Can you move the bookmark registered on the home screen to the app library?

Can you move the bookmark registered on the home screen to the app library?

"Bookmarks", which are often seen on websites, are supported by most web browsers.The Safari attached to the iPhone also has a bookmark function, but it can be said that other web browsers can register on the home screen instead of the browser itself.

ホーム画面に登録したブックマークをAppライブラリへ移動できる? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ

The bookmark icon registered on the home screen is indistinguishable from the app icon.However, the content of the context menu displayed by the long press of the icon (touch touch) is different, and there is a difference in processing after selecting deletion.If you delete a bookmark icon, you will be suddenly deleted without encouraging the selection of "delete App" meaning uninstallation and "deleting from the home screen", which means moving to the App library.

When deleting the entire folder, there is a difference between the app and the bookmark.Deleting a folder that has saved multiple bookmark icons will allow you to move to the home screen and delete the folder without showing the option to move to the App library.

At first glance, apps and bookmarks that are indistinguishable, but there are such clear differences over the App library.The App library is exclusively for apps, bookmarks are not eligible, and even if you try to move, you will be played.

However, this is the specification as of iOS 14.7.For a while after iOS 14 has been released, it is possible to register the bookmark in the App library, and the bookmarks registered at that time can still be called from the App library of iOS 14.7.If you like the bookmarks from the App library, be careful not to move to the home screen.