Doctors warn the bell "Cancer is a disease that is healed, but Japanese are ..."

Doctors warn the bell "Cancer is a disease that is healed, but Japanese are ..."

Doctors warn the bell "Cancer is a disease that is healed, but Japanese are ..."

 Doctors warn the bell

Takeshi Yoro, an emeritus professor of the University of Tokyo, and a doctor who dislikes the hospital, says, "Listen to the body," rather than seeing data when he notices his physical condition.But that is not a possible way for everyone.Keiichi Nakagawa, a student of Mr. Yoro and a doctor at the University of Tokyo Hospital, explains about the Japanese "health lotitellacy".* This series is an excerpt and re -edited from the book "Go to the hospital," (Exna Ledge).

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The reason for the first place "why not undergoing cancer screening?"

I recommend cancer screening because many cancers can be cured if they have early cancer.But early cancer has no subjective symptoms.Conversely, many of the cancers found after subjective symptoms appear.The probability of not healing increases.The rate of consultation for cancer screening in Japan is about 20 to 30 %.According to the Cabinet Office's "Reasons for Cancer Screening" (2016), the largest reason is "no time to receive" (30).6 %).However, in fact, if you take a half -day rest, you can get a medical examination.The second place is "I am confident in my health and I do not feel the need" (29).2 %).Early cancer has no subjective symptoms, so if you know what early cancer is, it is not a reason.3rd place "I can see a medical institution anytime when necessary" (23).The same is true for 7 %), and going to a medical institution is a symptom, so this is not a reason if you know early cancer.Fourth place "because it costs money and it will be financially burdensome" (15).9 %) is an answer that comes out because you do not know that the residents' examination of municipalities can be received at a low price.And the fifth place is "I'm afraid that I can understand if I'm cancer" (11).7 %).This is almost meaningless.However, I often hear people who do not go to the hospital because they are afraid of finding a bad illness even if they are sick.I think this type is also a certain number of hospitals and dislikes doctors.Neither the first to fifth place is the only reason if you have the right knowledge of medical care.What you can read from here is that the Japanese healthy surferasis (the ability to accurately understand and utilize health and medical information) is low.