Black Miller: Bander Snatch -Review

Black Miller: Bander Snatch -Review

I want you to turn off the display or smartphone first.I want you to look at your face that looks like a mirror on the dark screen.Did you feel empty?The title of Netflix's popular drama "Black Miller" is named because people forget me and look at the monitor.

Black Miller, a first episode drama, says throughout the series that it is only an illusion that humans can control technology with free will.Technology draws out human desires and keeps drawing the emptiness that promotes action.Can humans use technology by free will?

Interactive drama set in video game production

"Black Miller: Bander Snatch" (hereinafter "Bander Snatch") is also a story of the theme of technology and human freedom.But this time it was special.Not only is it an interactive drama that viewers choose a story, but past video games are the theme.

1984 British.Game creator Stephen was trying to make a novel called "Bander Snatch".He is thinking of a game design on the theme of "choice of the story" and brings ideas to game companies and tucker software.When the drama is an important point, the viewer is given two options to decide on Stephen's actions, such as "Do you make a game with this company or make it alone?"

In the creation of games, Stephen hit many options, such as family problems and relationships with tucker software.As the viewer chooses Stephen's behavior, it gradually goes into an ambiguous development of reality or illusion.Is Stephen really acting with free will?

Select a story with free will, which is pushed by video games

It is an important theme to incorporate the story into the game design as video games progress.Although there is still no optimal solution, the design of players to select a story with free will has been demanded in a long history.

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In the last 10 years, Telltale Games will be a typical title, "The Walking Dead", a series of popular dramas.It's a game original story, but the player chooses what kind of story to choose in that drama world view.

With the hit of this game, popular dramas such as "Game of Slones" and popular comics such as "Batman" will be produced one after another with similar game designs.Telltale Games is one of the history of video games, and is one of the commercially successful interactive dramas that players select a story with free will.

In addition, such as The Stanley Parable, works that make the story selection and the player's free will to parody have been released, but the Bander Snatch is a bit perverted.The "Black Miller" series is based on the drama of a video game from a drama genre.This "Bander Snatch" set the stage in the 1980s video game industry is nothing more than pointing out how modern video games have been possessed in the selection of stories.

The irony of the bander snatch

"Bander Snatch" is a satire that "the selection of a story" is only ironic of technology developed in video games.Did the choice of the story that the video game aimed to really respect the player's free will?Isn't it just the illusion that you choose with free will?If you want to start over many laps to see all the possibilities, what was the weight you chose in the first play after all?

The options presented in "Bander Snatch" are not interesting at all. Like the Telltale Games, there is no option to give viewers to the sense of tension like a trolley problem. In addition, only two choices are presented, and if you make a mistake, you will be unreasonable to become a bad end, and the hints of bad end avoidance are not known in advance. If you play "Bander Snatch" as a video game, it is full of defects. So what if you watch it as a looping movie? Movies such as "Koi are deja -bu" and "Mr. Nobody" will repeat the same time, go back, and see a life that chooses different options. From a loop movie's point of view, "Bander Snatch" is close to those movies. The viewer has already woven to choose a bad end, and a careful replay scene is inserted when redrocking.

But both the video games and the words that are evaluated by the video work are not correct to describe "Bander Snatch".

The protagonist is not Stephen

Perhaps an interactive drama conducted by Bander Snatch does not give viewers the freedom to select a story.How the technologies of choosing a story, created by video games in the past 30 years, how to make people toss it.

It is not the game creator's Stephen who was at the mercy of the technologies that select the story in this work and got lost in the labyrinth.The hero was another.Yes, he is a viewer of this work.

A huge viewer was surprised at the Bander Snatch's device, desperately solving the mystery on the way, and searched for a good end while becoming a bad end.Many game media also focused on video games and reviewed.All of them are the empty figure of those who have been promoted to the "selection of the story" technology that the "Bander Snatch" and "Black Mirror" series satire.

Interactive dramas also connect the work world and the real world.Yes, the huge "Bander Snatch" true protagonists play the continuation of "Bander Snatch" by reconciling, criticizing, and analyzing this work.The sentence so far is not a review.It is a sequel.The end of the sequel with this text is written in the score 8.It ends when 0 is presented.