Dizziness drug treatment: Prescription drugs (drug prescribed in hospitals) and over -the -counter drugs

Dizziness drug treatment: Prescription drugs (drug prescribed in hospitals) and over -the -counter drugs

1.Over -the -counter drugs that are expected to be effective for dizziness

As a premise, if you have symptoms of floating dizziness and rotational dizziness, it may be caused by illness, and it is desirable to have a medical examination at a hospital or clinic.You need to be consulted to avoid missing a dangerous state.

However, dizziness due to menopause can be expected to be effective for over -the -counter Chinese medicine.Many Chinese herbal medicines are also available in the same ingredients as prescription drugs as over -the -counter drugs (although the ratio may be different).In Kampo medicine, we choose Kampo medicine according to the constitution and symptoms of each person.Constitution and symptoms are expressed by the word "proof".By consulting doctors and pharmacists with specialized knowledge of Kampo medicine, you can choose appropriate Chinese medicine according to your proof.

In addition, since over -the -counter medicines, including components related to dizziness, are on sale, and here are examples of over -the -counter medicines that are considered to be useful for improving dizziness.

Tokishakuyakusan is a Chinese medicine suitable for those who are vulnerable (thin), and are easy to get tired and cool.It is also used to treat menopause.It can be expected to be effective for symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, headache, and palpitations.

Keishibukuryogan is a herbal medicine that has the effect of female hormones.The constitution and physique are slightly fulfilling from moderate (such as relatively solid physique), and is relatively good for those who have pain in the lower abdomen and stiff shoulders.

It can be expected to be effective for symptoms such as menopause, headaches associated with autonomic imbalance, and dizziness.

Hanatsu Shirasutsu Tenmayu is a Chinese medicine suitable for people with cold and weak gastrointestinal tract.Suitable for dizziness, head weight, headache, etc.

Alinamin® X Plus is a drug that originally intended to improve vitamin B1 during physical fatigue and to improve stiff shoulders, but contains many ingredients that can be expected to be effective for dizziness and tinnitus.

Among the above, Gunma Maorizanol (γ -Orizanol) is an ingredient used in Hijet®, which is prescribed as autonomic nervous regulatory drugs.The Alinamin® EX Plus contains the following ingredients:

In addition to the ingredients of Kaishoyo, Tokishakuyakusan, and Keishibukuryogan, Life's Mother® A, as well as Daikyo (Daiou), Sea Flower (Kouka), Carrot (Carrot), and Hanging Medicine (Hanged).It is a preparation that adds vitamin B and taurine.

Suitable for a wide range of symptoms.

Rubina® is based on a Chinese medicine prescription called Ryokei Jutsukantou, which is effective for dizziness, palpitations, and headaches, and a rodroscope that combines Ryokei Jutsukanto and Shimotsu.It is a preparation.

Improves hot, flashes, chills, and malaise due to fatigue.

The Chuo General hot water contains a total of 16 kinds of herbal drugs, including Toki (Touki), Shakuyaku, and Bukuryo.

Improve anxiety, headache, stiff shoulders, abdominal pain, cold, flashed, dizziness, tinnitus, swelling, etc.

Kupico Wagold α-Plus is originally a drug for nutritional and nutritional supplementation during physical fatigue, but the contained ingredients are dizzy, which has a improvement effect on symptoms from fatigue and stress.It can be expected.

The storage® type ZM is made of a component of herbal medicine called Ryokei Jutsukanto.

It is said that Ryohirajujujujuku is suitable for symptoms and constitutions that have a slight lack of physical strength from moderate and have shortness of breath.It can be expected to be effective for headaches and dizziness that is like a dizzy.

Travelmin®, which is also used as a prescription drug, is also sold as over -the -counter drugs.Over -the -counter medicines are mainly used to relieve dizziness and nausea due to motion sickness.

2.Drugs prescribed for dizziness

Dizziness is caused by various factors, and many drugs are considered.In addition, dizziness often has other symptoms, so symptoms other than dizziness are also considered when choosing a medicine.

Betahistin -mesylate (product name: Merithlon®, etc.) and diphenidol hydrochloride (such as product name: Cephador®) are drugs that are effective for spinning dizziness.Also called dizziness.It is prescribed for Meniere's disease and vestibular neuritis.Beturned paroxysmetic head dizziness (BPPV) can be cured by E princes and other ways, but there is also a method of suppressing dizziness using anti -dizziness.

It is very rare to have side effects of Betahistine mesylate, but can have digestive symptoms such as nausea.If you have a stomach ulcer as a condition, be especially careful.


As a side effect of diphenidol hydrochloride, it is very rare, such as thirsty, anorexia, and very rare, but can also change urinary disorders and intraocular pressure.It is important to note that those who have chronic illness such as glaucoma and prostatic hypertrophy may worsen due to these side effects.

Adenosine sodium sodium (ATP) preparation is a drug that is effective for rotating dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing loss due to abnormal inner ears, such as meniere's disease.There are prescription drugs such as Adahos and Turinosine®.

ATP preparations are a long -term drug for long -term tinnitus and dizziness, due to the fact that there are very few drinking and side effects.

Vitamin B12 is a vitamin that is also included in food.It has the function of restoring nerve cells and metabolism such as protein and lipids.

Drugs such as Methicobar® (Mekobaramine), which are also prescribed for the treatment of rotational dizziness and tinnitus, are vitamin B12 preparations that are easily incorporated into nerve tissue.

Vitamin B12 is a substance that is easily dissolved in water, called water -soluble vitamins.It is said that water -soluble vitamins are difficult to accumulate in the body even if they are excessively taken, so it is difficult to represent side effects.Like ATP preparations, there are many people who have been drinking vitamin B12 for a long time for a long time.

Isosolvid preparation (product name: Isbide®, etc.) is a drug prescribed for Meniere's disease.It has an effect (diuretic effect) to move the water that is too accumulated in the inner ear to make urine.It can be expected to improve rotational dizziness and tinnitus.

Diarrhea, vomiting, etc. are known as side effects that may occur in isosorbide preparations.

Steroids have many effects, such as relieving inflammation, and are prescribed for many diseases and symptoms such as allergic diseases and autoimmune diseases.

Prednin ®, prednizolone, etc. of internal medication (drinks) and prednizolons are prescribed for the purpose of suppressing the inflammation of the inner ear and nerves against Meniere's disease and the vestibular nerve inflammation.

It is very important to keep the dosage of steroids.Suddenly stopping or changing the prescribed dosage by self -judgment can lead to unwanted situations such as not obtaining the original effect.

Steroids are a drug that requires attention to side effects such as hyperglycemia.Listen carefully to your doctor or pharmacist when you have any precautions or side effects, and use it correctly.The side effects are explained in detail in the column "What are the side effects of steroidal medications?"

Intense dizziness often covers nausea and vomiting, so drugs that reduce nausea are often prescribed during dizziness treatment.

Domperidon (product name: Nauzerin®, etc.) and Metclaplamide (such as Principal Name: Princess ®) are often prescribed as nausea.It has the effect of suppressing nausea and vomiting associated with dizziness.There is also an injection agent in addition to the medicine, so you can use it properly when you can not take the medicine due to nausea.

For nausea and vomiting accompanying dizziness, a sacrifice such as travelmin® may be used.Travelmin® is an over -the -counter drug (OTC pharmaceutical) drugs that can be purchased without prescriptions at pharmacies, drug stores, and drug stores, and are also known as "drugs for motion sickness."

Prescription drugs (medical drugs) Travelmin® contain two types of components, diphenhydramine and diprofilin, and have the effect of suppressing nausea and vomiting.It is also effective for suddenly occurring paroxysmal dizziness and Meniere's disease.

In addition, a drug called Jimen Hydrinato (product name: Dramamine®) used for muddy muddy sickness (an upset illness) is a drug that can be expected to be effective for dizziness and nausea.

By relieving anxiety drugs, you can expect an improvement in tinnitus and dizziness.A suitable one is selected from the drugs that are gradually different.There are many types of anxiolytics, but some examples are listed.

Many anxiolytics have side effects of drowsiness.Special attention should be paid to dangers such as falling (especially the elderly) or driving a car.

Symptoms such as dizziness and decrease in motivation appear as sequelae of cerebral infarction.It may be due to damage to brain cells and worse blood circulation in the brain.Drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain can improve symptoms by making nutrition and oxygen easier to the brain.

Niselgolin (product name: Saamion®, etc.) is a drug that improves the effects of brain cycle, as well as the effect of improving the nerve transmission function of the brain that has deteriorated due to cerebral infarction.

Ifen Provision (Product Name: Sero Clare®, etc.) can be expanded by widening blood vessels to increase cerebral blood flow, improve circulation, and suppresses the effect of preventing blood, so it can be expected to prevent the recurrence of cerebral infarction.

Ibudiglast (product name: Ketas®, etc.) has a effect of spreading blood vessels, suppressing inflammation, suppressing blood, and protecting nerves, etc.The effect can be expected.Evojirast can be expected to suppress allergic symptoms, and is also prescribed as a treatment for bronchial asthma because of the effect of controlling the bronchial substance.

For autonomic imbalance, autonomic nervous treatments are prescribed to adjust the function of autonomic nervous system.

Replenishing female hormones, which is lacking in menopause, as a drug, has the effect of improving menopause, such as dizziness.Here are some examples of commonly used drugs.

  • 黄体ホルモン(プロゲストーゲン)製剤
  • 卵胞ホルモン・黄体ホルモン配合剤
  • Iron -deficiency anemia due to lack of iron is a common cause for women's wander.It can be improved by supplementing iron as a medicine with iron.

    There are also treatments to supplement folic acid and vitamin B12 for giant red buds due to lack of vitamins.

    In addition, drugs such as isoprenaline hydrochloride (product name: isomenel®), a caridogenous agent (product name: carnaclin®, etc.), are also prescribed.

    Drugs such as antidepressants (such as SSRI) may be useful for psychogenic dizziness caused by stress and anxiety.