Dealed with the taste of juicy meat!Enjoy the Hong Kong soul food "baked" in Ginza

Dealed with the taste of juicy meat!Enjoy the Hong Kong soul food "baked" in Ginza

How passionate you eat every day, "lunch".Lunch project by editorial staff and glutton writer who believes that it will affect the happiness of life.Introducing recommended daily lunch, from new stores to long -established stores!

Gorgeous space like authentic Hong Kong

Ginza is a town where the world's famous luxury brands are lined up.If you go to this city, I want to taste a rich lunch in a little extraordinary space.I would like to recommend the Hong Kong Cuisine Ginza store, which opened in September 2021.You can enjoy the authentic taste in a luxurious space as if you were visiting Hong Kong.

"Hong Kong Cuisine Morimori Ginza store"

The place is the 6th and 7th floors of the building, where the newly rebuilt Tonkatsu -ya in Ginza is located.The brand new building is sparkling from the entrance.When you arrive on the 6th floor by the elevator, "Hong Kong" begins.

6th floor table seat.Red, which is considered to be auspicious color in China, is effectively used, and the atmosphere somewhere is exotic.

ジューシーな肉の旨さにやみつき! 銀座で香港のソウルフード“焼味”を味わう

On the 6th floor, table seats are lined up in an open area without a partition, and Ginza is overlooked from the window seat.The mirror on the wall makes the space look wide.

Table seats partitioned on the 7th floor screen

The 7th floor is a private room with a large round table and a table seats separated by a translucent screen, making it a private space.

7th floor private room.The interior is committed to ordering everything from furniture, lighting to wall decoration from China

The casual lunch can be used according to the situation, such as the 7th floor to enjoy dinner and course meals you want to spend with important people on the 6th floor.

Authentic taste made by veteran chefs invited from Hong Kong

Of course, the commitment to Hong Kong is not only the visuals of the store.All the chefs in the kitchen are calling from Hong Kong.

A baked veteran chef that is 40 years old on this road

Each chef has a specialty such as seafood, roast, and dim sum, and only veterans know the path.While using fresh Japanese ingredients, they make full use of the seasonings and spices unique to China to show off the authentic taste without a hanging value.Hong Kong cuisine is based on Cantonese cuisine, one of the four major Chinese food in China.It features a simple and light seasoning that values the taste of the ingredients, such as meat and seafood.

A la carte menu, five -kind baked flavor assortment 4800 yen (tax included)

Above all, "Soul Food), called" Soul Food ", wanted to introduce" Moriki "to Japan.The grilled flavor is a dish that is baked with chicken and pork, and if you walk around the city of Hong Kong, you can see specialty stores hanging chicken and pigs on the storefront here and there.It's not a dish.
