Bathroom mirrors, balconies ... really needed?Four facilities that I regretted when I attached to my new house

Bathroom mirrors, balconies ... really needed?Four facilities that I regretted when I attached to my new house

Depending on the frequency of use and purpose, it may be easier to use without a door.

"It's convenient if you're in a new house" "It's natural to have it". Such equipment can actually become a jam or a source of trouble. The daily Sumai writer talks about what he regrets after finishing the house building and actually living. Do you really need a bathroom mirror or balcony?

1. The bathroom mirror may not have been necessary considering the frequency of use

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When building a house, I had the image that it was natural to have a mirror in the bathroom for some reason. There was a mirror in the bathroom of the rental house where I lived so far, and the bathroom in the showroom of the house is almost always equipped with a large horizontal mirror. However, when you actually live in the bathroom, the mirrors in the bathroom are prone to mold and water stains, and if you do not take good care of them, they will get stubborn stains like scales. I think it's very convenient if you have a family who wants to wash their face or shave while looking in the mirror in the bathroom, but at my house, I rarely use the mirror in the bathroom. Considering the time and effort of maintenance, I feel that I didn't have to worry if I didn't have a mirror in the bathroom.


2. I didn't have to have a toilet window that I could hardly open

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There are many windows in the house. But after all, it's almost always the same window that opens for ventilation. When I counted the windows that had hardly been opened since I moved in, there were 5 places. Especially the window of the toilet on the west side has hardly been opened. Due to the windows in the summer, it gets very hot, and even for a short time, you can sweat. Even the windows that are barely open have screen doors, so dust can collect even if you are not using them. As a result, it only increases the labor of cleaning. Windows that are opened less often should not have been, although it is a consequential theory. Or maybe it would have been nice to have a FIX window without a screen door.

3. There is a door in the storage, which creates a dead space.


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In the dressing room of my house, there is a storage room with a door as shown in the photo, and towels and clothes after bathing are put in. If you put a drawer-type costume case on the edge, it will hit the door when you open it. Therefore, the costume case should be placed slightly in the center. The door creates a dead space, which I feel is very wasteful. I usually keep the door open so that the humidity doesn't stay in my house. I regret that there was a way to open the storage without a door so that it could be hidden by a roll screen only when a visitor came.

4. If it is mainly indoor drying, the frequency of use of the balcony will be much lower.

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When I built the house, I was an outsider, so I had no hesitation in building a balcony. However, when I actually live in it, I rarely use it during the rainy season or in winter. Since there is no water supply, some ingenuity is required for cleaning. In addition, my husband has had symptoms like hay fever, so it is more likely that he will no longer use it in the future. Nowadays, I regret that I had the option of not building a balcony. When building a house, it often happens that you didn't need much of what you took for granted. Before jumping to "it would be convenient if there was one", we would like to carefully consider our lifestyle and the flow of household affairs before making a selection.
