"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
Retro PCs and microcomputers that we loved
PC-9801VM2と見比べると分かりますが、正面のデザインが変わっています。また、背面にあったキーボード接続コネクタも前面に配置され、使い勝手が良くなりました。This corner looks back on the nostalgic microcomputer and computer with photos.This time, the PC-9801VM21, which remains as the standard specifications of the PC-9801 series later, will be featured this time.Released in 1986.
The PC-9801VM2, released in 1985, had a main memory of 384KB and the screen display was 640 x 400 dots and 8 colors 2 screens ( *).Although there was almost no problem to operate the software at that time, the PC-98 series compatible software requires 640KB of memory like the "Ichitaro" series introduced earlier, and not 8 colors in 4096 colors.There are also titles that require 16 colors.
※(8/18 20:50更新)記事初出時、PC-9801VM2が搭載するメインメモリの容量に誤りがございました。お詫びして訂正いたします。正面には左から、リセットボタン、8/10MHzクロック切り替えスイッチ、蓋の中にボリュームと3連ディップスイッチが並び、その隣にキーボード接続コネクタ、電源ボタンがあります。Then, there will be some stories about putting 128KBYTES memory on the main unit, or adding 16 color boards that were optional, but one year after the release of PC-9801VM2, NEC himself performs it.PC-9801VM21 was announced in November 1986 and debuted to the market.At the time of PC-9801VM2, which was the previous model, a PC-9801VF2 with a 5-inch 2DD was released, but PC-9801VM21 might be a successor to all of them.The price was 390,000 yen, and there was no variation and only two 5 -inch drive models were equipped.
As a specification, the CPU is equipped with a V30 (8MHz/10MHz switchable), and the main memory is built in 640KB from the beginning without expanding.The graphics were 640 x 400 dots, 4096 colors of 16 colors, and two screens could be displayed.The major change in other parts is that the keyboard connection terminal provided on the back of the main unit in PC-9801VM2 has moved to the right side of the front.The housing design is the same as the PC-9801VX series that appeared at the same time.Unfortunately, regarding the sound source, there was no built-in FM sound board that was mounted on the PC-9801U series.
背面は、左上上段に電源コネクタとサービスコンセント、下段にはマウスポートと1MB FDD接続端子、RS-232Cコネクタ、プリンタポート、右端には上から順に白黒モニタ接続端子、デジタルRGB接続端子、アナログRGB接続端子と並んでいます。RS-232Cコネクタとプリンタポートの間には、PC-9801VM21という銘板が貼られているのも、PC-9801VM2との違いです。With the appearance of PC-9801VM21, most of the PC-98 series software is "PC-9801VM/UV series compatible/Memory 640KB/PC-9801VM2 16-color graphic board PC-9801-24 is required/PC-9801VF2Then, it will be described as 5 inch 2HD drive that requires outward.Conversely, if the specifications of this line could be achieved, it was possible to spend a considerable period of time as an active machine.
By the way, Speaking of Kyu Hachi, it is characterized by the sound of "pipo" sound and memory at the time of startup, but the "PC-9801" series was introduced from the model that appeared at this time, including PC-9801VM21.。In order to confirm that, this time we posted a video from the startup of PC-9801VM2 and PC-9801VM21.
【PC-9801VM2の起動時の様子】こちらは、正面にキーボードコネクタのないPC-9801VM2です。最初にBEEP音が鳴っていることを確認した後、リセットボタンを押しました。ピポ音やメモリカウントは行われないまま進行して、暫く沈黙した後にFDDのランプが点灯、小気味よいアクセス音を立てながらN88-BASIC(86)が起動したのが分かるかと思います。最初にBEEP音を鳴らしているのは「実はVM2でもピポ音が鳴ってるはずなのに、ボリュームが0だから聞こえないんだ!」というツッコミへの回答です(笑)。【PC-9801VM21の起動時の様子】PC-9801VM21は、正面にキーボードコネクタがあります。こちらも、最初にBEEP音が鳴っていることを確認してからリセットボタンを押しました。すると、少々間延びした「ピポ」という音の後にメモリカウントが始まり、その後にディスクから起動しているのが分かるかと思います。この個体はFDD1の調子が悪かったので、FDD2にディスクを挿入しN88-BASIC(86)を立ち上げました。As you can see from this, PC-9801VM2 does not sound.In articles at that time, there was a PC-9801VM2 and PC-9801VM21 as a PC-9801VM, so it was written as "Pipo sound from PC-9801VM".I guess some people thought that PC-9801VM2 would sound a pipo sound.Nevertheless, even if you have the knowledge that "Pipo sounds are starting from PC-9801VM21, it does not sound with PC-9801VM2", it seems that there are few scenes to show off, so even if you forget it.I think there is no (laughs).
The PC-9801VX series, released at the same time, has been active as a de facto standard of the PC-98 series for a long time, and has become a great power that will make a further leap.