[Excel] Solve your printing problems!What to do when the table does not fit on one sheet in Excel or when only a specific part is printed

[Excel] Solve your printing problems!What to do when the table does not fit on one sheet in Excel or when only a specific part is printed

❶ Create a table after checking the range printed on one sheet.

I think many people say, "I'm not sure how much of the sheet will be printed on one sheet." You can print a large table on a single sheet of paper by referring to past articles, but if the paper is too small for the size of the table, the characters may become very small and difficult to see. I have.

【Excel】印刷に関する悩みを解決! エクセルで表が1枚に収まらない時や特定箇所しか印刷されない時の対処法

However, if you create it while paying attention to the range that can be printed on one sheet, the data will not overflow at unexpected positions.

Now consider the case of opening a new book and creating a new table. Before creating the table, let's check what range is printed on one A4 portrait. After opening a new workbook, click the [File] tab (1).

Click [Print] (②) on the left side of the screen, and set the paper orientation, paper size, and margins (③) in the [Settings] field in the center of the screen. After making the desired settings, click [←] (④) at the top left of the screen.

The screen returns to the original screen, but if you look closely, some cell boundaries are dotted (⑤).

This dotted line represents the area printed on one sheet of paper. If you create a table so that it does not protrude from this dotted line, you can print on one sheet of paper without protruding. In this example, the operation was performed with a new book, but even for a sheet for which a table has already been created, you can check the range printed on one sheet of paper by operating the same operation to open the print screen and return.