"Battery's survival strategy" revealed by TDK, the first place in smartphone batteries, asserted "Development in Japan".

"Battery's survival strategy" revealed by TDK, the first place in smartphone batteries, asserted "Development in Japan".

There is no reason not to use CATL technology

――In April 2021, we announced that the world's largest vehicle battery manufacturer, CATL, will have a business alliance, including the establishment of a joint venture.

There is a background of the speculation to partner with CATL.

Batteries for consumer living, such as PCs, tablets, and smartphones handled by the TDK group, have a large number of devices and have a reasonable market size.For TDK, the main battlefield is the same as a consumer battery.We know this area well, and customers around the world use TDK products to play new products (such as smartphones).However, only a few years later, it will become a minority in the battery industry a few years later.

At the feet, the market size of in -vehicle batteries is growing rapidly, but TDK has continued to say, "I will not do four wheels."Due to the problem of capital power, it should not be on board batteries.



スマホ電池1位のTDKが明かす「電池の生存戦略」 石黒社長が断言「日本ありきの開発ではだめ」

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