphone instead of a router, and you can use PCs and game consoles on the go.

However, depending on the cheap SIM, it may not be available or a fee, so check before the contract.

Unlimited data communication of cheap SIMs, disadvantages and precautions

If you use the unlimited data plan of the cheap SIM, you will find that there is an advantage such as "you do not need to worry about the data traffic" and "you can maintain a stable communication speed", but what are the disadvantages? Is not it.

Here are the disadvantages of each.

Data usage limit may be fixed

Even if it is an unlimited or unlimited data communication, the maximum data usage limit per day or three days may be determined.

Data volume usage restrictions per day differ for each cheap SIM.Even if you think that it can be used unlimitedly, if the amount that can be used a day is small, it will be worse.When choosing an unlimited plan, compare the upper limit per day.

Sometimes it depends on the speed limit


Many people think that the unlimited data communication plan can be used every day, but if you use it too much, the communication speed may be slower than a normal plan with a data -restricted data.

Please note that the video will stop or you will not be able to operate smoothly at low speeds.

Price higher than usual

Unlimited data communication plans may be more expensive than plans with fixed data.In addition, there are many cases where the option fee is higher in the unlimited calling time of the call time.

Before subscribing to an unlimited plan, compare it with a plan with the highest usage of the cheap SIM you are considering.If the maximum capacity of the plan is 25GB, it may be insufficient depending on how you use it.

If the shortage is about 1GB, it is cheaper to add data capacity.

There may be cases where the actual usage is used unless you use it, so if you are considering it, you can first contract with a restricted regular plan, and if it is not enough, change it to an unlimited data communication plan.Hands.

The price plan can be changed after contracting, so please read it.

The communication speed may be low

Depending on the type of cheap SIM, the communication speed may be lower than the normal plan.

For example, a cheap SIM has an "unlimited data communication plan" with no capacity limit per day.

However, the communication speed of this cheap SIM is determined to be 200 kbps low speed, and it is lower than when the speed limit of the normal plan.No matter how much you use it, it will be difficult to communicate at 200kbps at a speed of 200kbps.


Depending on the monthly data usage, it may be damaged

In the unlimited data communication plan, the maximum fee is determined even if the amount of data is used, so the advantage is that it can be used with confidence without worrying about the billing amount.However, since it is set higher than a normal plan, the month with a small amount of usage may be damaged.

Depending on the cheap SIM, there is also a service that allows you to carry over the amount of data that could not be used in the normal plan.Normally, the plan has a maximum amount of data, but it is attractive that it can be consumed without waste by carrying over.

On the other hand, in the unlimited data communication plan, the uniform amount is deducted even in the month with little data consumption, and there is no way to carry over.

If the data usage changes depending on the month, be aware that cospa may be bad.

[Popular] 5 recommended cheap SIMs that can be used unlimitedly for data communication

There are five recommended cheap SIMs that can use data communication unlimitedly.Introducing the features of each service, recommended points, and price plans.



Myneo's unique service includes "King Mine", where you can hear the real voice of the user, a "packet gift" that can share packets with friends and family, and a "free tank" that shares packets with Sabe's User users.。

The support window is also substantial, and you can consult 24 hours using online chat.There are 200 merchants nationwide, so even those who want to consult face -to -face can use it with confidence.


Next, let's look at the plan fee.


* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

Mineo has two plans, "dual plan" and "single type".


However, if you use packet unlimited plus, the maximum speed is limited to 1.5 Mbps, and if you use 10GB or more in 3 days (short period), the maximum speed will be 200 kbps.

If you are thinking of a plan of 10GB or less, you may want to consider using a "free tank" that can share the amount of data from the meine user or a packet charge that can be added for 55 yen (tax included) for each 100m.。

In addition, for those who want to test the communication speed of Myneo, there is also a “Remember 200MB Course” plan."Single type" only for data communication is 330 yen, and "dual type" for voice call + data communication is available for 1,100 yen.

Smartphone Dock Mobile

Smartphone Dock Mobile is a cheap SIM that is familiar with PC repair "smartphone dock 24" and Wi-Fi service "Smartphodock Wi-Fi".DOCOMO LTE is often used in teleworks and offices because it can be used with unlimited capacity.


You can also purchase a mobile router set in addition to SIM cards on smartphone dock mobile.Many people use it as a home line because it supports communication for a long time.

The corresponding line is only for docomo, so if you are thinking about changing from a carrier other than docomo, remember that the SIM lock is required.

「ドコモ MVNO回線 無制限プラン」の料金

Next, let's look at the plan fee.

ドコモ MVNO回線 無制限プラン5,368円700kbps

* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

The smartphone dock mobile price plan is one of the "DoCoMo MVNO Line Unlimited".This plan does not have voice calls, only data communication.The price is 5,368 yen per month, which is expensive among cheap SIMs, but it is a major point that 700kbps is kept even at low speeds.

Smartphone dock mobile does not charge a cancellation fee without a year -end, so please feel free to try it.



Many people are worried about the cheap SIM contracts with few real stores, but Libmo carefully supports three services: call center, chat, and email.Because it is possible to phone on Saturdays and Sundays, cheap SIM beginners will be safe.

In addition, the security aspects are substantial, and if you add "TOKAI SAFE" to the option, you can grasp the position of up to six large smartphones and tablets for web filtering and device.Now 440 yen (tax included) is available for up to 3 months free.


For those who frequently talk, there is an unlimited call plan such as "10 minutes unlimited" or "unlimited double".The point is that adding options according to how you use it will improve usability.

However, the corresponding line is only docomo.If you are thinking about switching from a carrier other than DoCoMo, be careful as it is necessary to unlock the SIM.


Next, let's look at the plan fee.


* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

Libmo has 1GB to 30GB, unlimited price plan.


However, what I want to be careful about is normal communication speed.Instead of all -you -can -use Libmo Natoku Plan (light), the maximum communication speed is always at low speed of 200kbps.

Apps with low data volume can be used without any problems, but it may be incompatible to watch videos and use web conferences.Please consider how to use it.


DTI SIM is a cheap SIM with 20 years of experience in the Internet provider.It is particularly focused on the price, and it is said to be the "lowest price class in the industry" among the cheap SIM services.

DTI SIM offers unique services such as "1.4 giga -up" data communication, and unique services such as "DTI unlimited SIM" that allows unlimited communications such as YouTube and Twitter.This is a nice point for those who use the target service on a daily basis.



Next, let's look at the plan fee.


* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

The DTI SIM has three plans, "Data Plan", "Data SMS Plan", and "Voice Plan", 1GB to 10GB, and "1.4 Giga Use every day" is available as an unlimited use plan.

In "Use 1.4 Giga every day", the data plan is 2,420 yen, the data SMS plan is 2,585 yen, and the audio plan is 3,190 yen, and 1.4GB can be used every day.If you use it every day for a month, it will be a 40GB data amount, so it is a great deal.

However, if the amount of data per day exceeds 1.4GB, the speed limit of 200 kbps or less will be applied.Therefore, it is not suitable for those who consume a lot of daily.Recommended for those who use the amount of data little by little every day.

Also, in the basic plan, you can carry over the remaining amount of data, but please note that "1.4 giga -up every day" cannot be carried over.

Pixela Mobile

Pixela Mobile is a simple cheap SIM with only data communication SIMs.

It uses a docomo line, and the communication environment is stable with a maximum of 262.5Mbps even if you go down, so you can use services that consume a lot of data such as videos, games, and web conferences.

Pixela Mobile's new plan does not incur the contract period or cancellation fee.Even those who use a cheap SIM for the first time can apply in two steps from online, and if it is difficult to use, cancel can be canceled immediately.(High -speed flat -rate plan has a minimum usage period)

It also supports USB dongle, and simply inserting a SIM card is easy to create an internet environment.There is also a great set plan, so please consider it.

「Pixela Mobile」の料金

Next, let's look at the plan fee.

Pixela Mobile月額料金通信速度

* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

Until now, Pixela Mobile had only two types of plans, "High -speed flat -rate SIM" and "high -speed flat -rate SIM + LTE terminal set", but new plans with a lot of data capacity have appeared.

"High -speed flat -rate plan" is a plan that can be used unlimitedly for data communication.This is suitable for those who want to use the monthly data restrictions without worrying about it.However, if the communication volume used in the last three days exceeds 3GB, a speed limit of up to 200 kbps will be applied.


New plans can be selected from 20GB, 30GB, and 100GB.This is limited to the monthly data capacity, but the communication speed is up to 262.5Mbps, up to 50Mbps up.

"High -speed flat -rate SIM" has an unlimited use, so the speed limit is applied, so if you have a lot of daily usage, this is more suitable.

Both are plans with good cospa, so please choose depending on how you use it.

Rakuten Mobile with unlimited data for cheap rates as cheap SIM

Rakuten Mobile is a service provided by Rakuten as a fourth career, like docomo, au and Softbank.

Many people misunderstand because the price is cheap, but we use our own career line without renting a line like a cheap SIM.

Here, I will explain the features of Rakuten Mobile, the price plan, and the recommended points.If you are worried about the cheap SIM communication environment, please consider Rakuten Mobile.

Features of "Rakuten Un-Limit II"

Until now, Rakuten Mobile has provided services as a cheap SIM that rents lines of major carriers.However, since April 2020, the service has been launched as the fourth career using our line.

楽天モバイルの料金プランは「Rakuten UN-LIMIT Ⅵ」の1種類しかありません。1GB未満であれば0円、20GB以上は月額3,278円で使い放題となります。

In addition, if you pay the terminal purchase and usage fee with Rakuten card, it will be very advantageous because the points will be doubled.It is especially recommended for those who use services such as Rakuten Ichiba, Rakuten Travel, and Rakuten Card.

In addition, if you use Rakuten Link's own service, you can make free landline phones, including landlines and smartphones.Being able to talk for free without adding options is one of the charms of Rakuten Mobile.

Rakuten Mobile is always holding a great campaign.Please refer to it as it is introduced here.

Price for "Rakuten Un-Limit II"

Next, let's look at the plan fee.

Rakuten UN-LIMIT Ⅵ1GBまで:0円3GBまで:1,078円20GBまで:2,178円20GB〜無制限:3,278円最大1Mbps(楽天エリア外)

* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

Rakuten Mobile has a "Rakuten Un-Limit ⅵ" fee plan.The plan is very simple, and the price of 1GB to 20GB and 20GB or more can be used for unlimited 3,278 yen (tax included).

However, unlimited use is required in the Rakuten area.In the case of a partner line (au line), the speed limit is applied by using 5GB or more a month.

It can be used with up to 1Mbps, but it is not recommended because it will not be able to display videos and web conferences smoothly.If you are thinking about Rakuten Mobile's contract, first check if the area you live in is Rakuten area.

The following campaigns are currently being held.

As mentioned above, Rakuten Mobile has a campaign that can be used for free for three months and a campaign where up to 25,000 points will be reduced.

In addition, it is also attractive that various campaigns will be applied just by contracting, such as joining Rakuten Mobile's regular plan "Rakuten Un-Limit ⅵ".

4 recommended cheap SIMs that can use "count free"


If you use "count free", the data consumption of the target service will not be counted and unlimited, so some people may be able to use it cheaper than contracting an unlimited plan.

There are four recommended cheap SIMs that can use "count free".I will explain the characteristics and price plans of each service.


BIGLOBE Mobile is a cheap SIM provided by Internet provider BIGLOBE.In addition to SIM services, we have been offering optical lines and WiMAX for many years, so even cheap SIM beginners can use it with confidence.

BIGLOBE Mobileではカウントフリーサービスとして「エンタメフリー・オプション」が用意されています。音声通話プランなら月額308円(税込)、データSIM専用プランなら月額1,078円(税込)を基本料金に追加して利用可能です。


BIGLOBE Mobile's "Entertainment Freeping Options" is an additional option that can be used without a communication count count without a communication count count.The target service is not limited, so you can use it without worrying about data consumption.

The services for entertainment or options are as follows.

There is also a campaign where the entertainment free option is discounted, so check it out before applying.


Next, let's look at the "entertainment free option" fee.


* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

The usage fee for entertainment options is 308 yen (tax included) per month.

It used to be 528 yen (tax included) before, but was renewed in 2021.The communication speed of BIGLOBE Mobile is 230Mbps down and 182Mbps, but the entertainment free option does not need to worry about speed limitations.

Currently, BIGLOBE Mobile has a campaign where you can use up to 6 months for entertainment or options.BIGLOBE Mobile has no restrictions on the contract period and can be canceled at any time, so if you are worried, you should try it once.

OCN Mobile ONE

OCN Mobile ONE is the cheapest SIM in the industry that can be used with a 500MB plan from 550 yen (tax included).The corresponding line uses docomo and can be used in a stable communication environment.

OCN Mobile ONEの独自サービスとして、国内通話がかけ放題の「OCNでんわ」や対象のミュージックサービスが聴き放題の「MUSICカウントフリー」が用意されています。サービスを併用して利用すれば、月々の利用料金を抑えられるのは嬉しいポイントでしょう。

In addition, "cheap smartphone set" that can be purchased for iPhone and Android models by discount is also very advantageous.Discount 13,000 yen for transfer from other companies, 2,000 yen discount on the target option at the same time, so let's check this.


In OCN Mobile ONE's "Music Count Free", seven music distribution services can be used without a communication count count.You do not need to worry about data consumption because the target services are not limited.

The services for Music count free are as follows.


Next, let's look at the plan fee.


* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

OCN Mobile ONE's "MUSIC Count Free" can only use seven music distribution services compared to BIGLOBE Mobile's "Entertainment Free Options", and there are few target services.However, there is no additional cost of options and can be used for free.

Recommended for those who do not use video distribution services or e -book services very much and mainly use music distribution services.

LINE Mobile

LINE Mobile is a cheap SIM provided by SNS service LINE.The basic fee is 3GB / 990 yen (tax included) and "Smartphone Plan" for 20GB / 2,728 yen is easy to understand.

There are "data options" that can be used by SNS and music distribution services, and "data sharing" that allows you to share data from family and friends.

It also supports all the lines of DoCoMo, au, and SoftBank, and you can switch smoothly by choosing the same career.


LINE Mobile's "Data -free Options" is an option that allows you to use the target SNS and music distribution services.The plan is divided into three types: "SNS Music Data -free", which all target services are used, "SNS Data -free", which is used by SNS services, and "LINE Data -free", which is unlimited using LINE.

The services for data -free options are as follows.


Next, let's look at the plan fee.


* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

Data -free options are 528 yen per month for "SNS Music Data Free", 308 yen per month for "SNS Data Free", and "LINE Data Free" is free.LINE Mobile uses LINE as much as you want, so it's a nice point for those who use LINE on a daily basis.

The communication speed is 375Mbps down and 50Mbps up, so I think many people are worried about low speed.However, if you add a data option, you can use SNS comfortably even if the communication speed is applied.

Links Mate

Links Mate is a cheap SIM provided by Logiclinks.The corresponding line used DOCOMO and the service started in May 2017.

Logiclinks are doing game -related businesses, so there are plenty of options and benefits for game services.


LINKS Mate has an optional option "count free option" that you can use for the target games and SNS.The service that can be used is more than 90 kinds, and the abundant lineup is attractive.Among them, there are so many types of games, and it is said that it is an irresistible service for games lovers.

However, as a precaution of "count free option", if the three -day data consumption exceeds 300MB in low -speed mode, it will be "ultra -low -speed mode".Remember that count free options are also eligible during ultra -low speed mode.

The services for count free options are as follows.(part)

Links Mateのカウントフリーオプションの料金

Next, let's look at the plan fee.


* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

Links Mate has a detailed price plan from 100MB to 1TB, and is said to have the most plans among the cheap SIM services.

"Count free option" is an option to add 550 yen per month to the basic fee.It is a great attraction that more than 90 popular services can be used for 550 yen (tax included) as described above.If you use the game mainly in the app, please check it out.

Unlimited calling unlimited all -you -can -eat cheap SIM

Cheap SIM is attractive because the basic charge is low, but the call fee is more expensive than a major carrier.If you have a lot of calls for work or family, there are many cases where the basic fee is reduced with a cheap SIM, but as a result, it is not the same as a major carrier fee.

Therefore, I would like to recommend the unlimited call plan.If you want to use all -you -can -calls rather than unlimited data traffic, please consider the cheap SIM introduced here.

There are two cheap SIMs that can use unlimited unlimited calls for calls.Introducing the features and price plans of each service.

Y.U Mobile

Y.U Mobile is a new service created by Y.U-Mobile Co., Ltd., which provided a cheap SIM "U-Mobile".

There are only three Y.U Mobile's price plans, eliminating options and discount systems, making it easy for new users to understand.In the "Single U-NEXT Plan", 10GB can be used for 2,970 yen per month, and a U-NEXT point for 1,200 yen is given monthly.

In addition, data charge is possible up to 10GB with the surplus U-NEXT points.

Since it has been incorporated into the price plan from the beginning, it is a recommended cheap SIM for those who use U-NEXT among video distribution services.

Y.U Mobileの料金プラン

Next, let's look at the plan fee.

Y.U Mobile
データ容量・料金シングル 5GB:月額1,070円シングル U-NEXT10GB:月額2,970円シェア U-NEXT20GB:月額4,170円
かけ放題10分かけ放題 月額858円無制限かけ放題 月額2,970円

* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

In Y.U Mobile, 5GB is 1,070 yen per month, 10GB is 2,970 yen per month, and 20GB is 4,170 yen.In addition, unlimited all -you -can -eat plans are "unlimited 10 minutes" and "unlimited all -you -can -eat".

If you have a small internet consumption, but the frequency of calls, you can customize it, such as reducing data capacity and adding an unlimited plan.

QT Mobile

QT Mobile is a cheap SIM provided by the Kyushu Electric Power Group.It is developed mainly in Fukuoka Prefecture, and you can receive discounts by using it as a set with Kyushu Electric Power and QTNET optical service.

Docomo, au, and SoftBank major carriers are all lines, so it is a nice point to be able to transfer according to the device you used.

QT Mobileの料金プラン

Next, let's look at the plan fee.QT Mobile has three price plans.Type D is docomo line, type A is au line, type S is a SoftBank line.

First of all, the fee for voice calls + data communication plan.


* The fee is as of January 2022.

Next is the price of the data -only plan.


* The fee is as of January 2022.

The QT Mobile price plan is divided into six levels from 2GB to 30GB.As mentioned above, type D and type A are the same price, but type S is more expensive than two.Also, be careful as the price will be raised further after 7 months.

If you switch from SoftBank terminals, we recommend that you unlock the SIM and use it on a docomo or au line.

* All prices include tax * The fee is as of January 2022.

QT Mobile has two options, "All -you -can -eat" and "unlimited unlimited".If you frequently talk, use the above options for the basic fee.


In this article, we have introduced 5 recommended cheap SIM selections, merit and demerits that have unlimited data communications, and points to be checked.

The unlimited data communication plan is a plan that allows you to enjoy the Internet as much as you want without worrying about the monthly data amount.It was possible to keep a stable communication speed and use the tethering function to make a smartphone instead of a router, and it was found that it was an attractive plan.

However, depending on the cheap SIM, the maximum usage limit per day may be determined, and even with unlimited plans, the speed limit may be limited.Also, depending on the data usage, it may be more expensive than the normal plan.

Review how to use your smartphone before contracting a cheap SIM and choose a plan that is easy to use.Depending on how you use it, it is a good idea to consider the "count free option" and "unlimited" plan introduced this time.

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