In June, EC sites were held one after another in June, including Rakuten Super SALE and Amazon Prime Day.I also bought a device in an attempt to make home appliances, which had been postponed, were noticed by a press release.Se ...
(Photo: Inside) Sony Interactive Entertainment will release "Gran Turismo 7 (GT7)" for PS4 and PS5 on March 4.[Image] 25th anniversary of the series!"Gran Turismo ...
I have been using Kindle Oasis for about a year as an electronic reading leader as an electronic reading leader that I purchased, but I always felt the disadvantages that I couldn't use e -book services or manga apps other than Kindle.。ancestor...
SoftBank Co., Ltd. and I-Rooobo Network Forum (hereinafter IROOBO) have a demonstration environment that can collect and link data such as production equipment using 5G and IoT for the purpose of supporting DX in the manufacturing industry.Osaka City Complex Commercial Facility Asia Pacific ...
This article re -edited the "What is the action to take when you lose your smartphone!" Published in the "Malware Information Bureau" provided by Canon Marketing Japan.A movie released in November 2018, "Drop your smartphone ...
Just before the announcement of the article 1SE3 well read!Sale of iPhone12 is held -MNP 9,800 yen 2IPHONE SE 3 and iPad Air 5 sales are started with career -Leave report 3 [Update] Other than iPhone SE 3 and iPad Air 5!Summary of products that are rumored to be announced ...
When you wake up in the morning, the troublesome work is the opening and closing of the curtain.I guess some people may have to keep the curtains closed because they are troublesome.In the morning sun, the brain activates and leads to physical and mental health.So, even if it's troublesome, curtains in the morning ...
Security Updates also released by the company on "WatchOS 8", "Tvos 15", "Xcode 13", "Safari 15", "Safari 15", and "iTunes 12.12 for Windows" released by the company released on September 20 (local time) released on September 20 (local time)."IOS 15" ...
When using the Internet or video, the screen is large like a personal computer, and it can be handled with one hand like a smartphone.Such a good device is a tablet terminal.Amazon 10 -inch tablet "Fire HD 10" tablet ...
February 15, 2019 12:00 Updated ● Rintaro Kaneko If you are operating the iPhone, you may be in the dark and sleep state even though you are still looking at the screen.If you do not operate the iPhone for a certain period of time, the screen will automatically ...
Due to the conflict between the United States and China, semiconductors have become international strategic supplies for economic security.Demand as key parts that are indispensable for social changes such as carbonized carbonization and digitalization for aftercorona, and will affect the production of final products.The Japanese government piled up Taiwan ...
Since the expansion of the new colon virus infection, the opportunity to hear the word "human style" has increased while seeing news about the increase and decrease in people in downtown.This "human style" is "when, where, and how many people are there?"
Four commercial stations based in Miyagi Prefecture, Tohoku Broadcasting, Sendai Broadcasting, Sendai Broadcasting, Miyagi Television Broadcasting, and East Japan Broadcasting will jointly launch an event "Live Miyagi" on February 14-28.At the same time, the local program actually broadcast in Miyagi Prefecture ...
Have you downloaded the iPhone's new OS, iOS 14?In iOS 14, the customization function of the iPhone home screen has been dramatically improved, making it possible to change images of app icons and widgets.This time, iOS 14 machine ...
Many people don't want to put fingerprints on the smartphone screen.If you are troublesome to wipe the screen frequently, it is recommended to buy a touch pen at Ceria.Here are three types of touch pens sold in Ceria!Unique design ...
Donec sollici tudin mole stie male sua da. Vest ibulum ante.........
Mr Jake
Donec sollici tudin mole stie male sua da. Vest ibulum ante.........