"ELDEN RING" Network Test Previous Play Review

"ELDEN RING" Network Test Previous Play Review

"Elden Ring" is an open world -type soul -like game!

 What kind of game is "Elden Ring"?To put it simply, it is a work that has two aspects, a closed dungeon, as well as the open world (close to nature) and the area of the "Seoul" series so far.The freedom of capture that "you can go from where you want" is common to the "Seoul" series, but this work is a game that finds the next destination from a vast field, so so far "Seoul" so far.It is very different from the series.

 In the "Seoul" series, there are basically some branches from the beginning, the area is determined, even though it is seamless, and the boss is waiting for the last.On top of that, the player is made so that it can proceed from any branch, but "Elden Ring" may be "roughly there, but there may be something, but when you explore the world, it is nothing at all.You may find different dungeons and events. "

 After passing through the first tutorial area, you will go to an area called "Lim Grave".From this point, the players are free to travel in the fields in front of you.You can enjoy the scenery at will.It's good to get closer to something that attracted me.First of all, it is a good idea to look for a "blessing" that will be the bonfire of this work.

 In particular, the blessings I mentioned at the end are also the resurrection points when I died.In addition, the blessing once released can also be used as a fast trabel point, so there is no loss in finding a blessing.Fast Travel can be used anywhere on the field excluding the dungeon, and it is nice to be able to use it almost from the beginning.


"Jump" appears in the operation action

 As mentioned in the previous section, this work adds an action that is not available in the successive "Seoul" series called jumps.In the sense of a series fans, I thought that if it was as high as a guardrail, it would be something that would not be overcome anymore, but if this work is a little expensive, jump by jumping.I can climb it.

 What is worrisome about the introduction of a jump is the fall damage, but if you jump down the height of "I will die if you fall from this height ...", you will naturally die.However, it seems that the tolerance to the immediate death is wider than the feeling so far.Even if you jump off, you have to actually experience the sense of distance that seems to be fine, but please explore it.

「ELDEN RING」ネットワークテスト先行プレイレビュー


The gradually spread world map is an adventure guideline

 There will be no minimaps or overall maps in the "Seoul" series, and this work does not appear in this work.But you can see the world map for open fields.I'm just surprised at the groundbreaking event that has a map even though it is a from work, but it means that the field of this work is vast, and if there is no world map, you will not even consider where you are.。

 Also, at the top of the player's screen, a magnetic needle -like one is always displayed, so you can see at a glance what direction you are facing and what direction you are going.While playing, you will go while measuring your position.

 If you write like this, it feels like a very kind work (it wasn't unfriendly before ...), but it's not so sweet.Before taking the "map" that appears as an item, even if you open the map, you can only see the blessings that have followed that far, and only things like the coastline and things like large highways are barely visible.Others are almost dark.


 However, by obtaining a "map" somewhere on the way, a picture is drawn in the target area.If you look closely at the picture, you will find something like a landmark, which makes it easier to make a policy of where to aim for the next one.


 A marker can also be placed on the world map, and a blue light pillar is also displayed on the field at the marker.The blue pillars are easy to see even from a distance, so if you are at a loss, you may want to proceed with the search while putting the marker on the beans.


 This work has time and weather.When you take a break with blessing, there is an item in the menu, "crush time", where you can proceed to any time, "until morning", "until noon", "until night".

 There are still many unknowns how much the capture and maps change depending on the weather and time, but there are still many unknown points, but there is no difference in the range of the enemy when approaching the enemy while lurking and the enemy that appears.I think it is.It seemed that some enemies could not be encountered depending on the time.It is better to carefully determine the advantages and disadvantages of each time, rather than disliking "because the visibility is bad at night."


"Spirit horse" is convenient for high -speed movement.However, it is hard to throw away on foot

 Each dungeon found in a vast field can feel the touch close to the successive "Seoul" series.There are enemies inside, the maps are complicated, there is a device, and the boss is waiting in the back.This is the perfect place for those who want to battle and enjoy capturing in a closed space.

 However, in order to find such a dungeon, this work will not start unless you search.However, the range is too wide.Therefore, in this work, you can obtain a "spirit horse" relatively early.The spirit horse is a summoned buddy, and there are places where you can move at a considerable high speed by riding, and you can go beyond the dash jump after riding a horse.


 The spirit horses are very convenient, but they don't have to ride around.There are also hidden dungeons, such as dungeons that are difficult to find unless you observe them, and stairs to the basement.If you are traveling at high speed with a horse, it is even easier to overlook.You will need to think about the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by horse and the merits and disadvantages unique to walking.
