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On October 5, 2021, "Windows 11" has been launched as a new Windows OS, and at the same time, it is possible to upgrade free of charge from Windows 10.There are not many PCs that have a Windows Update upgrade target, and in the Windows 10 notification area (indicator area), an icon that requests a reboot by Windows Update will be displayed.Is it?Click on this icon to open the Windows Settings App, the [Update and Security] -[Windows Update] screen opens, and you can see that you are ready to be ready to upgrade to Windows 11.
Also, after restarting, "Windows 11 is recommended for your device" on the entire screen.
Windows 11へのアップグレードが促される?(1)Windows 11へのアップグレードが可能になると、Windows 10の通知領域(インジケーター領域)に、Windows Updateによる再起動を要求するアイコンに似たものが表示される。これをクリックすると、[Windowsの設定]アプリの[更新とセキュリティ]−[Windows Update]画面が開く。▼Windows 11へのアップグレードが促される?(2)[Windowsの設定]アプリの[更新とセキュリティ]−[Windows Update]画面には、大きく「Windows 11へのアップグレードの準備ができました」と表示される。ここで[ダウンロードしてインストール]ボタンをクリックすると、Windows 11へのアップグレードが実行される。If you want to upgrade to Windows 11, click the [Download and install] button here.However, in Windows 11, the user interface (UI) has been greatly changed, and the control panel cannot be opened directly from the [Start] menu, or the task manager cannot be launched on the right -click menu of the taskbar for many years.Some people find it difficult to use for those who are.
The support period of Windows 10 ends on October 14, 2025, and new features cannot be expected in Windows 10.Someday you need to upgrade to Windows 11.However, some people may have decided to continue using Windows 10 for the time being.
The "Frequently Asked Questions" on the Microsoft "Obtain Windows 11" page has a question, "How long is the free upgrade period?"There is no specific end date. However, Microsoft reserves the right to end the support for free upgrades. This end date will not be before October 5, 2022. "
Windows 7/8.The end date has been decided in the free upgrade from 1 to Windows 10, but it seems that Windows 10 to 11 has not been decided so far.Before the free upgrade ends, you will be announced with a certain grace, so you can keep upgrading to Windows 11.
So what if you decide not to upgrade to Windows 11 for the time being?
If you decide not to upgrade to Windows 11, you will need to update it to Windows 10 November 2021 Update (because it will end if you do not update).The NoveMber 2021 Update function update program has already been provided, but if the "Upgrade to Windows 11 is ready" field is displayed, the function update program is not displayed at the time of writing the manuscript.。
To display the function update program of NOVEMBER 2021 Update, you need to set on the Windows Update screen.
To do so, click the Gear (Settings) icon in the [Start] menu and start the Windows settings app.Open the [Update and Security] - [Windows Update] screen, and click the [Continue Windows 10 use] link in the [Ready for upgrading to Windows 11].
Confirmation of the update program is performed, and "Windows 10, Version 21H2 function update program" is displayed as an optional update program.If you want to update to Windows 10 November 2021 Update, click the [Download and install] link.
If you want to re -display the "Ready to upgrade to Windows 11" and upgrade to Windows 11, you can execute Windows 11 on this PC.Check the link.The update program is confirmed, and the "Upgrade to Windows 11 is ready" column is redesigned.The red display can be updated to the November 2021 Update, so you may want to update it to November 2021 Update for the time being.
Rewrite the "Ready to upgrade to Windows 11" column(1)Rewrite the "Ready to upgrade to Windows 11" columnには、「このPCでWindows 11を実行できます」欄の[インストールの準備が完了したかどうかを確認する]リンクをクリックする。▼Rewrite the "Ready to upgrade to Windows 11" column(2)[Windows Update]画面の上部に「Windows 11へのアップグレードの準備ができました」欄が再表示される。Even if you upgrade to Windows 11, you can return to Windows 10 within 10 days.See Tech Tips, "If you want to return from Windows 11 to 10, within 10 days, 10 days after 10 days."
For editions other than Windows 10 Home, you can use a group policy to block upgrades to Windows 11.Some companies and organizations may say, "I don't want Windows 11 for the time being because of compatibility issues."
In such a case, it is good to fix it so that only a specific version update program is displayed in the group policy.Here, the procedure is introduced with the local group policy as an example, but in the Active Directory environment, it can be uniformly applied to multiple PCs participating in the domain.
With the [Windows] + [R] key, open the [Execute file name] dialog and in the "Name" input box..Enter "MSC" and press the [Enter] key.Since the group policy editor starts, select [Computer configuration] - [Management template] - [Windows Update] - [Windows Update for Business] in the left pane.Double -click the program version.
The Dialog [Select the Version of the Target Function Update] will be displayed. Select "Enable", "From which Windows product version ..." in the "Options" column, "Windows 10", "Function Update".Enter the current Windows 10 version (either "20H2", "21H1", "21H2") in "Program Target Version" and press the [OK] button.
In order to reflect the group policy, you need to restart Windows 10 (if you execute "GPUPDATE /TARGET: COMPUTER /FORCE" for administrator privileges, there is no need to restart).After restarting, open the [Windows Update] screen of the Windows settings, click the [Check for Updates] button, and confirm the update program.The "" column is hidden.In this case, the "Windows 11 can be executed with this PC" field is not displayed, so the [Windows Update] screen cannot be redesified the "Upgrade to Windows 11" column.
Block upgrade to Windows 11 with group policy(1)グループポリシーエディターが起動するので、左ペインで[コンピューターの構成]−[管理用テンプレート]−[Windowsコンポーネント]−[Windows Update]−[Windows Update for Business]を選択し、右ペインの[ターゲット機能更新プログラムのバージョンを選択する]をダブルクリックする。▼Block upgrade to Windows 11 with group policy(2)[ターゲット機能更新プログラムのバージョンを選択する]ダイアログが表示されるので、「有効」を選択し、「オプション」欄の「どのWindows製品のバージョンから……」で「Windows 10」を、「機能更新プログラムのターゲットバージョン」でWindows 10のバージョン(「21H1」もしくは「21H2」)を入力して、[OK]ボタンを押す。Please note that if you set this group policy, a function update program will not be provided by Windows Update (it will not be updated to a new version of Windows 10 in Windows Update).To apply a new feature update program in Windows Update, you need to display the [Select the Target Function Update Version] dialog once and change it to "disabled" or "unamodthes".After applying the function update program, when enabling this policy again, do not forget to change the "Function Update Target Version" according to the new version.
If you want to redesit the "Ready for upgrading to Windows 11" field, display the [Select the Target Function Update Version] dialog, change it to "invalid" or "unwind".Click the [OK] button and restart Windows 10.Open the [Windows Update] screen of the Windows Set, click the Update Program button, and check the update program, and you have been ready to upgrade to Windows 11.Re -displayed.
In the case of Windows 10 Home edition, it is not possible to set it with a group policy, so it is necessary to set it in the registry.
Writing an unauthorized value in the registry may cause serious obstacles to the system, and in the worst case, you may be forced to reinstall the system.Be careful to operate the registry editor and set it at your own risk.Even if some obstacles occur, the main editorial department is not responsible.note that.
With the [Windows] + [R] key, open the File name dialog, enter "REGEDIT", press the [Enter] key, launch the registry editor, and set the registry key in the table below.do.If the Windows Update key does not exist under the Windows key, create this key and create three values in the table with the right pane.If the function update program is applied and the version of Windows 10 is increased, it is necessary to change the value of "TargetReleaseVersionInfo".
項目 | 内容 |
キー | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEの\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate |
値の名前 | TargetReleaseVersion |
型 | DWORD(32ビット)値 |
値のデータ | 1 |
値の名前 | TargetReleaseVersionInfo |
型 | 文字列値(REG_SZ) |
値のデータ | 20H2/21H1/21H2 |
値の名前 | ProductVersion |
型 | 文字列値(REG_SZ) |
値のデータ | Windows 10 |
Windows 11へのアップグレードをブロックするレジストリキー |
After editing the registry, restart Windows 10.After restarting, open the [Windows Update] screen of the Windows settings, click the [Check for Updates] button, and confirm the update program.The "" "Names should be hidden.In this case, the "Windows 11 can be executed with this PC" field is not displayed, so the [Windows Update] screen cannot be redesigned.
Block upgrade to Windows 11 in the registry(1)レジストリエディターを起動し、HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEの\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windowsキーを右クリックし、[新規]−[キー]を選択して新しいキーを作成する。▼Block upgrade to Windows 11 in the registry(2)作成したキーの名前を「WindowsUpdate」に変更し、右ペインで[新規]−[DWORD(32ビット)値]を選択する。▼Block upgrade to Windows 11 in the registry(3)値の名前を「TargetReleaseVersion」に変更し、これをダブルクリックして、[DWORD(32ビット)値の編集]ダイアログを開き、「値のデータ」に「1」をセットする。▼Block upgrade to Windows 11 in the registry(4)同様に、文字列値として「TargetReleaseVersionInfo」と「ProductVersion」を作成し、それぞれ「21H1」(Windows 10のバージョンに合わせる)、「Windows 10」をセットする。If it is troublesome to manually operate the registry editor, open the "Notepad" app, paste the following text, set the character code to "UTF-16LE", and give the appropriate file name.The extension is "".Save by "REG" (text is 21H2 for Windows 10 version).saved.Double -click the REG file and execute the registry key.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate]"TargetReleaseVersion"=dword:00000001"TargetReleaseVersionInfo"="21H2""ProductVersion"="Windows 10"
Windows 11へのアップグレードをブロックするレジストリ設定If you want to unlock the block, paste the following text into the "Notepad" app and execute it in the same way.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Windows Update] "TargetReleaseVersion" =-"targetReleaseVersion" = "targetReleaseVersion"
Windows 11へのアップグレードのブロックを解除するレジストリ設定Windows 11 Trends, "Windows 11 Appears! 11 Changes and things that do not change as much as I expected", but now Windows 11 has changed a lot, but in terms of functionality, Windows 10 is so different.There is no.There is not much merit to upgrade to Windows 11 in a hurry.
One way is to add more new features to Windows 11 and wait for an attractive OS.In some cases, Windows 10 will continue to be used until the life of the current PC, and it will move to Windows 11 with replacement of PCs.
However, even if you continue to use it on Windows 10, Windows 10 will be supported on October 14, 2025, as Windows 11 has been released as described above.To date, we must move to Windows 11.
It is important to note that the end date is when the function update update has been applied.If you do not update to NOVEMBER 2021 Update, support will end without waiting for 2025.
If you do not upgrade to Windows 11, hide the "Upgrade to Windows 11" column in the above procedure and update it to November 2021 Update (version 21H2).