For Mac's notebook app, select "GOODNOTES 5"! "Handwriting on iPad" is the most attractive.

For Mac's notebook app, select "GOODNOTES 5"! "Handwriting on iPad" is the most attractive.

 Did you know the classic handwritten note app "GOODNOTES 5" on your iPad?It has a reputation as a useful tool that can utilize both analog acts and digital's unique strengths, but their appeal is not limited to the iPad.The Mac version has also been released, making it the strongest notebook app that can be used on multi -devices.

iPadで定番のGoodNotes 5は、Mac版もリリースされています。iPad版とMac版を連携して使うことで、アプリの存在価値はさらに高まります

Why iPad version GoodNote is supported

 Currently, when you open the App Store on the iPad, GOODNOTES 5 is ranked first in the "Top Paid App".There is no doubt that this app is a super -classic iPad.

 Before introducing the Mac version, I will briefly explain why the iPad version of GOODNOTES 5 is supported.I think your favorite points vary from person to person, but I would like to press the following four points.

1. Simple but easy to use interface

 The GOODNOTES interface is very simple.For example, there are three types of pen thickness displayed on the toolbar.If you want to change it, it is possible to fine -tune the thickness, but by squeezing the display to the three types of fine/medium/thick, you can quickly switch the pen with one tap.With these little ingenuity, we realize intuitive usability that does not hinder thinking.


2. Fusion of handwriting and digital

 The written figure is easily moved, enlarged/reduced, and increased by copying and paste.It is full of "digital merits" that cannot be realized by handwriting on paper.It is a nice point that automatically converts the roughly written figure into beautiful square and ellipse.


Macのノートアプリは「GoodNotes 5」一択! “iPadで手書き”連携が何よりの魅力

3. Can capture everything

 You can read the existing PDF file and add it to the notebook.For example, if a material is distributed by PDF before the meeting, it is possible to load it into Goodnotes 5 and write letters by hand from the top of the PDF.

 If you print out the PDF and write it on the paper, the documents may be missing later, but if you are digital, you don't have to worry about it.In addition to reading the file, it also has a function to shoot paper materials directly from GOODNOTES 5 and read it.


4. Surprising searchability

 You can search by recognizing handwritten characters.Of course, in order to be recognized correctly, it is necessary to write some carefully, but even if you carefully write keywords that are likely to be searched later, such as the name of the project or the company of the business partner, the search will increase.It is also amazing that you can search the character string in the read PDF.


 In addition, there are still good things about GOODNOTES 5, such as a variety of handwritten input variations such as fountain pens and ballpoint pens, reading documents such as Word and PowerPoint, and presentation modes.It is a paid app for 980 yen, but for those who want to actively use the iPad, I think it is a well -worth choice.

Goodnotes is even more convenient in cooperation with Mac

 By the way, from here, I will dig deeper into the Mac version of GOODNOTES 5.First of all, GOODNOTES 5 adopts a mechanism called "Universal Purchase".

 I wrote "980 yen paid app" earlier, but this is a license that can be used in all of the iPhone/iPad/Mac version.In other words, those who purchased GOODNOTES 5 on the iPad can use the Mac version without paying additional costs.Mac users do not use it.

 So what is convenient to cooperate with Mac?

 One is that you can check what you wrote on the iPad on a Mac.For example, you can take notes on the iPad's GOODNOTES 5 during meetings or meetings, and summarize the documents while watching them on the Mac.

 The iPad version and the Mac version have almost the same functions and user interfaces, but the Mac version has a difference in which a page thumbnail area is displayed on the left side of the window.The thumbnails are always displayed, so you can immediately find and switch the page you want.


 The second is that you can re -edit the contents of the notebook while taking advantage of handwritten elements.For example, if you want to share the memo you wrote at the meeting with your customers, you can re -enter hard -to -read handwritten characters in text or add information that could not be conveyed in the meeting.

 Such additional and editing work can be done on the iPad, but if you want to input a lot of characters or insert an image file on a Mac, Mac can be done more efficiently.

手書きの文字をテキストで入力し直してノートをブラッシュアップ! 文字入力はiPadでもできますが、Macのほうが素早く行なえますまた、Mac内の画像などを挿入してノートの完成度を高めることもできます。手書きのノートをベースに、提案書や企画書のレベルまで高めることができます

Utilization only with Mac

 GoodNotes 5 is attracting attention to "handwriting", but it is also useful for use mainly text memos.For example, when you are investigating on a Mac, you can save more and more phrases you want to remember, URLs, images, etc. of reference sites in goodNote 5.Regardless of cooperation with the iPad, it is a reliable person to use only on a Mac.

情報のストックにもGoodNotes 5は使えます。調べ物や備忘録など、用途を限定せずに活用してみましょうGoodNotes 5は、複数の「ノート」を作成できます。取引先ごとやプロジェクトごと、あるいはプライベートとビジネスで分けるなど、用途ごとにノートを分けていくのがいいと思います

 Also, different from the GOODNOTES 5, unlike the OS standard "memo" app, it is also a good point that elements can be placed at the favorite position of the paper.If you want to organize your thoughts on goodNotes 5, put a topic close to relationships nearby and connect keywords by line to visualize your thoughts.

 GOODNOTES 5 is useful not only for stocking information, but also when organizing and summarizing information.It is a recommended one for all users, both business and private use.
