Do you use iOS 15 "magnifying mirror"?/ "New Corona Vaccination Certificate App" appeared in the iOS version (solved)

Do you use iOS 15 "magnifying mirror"?/ "New Corona Vaccination Certificate App" appeared in the iOS version (solved)

Do you use the "enlarged mirror" pre -installed on iOS 15?

iOS 15の「拡大鏡」、使ってますか?/「新型コロナワクチン接種証明書アプリ」登場もiOS版でトラブル(解消済み)

 "ITMEDIA Mobile Weekly Top10", which summarizes the number of weekly articles accesses in ITMEDIA Mobile and introduces the top 10 articles. This time, we have summarized the week from December 20, 2021 to December 26, 2021. [Image] As announced, the first place in the "New Corona Vaccination Certificate App" released within 2021 is the number of accesses in this tallying period, introducing how to use the "enlarged mirror" that has been treated as a pre -installed application from iOS 15. It was an article to do. As you can see in this article, the function of the magnifying mirror itself was installed from iOS 10 as one of the "accessibility functions" (functions for people with physical disabilities to make it easier for people with disabilities to use terminals). Accessibility functions cannot be used unless you change the settings in principle. For this reason, I think that many people did not know the existence of the magnifying mirror itself. The recognition has increased by making an app. This magnifying mirror is more convenient than you think because you can enlarge small letters and objects without bothering insect glasses or reading glasses. Please use it. In the second and fifth place of the number of accesses, an article about the "New Corona Vaccination Certificate App", which began to be operated on December 20, has been included. This app is jointly operated by the Digital Agency and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and can be published in a digital format of the "New Corona Vaccination Certificate", which was previously published by municipalities. In conjunction with the operation of this app, the written vaccination certificate has been changed to the same format as the app (the effect is the same for both the application and the same). However, if an overseas vaccination certificate was issued in the iOS version, there was a problem that the Roman character name would be different from the passport (passport). The passport standard is specified by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), one of the attached organizations of the United Nations. In this standard, it is stipulated that the name is described in the order of "Surname (surname) → GIVEN NAME (name)". Many countries in Europe and the United States express their names in the order of "GIVEN NAME (name) → Surname (surname)", but in such a country, the name on the passport is "Surname (surname) → GiveN Name (name)". is. To put it back, in the initial version of the iOS version app, the Roman character of the overseas vaccination certificate was "GIVEN NAME (name) → SURNAME (surname)", opposite to the passport standard. As a result, there are concerns that may be in trouble depending on the country and region. This problem has been resolved by updating the app. If you download (issue) an overseas certificate in the earliest iOS version app, it is strongly recommended that you upload the app after upgrading the app.

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