Looop Denki Site Maintenance Completion

Looop Denki Site Maintenance Completion

Thank you for your patronage of Looop Denki.

With the maintenance of the Looop Denki site, the period when the homepage has not been used for a long time has continued since 21:00 on February 25 (Fri).We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and concerns to our customers.

We will report that maintenance has been completed on Wednesday, March 2.URL: https: //looop-denki.com/low-v/


* Depending on your environment, it may transition to an error screen.If an error occurs, you may be able to solve it by clearing your browser cache.* If you clear the cache, the cash information other than the Looop Denki site will also be deleted, so access to the website may temporarily become heavy.Please note.* When cookie information is deleted, login information on each page will be deleted.Be careful not to accidentally delete cookie information when deleting the cache.* For how to delete the cache, please check the official support page of each browser below.(If you open the link, it will transition to an external site)

Google Chrome:キャッシュと Cookie の消去 – Google アカウント ヘルプFirefox:Firefox のキャッシュを消去するには | Firefox ヘルプInternet Explorer :Internet Explorer の閲覧履歴の表示および削除Safari:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch で Safari から閲覧履歴と Cookie を消去する

The renewal of the homepage will be postponed due to circumstances.We will guide you again at a later date.

We apologize for the inconvenience to everyone who has been looking forward to the renewal, but we appreciate your understanding.

[Inquiries regarding this matter] LOOOP LOOOP Denki Contact Center Contact Center Contact Contact: 0120-707-454 (Open all year round 9: 00-20: 00) Inquiries from website: https: // Looop-Denki.com/low-v/contact/* 18:00 will be informed of the next business day.* Depending on the congestion situation, contact may be delayed.