February 4th year, Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly Regular Meeting Governor's Proposal Description Summary

February 4th year, Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly Regular Meeting Governor's Proposal Description Summary

At the beginning

Today, we would like to ask for a gathering and thank you for your deliberations regarding the initial budget and other projects in Fourth Fourth.

The regular meeting will be the first regular prefectural assembly after the governor's election, so prior to the explanation of the bill, I will tell you about my future management of prefectural government management, and understand and cooperate with all the members of the Diet and the citizens of the prefecture.I would like to ask.

In this governor's election, I have been supported by many prefectural citizens and will be in charge of the third prefectural government.I am very honored and thankful.

Today, as a governor, I will be again losing my responsibilities, standing again at the traditional Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly and again, and will be responsible for the next four years.We will do our utmost to respond to the expectations of the prefectural citizens.

By the way, as Japan has entered a full -fledged population decline society, maintaining regional vitality is a major issue in this prefecture, where population declines and declining birthrate and aging population.

For this reason, since I became governor in 2014, I have been working on my best to realize the "vitality of Yamaguchi Prefecture", which allows people to live in the vibrant industries and vibrant areas.I did it.

By so far, various fields, such as promoting corporate invitation, creating new employment in this prefecture, increasing the number of migrants to this prefecture, holding Yumehana Hiroshi Yamaguchi and activating regional development that makes use of its results.This is where the steady results have been mentioned.

However, in the past two years, new issues have been caused, with the spread of new colonovirus infections and significantly sluggish socio -economic activities.

For this reason, I am determined to protect the lives and health of the citizens from the Corona crisis facing and regenerate the damaged socio -economics.

In order to prevent the spread of infection, we will continue to strive to enhance the medical treatment system that does not leave any one through the strengthening of the medical provision system, the fine -grained home medical treatment support, etc.We will take a thorough response to complete the vaccination at the end of April.

In addition, due to repeated expansion of infection, people in various industries, including restaurants, have been having a hard time, and will continue to continue to business and maintain employment in the future.While grasping the needs of people, we will take appropriate and appropriate support measures.

Furthermore, we will focus on creating a new future of this prefecture, and it is important to increase the level of security and growth.

In order to achieve this, we will further enhance medical and welfare, including strengthening the functions of the prefectural general medical center, promoting corporate invitations, supporting the growth of the prefecture, and developing strong agricultural, forestry and fisheries.I will further enhance the vitality.

In addition, we will accelerate the initiatives of Yamaguchi Digital Reform, which is being developed ahead of the whole country, and promote digitization in all fields of prefectural government, such as medical, education, and child care, as well as industrial promotion.

Currently, in the country, there is also a discussion of the “Digital Denenten City National Concept”, which can implement digital implementation from rural areas, shrink the gap between rural areas and cities, and enjoy both the vitality of the city and the relaxation of the region.It is.In the future, the company plans to establish a society where each of the prefectural citizens can realize more richness and happiness than ever, while working hard with these countries' policies.

In order to protect Yamaguchi Prefecture from the crisis of the Corona facing, I will take the lead in the future, I will work together with the citizens of the prefecture, and I will work together with the citizens of the prefecture.We would like to ask you to have a further understanding and cooperation of the members and the citizens of the prefecture.

Next, about the status of the new colon virus infection.

Since the beginning of the year, the new colon virus infection has increased nationwide at the speed of unprecedented people by Omicron strain.

In this prefecture, following the rapid increase in infected people from the year -end and New Year holidays, the government requested the government to apply priority measures such as extension prevention, which is the first time in this prefecture, and will take measures in Iwakuni City and Wagi Town from January 9.As an area, from February 1st, the target has been expanded throughout the prefecture.

With the application of this priority measure, the prefecture has implemented measures to prevent the spread of infections, such as shortening business hours and demands for self -restraint outside the prefecture, in order to stop the spread of infection.

We have received a lot of understanding and cooperation in the prefectural residents and business operators, and I would like to express our sincere gratitude again.

These initiatives have reduced the number of new infected people in the prefecture, at the low level nationwide, and improved indicators such as secured bed usage rates, so this prefecture has been applied to the whole area on the 20th of this month.Although the priority measures have been canceled, the number of new infected people nationwide is high, and there is concern about the impact on the prefecture.

For this reason, I am going to continue to work with the lives and health of the citizens of the prefecture first and to minimize the impact on the economy and economy, and for the citizens of the prefecture, once again.We would like to ask for thorough measures to prevent basic infection, such as avoiding dough and wearing masks.

Ordinance 4th year budget

Then, I would like to explain the initial budget formation in Fourth Fourth.

First of all, in Japan's economy, as we are taking care of infection measures and continuing socio -economic activities, it is expected that the economy will recover due to the effects of various policies and the improvement of the overseas economy.However, it is necessary to pay close attention to the impact of the spread of infection, restrictions on supply, and the risk of lowering due to raw material prices, and to pay attention to the effects of fluctuations in the financial capital market.

Under these circumstances, in the country, through "comprehensive economic measures for protecting the lives and lives of the people", it supports employment and business, preventing the spread of infection and preventing the expansion of infection and aiming for postcolona.The company plans to ensure safety and security, such as the realization of a conversion and virtuous cycle, and promoting disaster prevention, mitigation, and the promotion of rivalry for the country.

For this reason, the 4th year of the country's general accounting budget is the realization of a new capitalism by a virtuous cycle of growth and distribution, as a result of the 3rd year supplementary budget based on economic measures.It was organized as a budget for trying.The total amount is 0 compared to the previous year.The increase of 9 % is 107,596.4 billion yen.

Next, regarding local finances in Fourth Fourth, local taxes have increased in sales, and the total local allocation tax has surpassed the previous year, and as a result of extraordinary fiscal bonds, the total amount of general financial resources, the total amount of general financial resources.It is just where the amount exceeded.

In addition, the same amount as the previous year of the "town / person / person / work creative business cost" and "regional digital society promotion costs" will be secured as the previous year, and a "decarbalization business" will be added to the appropriate management promotion project for public facilities.Measures in line with local issues, such as increasing the project cost, are taken, and as a result, the size of the local financial plan is 0 compared to the previous year..The increase of 9 % is 90,591.8 billion yen.

Against this background, I was in the formation of the budget next year, but I overcome the crisis of the new colon viral infection facing this budget, and the prefecture full of hope and vitality in Yamaguchi Prefecture.We worked on budgeting, positioning as a budget for starting a new future challenge to enhance it.

The current most important issue in prefectural government is to protect the lives and health of the citizens of the prefecture, ensure the stability of living, and regenerate the greatly damaged social economy, and regain the energy of this prefecture.

On top of that, it is a new future with the aim of ensuring higher levels of security and realizing the movement of social transformation, including digitization, as a chance, and to ensure higher levels of security, considering the movement of social transformation, including digitalization.You have to move forward with the construction of the prefecture.

Through these initiatives, I want to overcome the Corona's crisis and make Yamaguchi Prefecture, which are safe, hopeful and vitality, are even higher than in the Corona.

For this reason, in the budget of next year, "efforts to protect the lives and health of the citizens of the citizens of the Corona crisis", "implementation of economic measures based on prolonged Corona evil and current infection status", and "new".The budget is set up along the three pillars of "promotion of prefectural construction for the future".

First, the first pillar, "Efforts to protect the lives and health of the people from the crisis of Corona."

First of all, regarding "strengthening measures to prevent the spread of infection", a rapidly expanded transmission expansion comparable to this, based on the infection status of an omelon strain that is extremely infectious and is still rampant around the world.We will secure a system that can respond.

Specifically, as "securing an inspection system", we will maintain a maximum of 8,000 inspection systems a day for PCR tests performed at medical institutions, etc., and to continue the business with peace of mind.We will support the expenses for inspections that are performed voluntarily.

In addition, as "strengthening the medical provision system", we will continue to secure top -class current systems nationwide, such as 691 inpatient acceptance beds for inpatients, including emergencies, and 930 lodging facilities for mildly ill -person.We will enhance life support for home treatments in preparation for rapidly expanding infection.

Furthermore, as "securing a vaccination system", in order to complete the third vaccination until the end of April, the operation support for the development of a consultation system, the establishment of a wide -area vaccination venue, and the promotion support for promoting vaccination to medical institutions, etc.In addition, we will prepare the system necessary for smooth implementation.

In addition, as "measures to prevent infection in schools, social welfare facilities, etc.", it also supports expenses required for countermeasures at social welfare facilities and prefectural residents, and reducing the risk of infection by increasing the number of commuting buses at special support schools.We will continue to respond appropriately.

Next, in order to foster the desire to support marriage throughout society as a whole, we will provide support so that it can be implemented without hesitation for weddings, etc., as well as the corona evil.We will continue to work hard to help those who are in need, such as support for women and young people to prevent suicide.

Next is the second pillar, "Implementation of economic measures based on prolonged corona evil and current infection status."

Of these, regarding "supporting the prefecture's economy", it first secures a loan frame for small and medium -sized enterprises financing so that the company's long -term corona disaster does not hinder corporate cash flow, and converts and management of business format.The company will boost companies in the prefecture with the creation of new funds for businesses that work on business rebuilding, such as diversification.

In addition, in order to thorough measures to prevent infection at restaurants, we will promote the creation of an environment where you can use restaurants with peace of mind, such as promoting further certification acquisition by looking around all stores.

Furthermore, in the e -commerce market, which is expected to expand the use, we will work on holding faires using major EC sites and supporting shipping to expand sales channels in the prefecture.

Next, regarding "consumption demand", first of all, "GO" is a nationwide -scale demand that utilizes national businesses to support tourist operators.

In addition, to support restaurants in the prefecture and agriculture, forestry and fishermen that provide their ingredients, the country "GO"

In addition, we will carry out campaigns to restore demand for agriculture, forestry and fisheries such as rice -produced rice and flowering, and implement large -scale purchase crowdfunding in order to support funding in the prefecture's store and raise consumption demand.

In addition, we will also work on improving the profitability of the tourism industry with a view to the after corona, and strategic promotions to capture inbound demand, which is expected to recover after resuming overseas.

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Next, the third pillar, "Promotion of prefectural creation for a new future".

First, we aim to enhance and enhance the need for medical and welfare in which the necessity has been recognized in the corona, and to ensure a higher level of security that protects important lives and health in an emergency.

Specifically, as a "enhancement of medical care and nursing care", in addition to infectious diseases, it will play a core role in the Prefectural General Medical Center, which is a base for highly specialized medical care such as emergency and perinatal medical care.We will examine the function enhancements that aim for higher levels of peace of mind so that we can do it, and formulate a basic concept.

In addition, in anticipation of the future of community medicine, using digital technology to establish an environment for the construction of a remote medical system that can provide necessary medical care regardless of location, and responding to further emerging infectious diseases in the future.We will also conduct training to train infection management certified nurses who play a leading role.

In addition, we will support the introduction of ICT and robots to improve business efficiency and improve service quality for nursing care establishments and disability welfare services where the burden is increasing due to corona.

Next, as a "child -rearing support", in order to create an environment where pregnancy, childbirth, and child -rearing can be improved with peace of mind, AI is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in addition to the SNS consultation system.The system that has been utilized will be used in full -scale operation from April 4th, 4th year, and will improve these answer accuracy and promote use.

In addition, in order to enhance the support of children and their families who need medical care, we will install a specialized consultation desk that will be a support base, and the arrangement of nurses for the development of the acceptance system in nursery schools.We support efforts by municipalities, such as creating guidelines.

In addition, Young Kellers, who cannot live a child -like life in order to take care of housework and their family, are used to investigate the actual situation, build a support system in municipalities, and use ICT for smooth village -parent consignment.We will work on improving support systems.

Next, we will consider the environmental change of digitalization as an opportunity, and to make the most of the digitalization of the whole prefecture, make the most of this, and aim to achieve higher levels of growth in society as a whole.

Specifically, as a "realization of a digital society", we will further promote efforts to solve local issues and create new value, based on the DX promotion bases that were opened last year.In order to foster digital human resources who support the next generation, we will discover various training and human resources.

In addition, in order to realize a digital society that no one is left behind, we will create examples to eliminate digital devices so that the elderly and others can realize a richer and convenient life, and further improve administrative services.We will enhance efforts to improve work efficiency.

Next, as "digitalization of medium and medium -sized enterprises", we first provide detailed support according to the status of corporate efforts through dispatching experts in order to strongly support the sustainable growth of small and medium -sized businesses in the prefecture.At the same time, we will support small and medium -sized businesses in the prefecture to expand new style sales channels, such as online -style exhibitions and business meetings.

In addition, in light of the rapid progress of digitalization of recruitment activities mainly in metropolitan areas, seminars and advisors are dispatched according to each stage of recruitment activities, etc.We will support the efforts.

In addition, in order to promote DX in tourist destinations, we will work on holding a workshop to examine and verify the problem solving methods based on data.

Next, as "Promotion of Construction DX", we will continue to promote the use of 3D models to improve the productivity of construction sites in order to respond to issues such as frequent and intense natural disasters and aging facilities.At the same time, we will investigate and examine the expansion of the target facilities in order to further enhance and efficient infrastructure using digital technology.

Next, as a "Smart Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries", in order to inherit the skills of skilled people who are decreasing with the aging of the population, we will promote efforts to reproduce it using digital technology, and start the service in the fifth year.Utilizing the "base of knowledge and skill", we aim for prompt development.

In addition, in order to expand the exports of prefectural agricultural, forestry and fisheries even in the corona, we have introduced a system that can be visited in a remote area about the invitation of buyers that are difficult to implement due to movement restrictions.We will develop and expand sales channels.

Furthermore, in light of the increase in demand for domestic wheat, we will establish high -quality and stable supply systems for prefectural wheat using satellite images and AI, and to protect fishery resources and to achieve sustainable fisheries.We conduct scientific resource surveys by converting data.

Next, as a "creation of innovation", we first accelerate DX in manufacturing companies by supporting the introduction of advanced digital technology in order to promote the productivity of companies in the prefecture and the creation of new added value.increase.

In addition, in order to revitalize the prefecture's industries through the development of underwater robot industries, utilizing the advantage of the prefecture by attracting the development of underwater robot industries by using the advantage of this prefecture by attracting the advantage of the Iwakuni Marine Environment Examination Evaluation of the Ship Equipment Research Institute, the underwater robot industry.We support companies aiming to enter the business.

Furthermore, for the effects of renewable energy, we will continue to provide demonstration projects that utilize public facilities and combine renewable energy and EVs to introduce zero carbon drive, which is an effort to make car movements.Survey etc. will be conducted at the prefectural facility.

Next, regarding the creation and expansion of new people's flow, it accurately captures the changes in people's consciousness, promoting customers who have migrated from cities to the prefecture and takes advantage of new sports and culture.We will accelerate efforts to create and expand related population.

Specifically, in order to attract new people through teleworking, through the operation of a model office opened in the prefectural office last year, the relevant population is supported by working.In order to expand, we will work on attracting activities with the general information facility opened at Yamaguchi Ube Airport.

In addition, in order to continue to promote new sports tourism that links camps and activities, to inherit local traditional performing arts that struggle to restrict activities due to lack of successors and corona.Through the production of experience content used, we will spread to young people who are not interested.

Next, regarding the development of human resources that support new daily life, the educational activities for children who will be responsible for the future of this prefecture will be further enhanced, and young people will challenge and overcome the difficult tasks.We will promote the development of a person who can respond to a new era in cooperation with various subjects so that we can do it.

Specifically, first, online with each person using tablet terminals, etc., to further promote the “Yamaguchi Smart School Concept”, utilizing the ICT environment in prefectural schools, which were developed ahead of the whole country.We will work on exchanges and high -level extracurricular classes.

In addition, digital technology is enhanced to enhance social experience activities such as out -of -school learning and work experience at special support schools to realize individual learning in response to disabilities and promote social participation in society and promote social participation.Create a unique VR video of this prefecture.

Furthermore, in order to promote initiatives in line with the “promotion policy of promoting human development in a new era”, new private organizations are newly collaborated and collaborated with schools and companies, so that they are familiar to children.We will provide a variety of learning efforts to help you stand up.

As mentioned above, we have explained the main expenditure, but as a result, the total amount of general accounting is 4 compared to the initial budget of the previous year..It was about 786,244 million yen, up 4 %.

On the other hand, regarding the revenue budget, the prefectural tax revenue is first, because the company's two taxes are expected to increase due to improvement of overseas economy and the company's business profits against the backdrop of the strong performance of the domestic economy, so compared to the previous year's initial budget., Approximately 193,317 million yen has been recorded.

Regarding local allocation tax, in accordance with local financial measures, it is expected to be 179,854 million yen, which is almost the same as the initial budget of the previous year, and for prefectural bonds, due to a decrease in specialized financial countermeasures bonds, which are special parts.34 compared to the initial budget for the year.It has recorded 53,685 million yen, down 5 %.

In this way, we have been working on budgeting for the next fiscal year, but the expenditure budget is higher than the previous year due to the strengthening of the inspection system and implementation of measures based on the rapidly expanding of Omicron strains.increase.

On the other hand, the lack of financial resources, which had expected 6.6 billion yen at the time of the initial budgeting policy, was finally 53 due to further utilization of temporary grants for regional revitalization, expenditure reduction in the formation process, and ensuring revenue.It has improved to 100 million yen, and as a result of the collapse of the fund for adjusting the financial resources, the expected fund balance at the end of next fiscal year was about 9 billion yen.

As the future of the country's economy is unclear due to the influence of infectious diseases, the strict financial situation continues, but I have protected the lives and health of the citizens of the prefecture under the belief that security is irreplaceable.We will take responsibility to regenerate development in a developmental manner.

The above is an overview of the general accounting budget for the 4th year of Ordinance according to the first bill.

Next, from the bill No. 2 to the bill No. 17, it is related to the special accounting and corporate accounting, and the budget scale is 291111,15 million yen in total, including 15 other accounting for mother and child and son and son and son, widow welfare funding and 15 other accounting.It is.

Ordinance, case resolution

From the bill No. 18 to the 36th bill, all of the ordinances are amended, and some of the related ordinances will be revised in order to establish a new land use department at Agricultural University. Thing.

From the bill 37 to the 40th bill, it is related to the resolution of the case related to the conclusion of a contract with the comprehensive external auditors pertaining to the external audit system, and each of the prefectural assembly is requested.

Organizu 3rd year supplementary budget, etc.

From the bill No. 41 to the 56th bill, it is related to the supplementary budget for each of the third year of the third year.

Proposal No. 41 is a general accounting supplementary budget.

The supplementary budget is to add businesses in response to the national economic measures, and make the required corrections due to the estimate of the approval of revenue resources such as prefectural tax revenue and the final estimate of each business.

First of all, regarding the revenue budget, the number of prefectural tax revenue has been corrected by 3026 million yen due to the expected increase in corporate taxes due to improvement of corporate revenue.

Regarding local allocation tax, as a result of re -calculation associated with the national supplementary budget, the price of the national treasury expenditure and prefectural bonds, etc., are expected to be determined by the expenditure budget., Each requires the required correction.

Next, regarding the expenditure budget, in response to the national comprehensive economic measures, we will reform the disaster prevention information network system, renovate expenses required for infection measures in prefectural schools, etc., and strengthen the functions of social welfare facilities, and have livestock management.A total of 1,444 million yen has been recorded, such as developing facilities that contribute to profits.

In addition, in order to adjust the end of disaster recovery costs, corrections of other businesses due to the final estimation of business, and to adjust the fiscal year in order to adjust the year's financial status surplus based on the provisions of the local finance law.The Financial Adjustment Fund will accumulate 18,160 million yen.

As a result, the total amount of the general accounting supplementary budget according to the bill 41 was 15,725 million yen, and the budget after the correction was 815,721 million yen.

In addition, 66,492 million yen is scheduled for the change in the set budget budget due to correspondence to the national supplementary budget and delayed land compensation negotiations for the construction business, etc. doing.

From the bill No. 42 to the 56th bill, it is related to the special accounting and corporate accounting, and all of the small and medium -sized enterprises modernization funds and 14 other accounting are performed by final arrangements.

Proposal No. 57 requests the prefectural assembly to change the amount to be borne by the municipality, with the final confirmation of the cost required for the prefecture's construction business in the 3rd year.


At this time, I would like to report.

The process of reconciliation in the lawsuit and the amount of damages due to traffic accidents, etc. have been processed by exclusive disposition.

In addition, the number of full -time employees of the Yamaguchi Prefectural Industrial Technology Center will be reported as follows as the provisions of the Local Independent Administrative Corporation.

The outline of the submitted bills, etc. is explained.Thank you for your cooperation.