Cisco enhances Webex Meeting and displays real -time translation subtitles from Japanese to multiple languages

Cisco enhances Webex Meeting and displays real -time translation subtitles from Japanese to multiple languages

 Cisco Systems' WebEX SUITE is a cloud -based integrated communication service.Calling (telephone), messaging (message/chat), meeting (web conference), Polling (voting), and Events (Webina) tools are packaged.This time, we have announced nine main new features of WebEX.It is a group of multiple functions, such as real -time translation function and voice noise removal by AI.Both will be implemented within 2021 (some functions are implemented in 2022).

 One of the functions to be strengthened this time is the real -time translation function at the web meeting (screen 1).If you use this function, you can communicate with people who speak different languages.Until now, languages such as English have been translated into 108 languages including Japanese in real time and displayed as subtitles on the screen.


 Within 2021, we plan to increase the input language of the real -time translation function so that Japanese can be input (this will allow 13 languages including Japanese to input).The content of Japanese speaking in Japanese can be displayed as subtitles in 108 languages, including Japanese, so you can communicate with members who do not understand Japanese.

シスコ、Webex Meetingを強化、日本語から多言語へのリアルタイム翻訳字幕を表示可能に

 The subtitle display location can be changed freely on the screen.The font size of the subtitle can also be changed freely.Furthermore, in the "Subtit and Highlight" window, the history of the subtitles can be displayed in chronological order, so you can use it to look back on the content you talked about.

Congratulations on fatigue prevention functions and asynchronous records, viewing and comment functions

 Another new function is to add a function to prevent meeting fatigue.Equipped with a new function "THRIVE RESET" based on a study that can reduce stress by changing the mood of 60 to 90 seconds.The details are unknown, but they can take a deep breath, grateful, look at the problem from another angle, simply stand up and stretch to reset their feelings.

 As a measure to reduce the number of meetings, we also implement a asynchronous communication means, VIDCAST.By using VidCast, you can record, watch, comment, and respond at your own pace.

 Add a function to remove audio noise with AI.The audio processing will clearly hear the voices of all attendees at different distances from the telephone conference device.In addition, by selecting the speaker, the voice and the background noise can be divided and the noise can be removed.


[編集部より] IT Leaders編集部は、「デジタルワークプレイス」をテーマにしたオンラインライブ配信ウェビナーを2021年12月1日に開催いたします(聴講無料・事前登録制)。この分野のエキスパートと先進ユーザーのセッションを通じて、自社での戦略策定や技術・製品の見極め、実現に向けたアクションを明らかにするウェビナーに是非、ご参加ください!