7 reasons why "Ulysses" is the best choice for Mac text editors!

7 reasons why "Ulysses" is the best choice for Mac text editors!

What you want from a text editor

The rich text editor "TextEdit" is installed as standard on macOS. Of course, you can enter Japanese text without any problems, and you can also handle plain text (standard text) that does not contain formatting information or Doc format that is compatible with Word. Unless you ask for something special, this app is enough for document production.

Macのテキストエディタは「Ulysses」がイチ推し! の7つの理由

However, if you're typing text on a daily basis, you'll want to focus on the parts that affect your writing, such as lightness and stability of operation, and simplicity of the interface, rather than the abundance of features you may or may not use. In addition to writing, if you edit the manuscript according to the specifications of the publication medium like the author, functions such as counting the number of characters and batch search / replacement corresponding to regular expressions are also important.

In this way, even if you say a text editor in a bite, "what is the best" depends on the purpose, style, feeling, etc. for each person. The ease of use of a text editor greatly affects work efficiency, so I want to find the one that suits me as much as possible.