Specifications and new features of the next "iPhone SE" that the rumors of the release are constant

Specifications and new features of the next "iPhone SE" that the rumors of the release are constant

As of February 2022, the latest iPhone series is "iPhone 13", but "iPhone SE (2nd generation)" is still very popular as a low -cost model.Many people use the operability on the home button and the compact and easy -to -grasp body size.

Such iPhone SE (second generation) was announced on April 15, 2020, and two years have passed in the spring of 2022.You may think that "iPhone SE (3rd generation)" will come out soon.

So, when and what specifications will the iPhone SE (3rd generation) appear?Let's predict while checking the release timing and specifications of the iPhone SE (1st generation) and the iPhone SE (2nd generation).

The iPhone SE has four years from the first generation to the second generation

iPhone SE (1st generation)

iPhone SE (1st generation)が発表されたのは、2016年3月21日。先にも触れた通り、iPhone SE (2nd generation)は2020年4月15日に発表されており、4年ものブランクがあったことがわかります。

iPhone SE (2nd generation)

このことから、iPhone SE (2nd generation)の発売から2年が経過する今年(2022年)には、まだiPhone SE(第3世代)が登場しないことも考えられます。

しかし、発売から約2年が経過するiPhone SE (2nd generation)の売れ行きがいまだに好調であることから、アップルが早いタイミングでiPhone SE(第3世代)を用意し、販売台数を増やそうと考える可能性も十分あるといえるでしょう。

Is the key to the iPhone SE (3rd generation) released in the “New Corona” and “Biological Authentication specification”?

コロナ禍がiPhone SE(第3世代)の発売に関わると想定したのは、iPhone SE (2nd generation)に「Touch ID」(指紋認証)機能が搭載されているからです。

The iPhone is a high -end model after the "iPhone X" series and uses a design that has abolished the home button.This means that the Touch ID function mounted on the home button has been abolished and the locked unlocked "Face ID" by face authentication, and the current model "iPhone 13" series also has a Touch ID.Is not compatible with.

iPhone 13

In the current situation of Corona's evil, it is often time to spend time wearing masks, and face authentication may not work well.In most cases, if you try to unlock with face authentication outdoors, you must remove the mask once if you do not use Apple Watch.From the viewpoint of epidemic prevention, many users are desired to improve.

If Apple feels the necessity of fingerprint authentication and stands a white arrow on the iPhone SE (3rd generation) as a home button -mounted model, the presentation may be a not distant future.

Is the Touch ID function installed on the home button on the iPhone SE (3rd generation)?

However, even if the iPhone SE (3rd generation) supports the Touch ID function, it is not known whether it will be installed on the home button.

発売の噂が絶えない次期「iPhone SE」の気になる仕様と新機能

This is because the tablet series such as "iPad Air" and "iPad mini" is equipped with a fingerprint authentication sensor on the power button and supports unlocking with the Touch ID.

iPad Air (4th generation)

Therefore, it is not denied that the iPhone SE (3rd generation) may have a fingerprint authentication function while adopting a design without a home button, like the iPhone 13 series.

Nevertheless, if the Touch ID with a built -in power button in the iPhone series, it will be the first installment in successive iPhones, so it is not a low -cost model iPhone SE, but the new "iPhone 14" (tentative name (tentative name) "(tentative name.) It may be adopted in.

What happens to the iPhone SE and design that sells compact?

発表から約2年が経過するiPhone SE (2nd generation)が今も支持される要因の一つに、コンパクトで扱いやすい筐体があるでしょう。近年のスマートフォンは動画配信サービスなどをより楽しめるように、大画面化が進んでいますが、片手でも手軽に操作できるコンパクトさを求めているユーザーも多くいます。

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iPhone SE (1st generation)とiPhone SE (2nd generation)は、歴代のiPhoneシリーズのボディデザインを活用し、構成パーツを替えることで、安価に販売されているモデルです。

When the demand of “compact design” and the elements of “old model body design” are combined, the design base of the iPhone SE (3rd generation) is not equipped with a home button, such as the “iPhone 8” series if it is equipped with a home button.If it is a model, there will be "iPhone X".

However, all of these models are 4G / LTE communication models, and they do not support 5G communication.If the iPhone SE (3rd generation) supports 5G communication, there is also a possibility that the body design of the 2020 announcement, such as "iPhone 12" and "iPhone 12 Mini", is likely to be fully possible.

iPhone 12 (left)/iPhone 12 mini (right)

The iPhone SE has a specification that is equipped with the latest chipset

2016年発表のiPhone SE (1st generation)は、2015年発表の「iPhone 6s/6s Plus」と同様の「A9チップ」、2020年発表のiPhone SE (2nd generation)には、2019年発表の「iPhone 11」シリーズと同様の「A13 Bionic」が採用されています。

In other words, the successive iPhone SE series, which was announced in the spring, has the same chipset as the high -end model of the iPhone that appeared in the fall of the previous year.

For this reason, if the iPhone SE (3rd generation) will be released in the spring of 2022, the chipset will use the same "A15 Bionic" as the iPhone 13 series.

Do you expect the iPhone's "USB Type-C" compatible with iPhone 14 (tentative name)?

In recent years, before the latest iPhone model appears, the expectation is that it will always be a topic of "USB Type-C".

Until the current iPhone 13 series, the iPhone series did not support USB Type-C.However, the EU (European Union) announced in 2021 that the charging terminal will be unified to USB Type-C to reduce waste, waiting for Apple's response.

Since the current iPad series and MacBook series support USB Type-C, it may be well considered on the iPhone.Nevertheless, this may be installed in a model such as iPhone 14 (tentative name) as the latest specifications, like the Touch ID with the built -in power button.

MacBook Pro

In addition, instead of supporting USB Type-C, the Lightning terminal may be abolished by focusing on wireless charging and charging of "Magsafe".Magsafe -compatible mobile batteries have also appeared, so the concept of charging cable itself may not be on the iPhone.

* The data was examined as of February 2022.* The information is made thorough, but it does not guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the content.* Please use the product at your own risk.

Sentence/Fumihiko Sato