Group lawsuit against Apple over the expansion of AppleWatch's battery expansion

Group lawsuit against Apple over the expansion of AppleWatch's battery expansion

According to the new class, most of the users are exposed to the expansion of telephone batteries, which can have serious side effects.This has recently occurred in Apple Watch.The battery expanded and directly affected the clock screen and other technical problems.What should I do if I noticed that the litigation was filed with Apple and the battery of the phone or clock was expanding?

According to plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Apple has produced a clock so that lithium cobaltic acid batteries can contact the clock screen.When the battery swells, the screen comes off or broken, making it sharp.Edge that may hurt the user's hands.

According to complaints, everyone knows that the battery can swell at any time, but Apple assigns enough space to expand the battery freely without affecting the screen.It affects the screen and the case where it expands, which did not incorporate a protective protector to prevent contact.

It is said that when the battery expands, the surface of the Apple Watch has a large upward pressure, causing the screen to separate, crush, or crack without the intervening of the wearer.Unintended physical contact, damage, cracking, etc. with the split screen.A sharp edge.

The lawsuit explained the case that a man named Chris Smith had an Apple WatchXnumx after seeing the battery was cut off three years after purchasing.Along with the explanation of the arms and the Apple Watch screen, but did not injure.


All Apple Watch models were included in the lawsuit, except for Apple Watch 7.Litigation claims that defects have brought consumer -unreasonable physical risks, and many buyers had tears, cuts, or other injuries.

The lawsuit also recognizes that there is a defect before Apple started selling watches, and the company has stated that it could harm the wearer because it did not disclose such flaws.。

Apple cannot uniformly detect the fact that the clock causes malfunctions, causing unreasonable safety risks, and containing defects that cause injury to the wearer.As a result, the clock does not appear on the market, which is inappropriate for Apple's applications, for example, the use of fitness, use of sports, health and safety.

The plaintiff in this lawsuit calls for public, private, accidental, statutory, punishment, and resulting damages, in addition to Apple Watch exchange costs.The lawsuit also calls Apple appropriately discloses the property of the clock defective and pays for lawyer and expenses.

It is noteworthy that Apple was not the first to face a lawsuit over the expansion of AppleWatch's battery.In 2019, the collective lawsuit targeted the company and blamed the company for illegal business operations and guarantee violations.In this lawsuit, many of the same discussions were used in the lawsuit that was filed today.

The judge in this lawsuit denied some claims in the specific lawsuit and determined that the defective AppleWatch was not due to defective batteries or internal components.The judge allowed a lawsuit based on the explicit warranty, but the plaintiff finally rejected the lawsuit.


If a problem of battery expansion occurs on a watch or mobile phone, be careful of falsification, as it may explode during the passage of time or during charging.Get a guarantee immediately or consult a professional trusted engineer.Battery expansion may be due to inappropriate charging movements, low reliable chargers or cables, and violations of device charging standards.

これまでに携帯電話や時計の電池が膨らむという問題に直面したことがありますか? そして、あなたはその問題を解決するために何をしましたか? コメントで教えてください。



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