Akika Wada's tuna and avocado egg yolk pickles.The secret of Kokuma is that seasoning

Akika Wada's tuna and avocado egg yolk pickles.The secret of Kokuma is that seasoning

If you put the rice on the table when you put the rice on the table, the tension will rise as a creator.Popular chef Akika Wada seems to be trying to grab her family's hearts, even when she is shorter.This time, I was taught a recipe that would help you enjoy rice and alcohol, called "a typical menu of my home (laughs), which has infinitely the border between side dishes and snacks."

The usual ingredients are also "intriguing" side dishes!

The finished egg yolk will greatly increase the appearance and body.


● Tuna and avocado pickled egg yolk coating


[Ingredients (for 4 people)] ・ Tuna (for sashimi) 230g ・ 1 pcs ・ 1 onion ・ A [soy sauce, oyster sauce 1 tablespoon 1 sesame oil small spoon] ・ 1 egg yolk ・ 1 pepper (preference)) Slightly [How to make] (1) Slice the onions, expose to water and drain well.Cut the tuna into 1.5cm square.The avocado is cut into 1.5 cm square, except for skin and seeds.(2) Put the onion (1) onion and A in the bowl, mix, and add the tuna.Wrap and leave in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes.(3) Add the avocado and egg yolk in (1) and mix lightly.Serve in a bowl and sprinkle with pepper.[174kcal for one person]


"Egg yolk is just one person!" (Mr. Wada)


<POINT!>オイスターソースを加えた濃厚でコクのある漬け汁なので、15分ほどおくだけで、マグロに十分に味がなじみます。手頃な刺身もリッチな味わいに!<撮影/三村健二 取材・文/Esse編集部>●【教えてくれた人】和田明日香さん料理家。食育インストラクター。3児の母。平野レミさんの二男と結婚後、料理に目覚め、無理せずおいしくつくれるレシピと自然体のトークで大人気に。著書に『10年かかって地味ごはん。』(主婦の友社刊)など。