Primary school students on standby at home hand in their homework on tablets and their families recuperate at home. Infected Omilone strain [Eyuanfa]

Primary school students on standby at home hand in their homework on tablets and their families recuperate at home. Infected Omilone strain [Eyuanfa]

FNN Gold online

自宅待機の小学生はタブレットで宿題提出 家族が自宅療養で…感染広がるオミクロン株【愛媛発】

The younger generation is infected with the stand-out strain of O'Milton. Especially in primary school students under teenagers, the infection is also spreading. [image] in the case of men waiting at home to confirm their status with a pulse oximeter, Eyuan Songshan City is carrying out online use in order not to delay the learning of children who need to recuperate at home and stand by at home. In fact, the family was infected with the family interview in Songshan City, where the children were on standby at home.

Children whose families are on standby at home because of coronal infection.

Songshan male infected by his family: OK, then I'm on. Child: I started, the family infected Songshan male: dining table, reduced to 3 people. This is a little lonely breakfast. I'll have the bread given to me yesterday for breakfast. Was it good? Child: well, it's delicious! In the family here, a wife and a second son have successively been infected and recuperated at home, while men with strong contacts and two sons in primary school and kindergarten are also on standby at home.

Using course-supported applications, we can study at home.

In this case, Songshan City introduced the use of tablet terminals and other family online learning to avoid learning delays for primary and secondary school students. Songshan male who was infected by his family: now everyone comes home with a tablet computer from school. Such a place has to be done even where it can be done at home. The eldest son of the fifth grade, such as the instructions of the teachers on the tablet computer, has taken a look at the actual use. Songshan male infected by his family: this is the tablet brought back from school, so the teacher will contact me. Eldest son: well, the family infected Songshan male: what did you write? Eldest son: I will inform you of the scope to be carried out in the coming week. Try to do mandarin, arithmetic and society this week. If there is anything you don't understand, send it to me with "Luo Luo Notes". The school where my two sons go to school uses lectures to support APP "Luo Luo Notes". Each subject shares the learning scope of the family. In addition, APP "Teams", which can make video calls, etc., is also used, and a system in which children can talk to the head teacher as needed. Songshan man infected by his family: from now on, he wants to bring breakfast, textbooks and tablets brought back from school to the second floor. Hello, homework refueling second son: he is the second son who is recuperating at home. He also did his homework and submitted it on the tablet brought back from school. Songshan male infected by his family: however, it is difficult for children to stay motivated after studying at home for 10 days, and it is also very hard, but I also hope that I can learn a little bit what I can do at home. Songshan City Education Commission said: "even if classes are temporarily suspended, it is necessary to improve the family learning environment." since February, the tablet terminal has been formally applied to homeschooling. (TV Eyuan)

TV Aiyuan.

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