"Elden Ring" A capture guide that answers 28 questions of flum game beginners.If you remember this, don't get lost in the adventure of the "space in the space"!

"Elden Ring" A capture guide that answers 28 questions of flum game beginners.If you remember this, don't get lost in the adventure of the "space in the space"!

(Photo: Famitsu.com)

 The long -awaited action RPG "Elden Ring" (released from from software), which was finally released on February 25, 2022. Currently, many game fans are enjoying the adventure in the "space". Looking at [Article images (13 sheets)], many of them and those who are the first to touch the world of from software work in this "Elden Ring". This work is a completely new work with a completely new world view, but at the same time, it also has a straightforward aspect of the Dark Souls series. Therefore, even if it is an element that can be grasped immediately for those who have experienced the "Soul" series, there are some things that you will feel "what is this?" So, here, the questions that were actually recruited from beginners in the Famitsu editorial department, and those who asked many beginners to question, and responded to them, "The first time", "Eldenring" for the first time. I will explain the points that I feel. "It should be a new discovery for those who are already on adventures, so please take a look (the buttons of the operation description are based on the PS4 and PS5 version. I did it)..Close -up.com/news/202202/25252510.HTML "Elden Ring" capture TIPS 50!Carefully selected knowledge that you want to remember when playing to all "faded people" https: // www.Close -up.com/news/202202/25252468.htmlq.Please let me know if you have the identity for beginners!The recommended identity depends on the person, but if you dare choose it, it has a shield with a physical damage cut rate of 100 %, and a wandering knight with high vitality is recommended.A shield with a physical damage cut rate of 100%also has a dust, but be aware that its vitality is low.In addition, the equipment can be dropped by enemies from the beginning or purchased at the shop, so it will be advice for some to some extent to advanced to advanced, but choose the identity that suits your role play (especially in your role play.If you want to use magic or prayer, it is also recommended to select "Choose the identity that can be used from the beginning).Q.How do you level up?No matter how much you fight, the level will not rise!Limgrave west Blessing near the ruins in front of the barrier in front of the ruins (not just touching), an event where NPC Merina appears occurs, and then the rune is consumed anywhere in blessing (optional (optional)It is possible to increase the ability value).It is a good idea to think that runes are both "experience" and "money".At the same time, you can also get the "finger whistle of the spirit horse" that the spirit horse trend can be called.The blessings that Merina appear are in addition to "Kanmon -mae".Q.First of all, what abilities should be raised? Please refer to the following policies in the early stages. It is vitality that does not lose any development policy. Even if you attack, you can still fight if you do not die in a single blow! It is mental strength that does not lose next. Increasing FP is a natural character that uses magic and prayer, and is also effective for players who want to use powerful tactics and players who want to use powerful spirits. There is no loss by raising endurance. Heavy equipment is possible, which leads to increased defense when hit. However, it is important for characters that use magic or prayers to be not attacked so much, so consider which of your mental strength. It is recommended that you raise your strength, skill, intelligence, religion, and mystery according to the required ability to use the equipment you want to use. By the way, the early attack power is easier to increase the weapon than to increase the ability value. After the middle stage, it is a good idea to allocate your favorite ability value (= abilities that you think is not enough. Also, after the middle stage, if you use consumed items in a specific place, you can re -swing your ability. Even if you increase your ability value somehow, it will be recovered later. Q.Once you die, you know that Rune falls on the spot! But if she died again before she regains, she can't get it back ...? I can't get it back! So be careful when you regain the rune after death. Also, if you do not accumulate a lot of runes and consume it frequently by leveling up or shopping, you may have less mental damage even if you lose. For example, when you go to the dungeon for the first time, check the amount of runes you have, and if you are going to go up a little more, use items such as "Golden Runes" to raise the level before proceeding. In addition, the dropped rune is displayed in an effect like a glowing branch (the arrow in the photo below), and the direction of the direction is displayed on the compass at the top of the screen (the part surrounded by the round of the photo below. ) Q.How can I pose (pause) during the game? Even if you open the menu, you will be attacked by the enemy ... There is no pause in this work! If you want to interrupt during the game, select "End Game" from the menu system item. When you resume, you can return from the place. If you leave your seat temporarily, it is mostly safe to keep a rest with a blessing. Also, this is the area of ​​the tricks, but when the game ends in a pinch, the enemy returns to the initial arrangement and comes off the target. Also, in the boss battle, return to the position before entering the boss area. Therefore, if you collect the runes lost in the boss battle, you can collect runes without defeating the boss if you enter the boss battle → collect the rune → end the game → resume. However, it is best to say, "Do not challenge the boss battle with the runes stored" ... Q.Even if you die, you can call again even if you die, but are there any disadvantages?There are no major disadvantages, but if the Trent dies, it will consume a scarlet holy grail bottle once again, which will have a slight adverse effect on the player's fighting ability.If possible, recover the trendy website with raisin items before dying.Q.□ How do you use a slot for items that can be used with button and a pouch that can be used with the △ button and a direction key? In order to recover the HP, the equipment slot of the item used with the □ button is as much as possible with the scarlet holy grail bottle as much as possible. Pouches that can be used without changing the item slot (the surrounding part of the screen below) are OK to set what you like according to the application, but among them, they use it regularly but the timing is limited. It is better to set. As an example, it is recommended to set the "finger whistle of the lantern", lanterns, and spiritual body for the calling horses on the porch. You may also set a holy grail bottle of Aizuku or a holy grail bottle of spirit drugs. For the item of the equipment slot used in the □ button, press and hold the key key and the cursor will return to the first item set. Therefore, I think that the first thing to set is a scarlet sacred grail bottle. Q.You can set six items on the porch, but there are four shortcuts corresponding to the direction key.How do you use the remaining two?The remaining two cannot be used at a glance compared to the shortcuts of the direction key, but there is an advantage that you can choose just by opening the menu without choosing an inventory.Therefore, it is recommended that you set the one that has more opportunities among those that are used regularly but have limited timing.For example, a distant glasses useful when you want to see the face of NPCs, or when you want to aim at the enemy with crossbows or magic.If you play a lot of multiplayer, you may be able to set a calling word such as "Thank you" for communication.Q.I don't know how to use gestures.In the PS5 version or PS4 version, the gesture is drawn to shake the controller, but it does not activate it even if it actually shakes it.Like the shortcuts on the pouch, you can shortcut the gesture by pressing the controller while pressing the △ button.However, it is definitely a good idea to choose from the menu because you often do different gestures before you get used to it.Q.I want to do cooperation multi, how do you do multiplayer?Please refer to the following article for multiplayer."Elden Ring" capture/Explain the mechanism of multiplayer https: // www.Close -up.Com/News/202202/25252535.htmlq.I would like to look back at the tips displayed when the new element appears. Where can I see it?Let's select the "information" item in the inventory!By the way, please note that those that are not displayed in tips are not stored in the inventory.Q.I got an arrow or bolt, but I don't know how to use it.Where can I get the bow itself?The bow has some initial equipment as an initial equipment, and the "Wandering People's Merchant" on the coast of the west of Limglave sells shortbows.Most merchants are sold by arrows, but if you have the relevant manufacturing book, you can also make items such as bone arrows.The bow is useful in various situations, so it is recommended to prepare any player.Q.I bought a tool, but I didn't use it at all ... What should I recommend to make in items? When I tried to make a flame pot, I was told, "There is no crack." where is it? Every item is basically a shining performance in a specific scene, so it is difficult to choose a recommendation ... To put it simply, the frequency is a raisin item that can recover the HP of a spirit horse, the “hook finger drug” required for multiplayer, and a fat -based item that can add attributes other than physical attributes to weapons. Uh? Since enemies often have some weaknesses, fat -based items are mainly useful in boss battles. Basically, I will proceed first without making items, but later it may be "I wish I had this item in this scene!" not. If you see the material items, you should pick them up, and explore them and collect the manufacturing books. By the way, the material items will be revived when you rest with blessing, so if you have a material item near the blessing, it is even safer to rest and collect it again. In addition, the cracks are sold by some merchants and can be picked up in dungeons. Q.I got the magic of "pyroxene crush", made it 10, and I couldn't use it even though I set it in my memory! why?Magic cannot be used without a cane, and prayer is not equipped with a holy seal.If you are not equipped with the initial identity, it will depend on how you proceed, but you will need some game progress.Q.It seems that there is a helper called a spirit body, but where do you get it?After obtaining the "finger flute of the spirit horse" from Merina, you can get the "Spirit Rested Suzu" and "Large Wolf" by talking to the NPC you can meet at the Ere church at night.After that, a variety of spirits can be summoned for each ashes obtained in various places.If you missed an event with the NPC, you can also buy a "spiritual bell" in a certain place.Q.I got a "bell of spirituality" and ashes, but I don't know how to use it ...It cannot be used even if you set the ashes on items or pouches ...In fact, ashes can not be used anywhere, and cannot be used without an object called "Reduction Monument" nearby.When the "reduction monument" is nearby, a white "inscription icon" is displayed on the left side of the screen (the arrow in the photo below).In addition, there are many cases where ashes can be used once in the boss area, even if they cannot use ashes in front of the boss area.If you invade the boss area, first check if you can use ashes, instead of suddenly rushing into the boss.Q.All the weapons to be obtained are as strong as the initial equipment, or rather weak, but what do you mean?Basically, in this work, weapons that are not enhanced (although the basic power varies depending on the type of weapon), which is almost side by side, and will not be strong unless you have a blacksmith.Instead, it will grow into a performance that can be used until the end of the game, even with any equipment.If the weapon is "Street [1]", you can strengthen it with the blacksmith in the church of Ere up to + 3 (2 for +1, 4 for + 2, and 6 for +3).Subsequent enhancements are possible in another place.It is surprisingly troublesome to obtain "Ayishi", so it is not a good idea to strengthen it.The details will be introduced in the following items, but it is better to focus on two or three types of weapons to train early.Q.Do you often enhance weapons in blacksmithing? After this, considering the possibility of getting good weapons, I will accumulate a good stone. First of all, I think it's a good idea to focus on two close weapons, followed by one long -range weapon, and strengthen it frequently. It's not "appropriate", but it's hard to make the game difficult with enhancements, and as a result, it's better to strengthen your existing weapons quickly and try hard. increase. As for the point at that time, it is recommended that the physical attack attribute of the two weapons can be deviated, such as the weapon of the physical attack, and the weapon of the slashing or piercing. Even if there is a physical attack that is less effective by enemies, you will be able to deal with it by changing. In particular, weapons of hitting attributes work well for ore digging in the tunnel, so I would like to strengthen them. By the way, the selection criteria for weapons, but in terms of performance, "ease of handling attack motion" and "whether it is easy to flare on enemies". For example, in a weak attack, even if the enemy flies, even if the attack is ignored and is attacked, if you are a strong attack or a jump attack, you may be able to hit the opponent and unilaterally attack. The performance around here does not change even if it is enhanced, so there is no problem by checking it without strengthening. Also. This is a comment for intermediate level, but you can also overcome the shortcomings of weapons by changing the tactics using warhes ash (short -range weapons can be used for long -range attacks. (Attached, etc.). The shield can also be enhanced, but the cut rate and guard strength items that are important with the shield are not enhanced or have poor growth. Enhancement should be postponed. The armor cannot be strengthened. By the way, the examples of a certain player in the editorial department are as follows. It is an equipment that can be obtained relatively early, but if it is strengthened, it can be used enough to be used ahead. Hands (Samurai's initial weapons; main weapons) Warpic (dropped by rim grave kingdom soldiers. Sub weapons) Brass shield (dropped by Limglave Kingdom) After all, I use my favorite weapons That's good. Q.I don't know how to use the tactics!If you have a sword on your right and a shield on your left hand, you can use only a shield fighting technique ...What do you do if you use the right -handed sword fighting technique?If you have a shield, bow, torch, etc. on your left hand, your left -handed tactics will be given priority.There are four ways to use the right -hand weapon tactics:Hold your weapons with both hands, remove the L2 left -handed shield (or weapons that prioritize the left -hand weapon tactics), and attach the shield with L2 "no tactics" on your left hand with a tighter ash "no tactics".Q.I don't know the timing of the tactics "Parry" that repels the enemy's attack with a shield ... I have to do my best to learn the timing! In the case of "Parry", it has the characteristic that some shields such as target shields make it easier to succeed. In that case, it is usually written in the description column of the shield, so please check it out. To be honest, "Parry" is an action for advanced users because it must be learned the timing for each enemy motion, and there are also attacks that cannot be "Parry". It is quite difficult to aim, so it would be easier for beginners to fight if you choose a shield with no "tactics" and concentrate on guard and rolling. In this work, there is an action called a guard counter (R2 immediately after the guard), which is easier to handle than "Parry". The guard counter works well for kingdom soldiers, so please try it. Q.I want to know the recommended tactics!If you don't do "Parry", the recommendation of the shield is "no tactics".You can use the right -hand weapon tactics immediately while guarding, so the tactics will be expanded.The brass shield listed above is "no tactics".Recommended tactics of melee weapons vary depending on the situation, so it is hard to say in general, but basically, if the tactics with less consumption FP and less skiing, it will be easy to insert into the gaps of intense attacks.I think it is easy to use.Self -enhanced tactics are also useful forever.Q.How to add tactics in war ash? Do you not consume runes? How many weapons can be attached for each weapon? You can be blessed. Runes are not consumed. One kind of weapon is attached. The war ashes do not disappear and can be replaced as many times as you want. Depending on the war ash, you can also set the assertion attribute. However, in the early stages, it is OK to ignore the assertion attribute (because low ability values ​​are low and usually weaker than the original). By the way, here is an example of the attribute that can be granted. Heavy = the effects of muscle strength will be greater. Sharp = skills will increase. The impact of both high quality = muscle strength and skill increases. There are flames and sacred attributes, which are also useful when hitting the weaknesses of enemies. Operations such as "I wonder if I should use this flame weak boss to make weapons a flame attribute." Q.If you try to recover with a scarlet holy grail bottle during the battle, you will be attacked. I want to know if there is a timing or trend to use! During the battle, "the timing when the enemy's continuous attack stops" is the timing of use or the holy grail bottle. If the enemy's attack is intense, it is effective to use a distance, or if you can use the spirit body, wait for the enemy's target to move to the spirit body. If the recovery of the holy grail bottle is compared with the current HP / maximum HP, it may be a waste and regrettable. However, there are times when you suddenly get a continuous attack of the enemy and you may be killed at once, so if you think "Oh, this guy is strong", it is recommended that you recover at the time you can use it without regret. Also, in the field, if you defeat the enemy group, the holy grail bottle will recover, so it will be okay to use it too much. Q, I'm going to the arrow that comes out of the blessing, but I can't proceed because there are many soldiers or the bosses are strong! Where should I go? There are main scenario, sub -stories, medium to large dungeons, etc. where the blessings are guided, and most of them can help you reach the location that is useful for proceeding with the game, but it shows only directions. In some cases, it is easier to go around. I think it would be better to explore the surroundings while referring to the basics. As an aside, the entrance of the tunnel where the weapon enhanced items are falling are usually drawn on the map (the round enclosure in the photo below). Let's check here without overlooking it. Q.It is always done and returned by the dungeon boss. can not win! Is my adventure over ...? Basically, let's turn the boss that you can't win. This work has a lot of places that can be reached compared to "Dark Soul", so it is good to explore other exploration. If you take a detour and explore the underground cemetery, you may be able to get a strong spiritual body. It is also good to aim for a level up as a search. In this work, the defense power is increased by increasing the level up itself or the strength of muscle strength. The strengthening of weapons is directly linked to the strengthening of the attack surface. The better weapons, the better you get, the better you get, so you can go to the area ahead and more. However, if you go to the previous area too much, some NPCs may rarely go as the player progresses. If you care about the event, be careful about that. Q.I don't know if the cause of being unable to beat the boss is my arm or the equipment is weak. Is it better to challenge the enemy's movements many times, or should I return after strengthening the equipment in the first place? There are various reasons why you can't win, but try them complexly, such as the skills, equipment, weapons enhancement, level -up, weapons selection, tactics, magical and prayer choices, and spiritual choices. When you go, you can win unexpectedly easily. Generally, you should try the following measures. The enemy may be lacking in hard attack power. Try the weapon enhancement and re -selection of magic, prayer, and spiritual body. It is also important to strengthen the spirit. This HP and defense may be low with high enemy attack power. Please increase the vitality and strength of the vitality and strength when leveling up. In addition, armor dropped by knights appearing as enemies has high defense performance, and can be expected to reduce damage by equipping. However, the drawback is that it is very heavy. When equipping, it is a good idea to increase your endurance and use the "medium" of 70 % or less of the equipment upper limit. This is because the rolling performance decreases when the "weight" reaches. By the way, if you are attacked by the enemy during rolling, the damage will increase more than usual. The performance of the Holy Grail bottle, which uses up the holy grail bottle immediately, may be low or the number of uses. Items are required to strengthen the Holy Grail bottle, and the "Holy Grail drop" that increases the amount of recovery is usually in church. Church -like buildings are drawn on the map, so if you get the map, you should go around the building. On the other hand, the "golden seed" that increases the number of recovery of the holy grail bottle is often near a small tree that glows in gold. Although it is not drawn on the map, it is relatively along the road and it will be easy to find because it shines. By the way, the holy grail bottle can be drunk continuously with button hits, so if you take a single recovery, you can drink it twice if you get a big damage that is not in time. You have no choice but to learn how to deal with enemy attacks. Guards, rolling, jumping, parry, guard counter are often valid for each attack. For example, the attack that shakes the ground is "you can't guard or have a lot of stamina consumption when guarding", and "the range of effects is wide and you can't escape with rolling" (as an aside, but rolling in this work is an invincible time. So, the timing is severe, but it can be avoided), which is quite troublesome. … But if you jump, you can easily avoid it. It is unpleasant to cut the HP even if you guard. There is a possibility that the performance of the shield that is sloppy is low. In most cases, the enemy's attack is only physical attributes, so first look for a 100 % shield with a "physical" item with a guard. Also, guarding the enemy's attack will consume stamina, which will eliminate stamina. If the stamina consumption during guards is high and frequent, a large shield with high guard strength may be eliminated. Also, if you hold a shield, the stamina recovery speed will be slow, so you usually recover the stamina without holding a shield, and immediately hold the shield when the enemy swings the weapon and look at the situation. prize. Let's change the type of spiritual body that the spirit body is useless. A type of spiritual body that appears in multiple bodies tends to be defeated in a range attack. In addition, since the spiritual body does not do much guard or avoidance, it is highly likely that a hard spirit wearing armor or a spiritual body that can attack long -range attacks will live longer. In addition, since the enhanced items of the spiritual body are much easier than the enhancement items of the weapon, it will be easier to strengthen various types than weapons. Still, I can't win no matter what I try! It is also recommended to have a fader from all over the world help in multiplayer !! Q.Do you use more and more items such as "the meat mass of the brave" and "the grace of books"?If you have trouble obtaining or do not know how to get it, you may want to use it in a boss battle called "Here!"Q.I want a map as soon as possible in an unexplored area!I want to know where the map is available!In most cases, it can be obtained from a monument installed along the road.The position of the monument is displayed on the map slightly when the map piece is undiscovered, even if the map piece is undiscovered.Of course, it may not be easy to reach the monument ...As mentioned above, I answered 28 questions of beginners, but basically, I recommend that you adventure as you like according to your taste.Please refer to this basic knowledge and enjoy the free fading life in the space!

