G123 8 years ago, verify the operation with the latest tablet!Approaching the charm and movement of "Peach Boy River Side Battle Saga"

G123 8 years ago, verify the operation with the latest tablet!Approaching the charm and movement of "Peach Boy River Side Battle Saga"

・ Click here to start the game of "Peach Boy River Side Battle Saga"!

 Until now, we have seen how the comfort of the game service "G123" operated by CTW on the old and new smartphones (smartphones) and PC (PC) will change.In general games that are installed by installing on smartphones and PCs, the more the latest work, the more the new technology, functions, and higher resolution are drawn, the higher the operation.。

 However, browser games that operate with browsers are faster to read than conventional Adobe Flash compatible, HTML5 compatible with plug -in, reduced traffic, and can be connected to the Internet, install them on the terminal and storage.The game works comfortably without compression of the capacity.Depending on the creation of games, the loading speed of the operation changes slightly, but it is not enough to need a high -performance CPU or GPU.

 Nevertheless, PCs and smartphones have the higher the performance of the CPU and GPU, the latest wireless LAN compatible standards, and the speed of the storage is fast, so the comfort changes.Therefore, this time, I tried to verify the operation on the tablet in the game "Peach Boy River Side Battle Saga" based on "Peach Boy River Side", which is broadcast and attracts attention in July this year.

 Tablets can be used in any place than PCs, and you can enjoy games on a larger screen than smartphones.There are three types of installed OSs, Windows, Android, and iOS, and the operation changes depending on the OS.Windows has a tablet operation, but the versatile half that can be made in the same way as a PC is somewhat inconvenient, and of course you can't play smartphone games.

 On the other hand, iPads with iOS may not be able to operate except for the game that supports the iPad.Therefore, this time we performed verification using the Android tablet.The Android tablet is almost a smartphone game, and the screen is larger than the smartphone, so it is used to watch videos and e -books.First of all, I would like to briefly introduce what kind of game of "Peach Boy River Side Battle Saga" before verification.

Aim for the hegemony of the world with the characters of "Peach Boy River Side"!

 "Peach Boy River Side Battle Saga" is a strategic simulation game aimed at aiming for the world's hegemony while maintaining a "castle", which is the base of players by producing units and building facilities.

 The characters of the original TV anime "Peach Boy River Side" participate as a character to cooperate with players.It supports players with various skills, such as increasing the attack power of allies.

At the start of the game, the purpose of the game is introduced in the video of the TV anime.

The game starts from the point where the base castle is about to be destroyed by the attack of Seto

TV anime characters can be obtained by gacha and events

g123 8年前と最新タブレットで動作を検証!『ピーチボーイリバーサイドバトルサーガ』の魅力と動作に迫る

A lot of things you can do, first aim to strengthen your army

 The game proceeds by strengthening your army according to the main purpose presented.There are various conditions for the main purpose, such as "raising the level of facilities", "production of units", and "expansion of areas in the base".If you follow this, you will naturally be strengthened, so even those who are not used to strategic simulation can play with confidence.

 The chapter (so -called main mission) progresses depending on the in -game funding consumed.As the chapter progresses, new facilities can be built at the base and you can challenge new tasks, so let's start with the game with the first time.

The main purpose is in a certain frame in the lower part of the game.If you proceed with the main purpose, the chapter will rise naturally.

Units and some facilities can be leveled up by sliding and combining them.It's fun to see it because the appearance changes rapidly

The base map that is the base.We will build a facility here.Although it is narrow at first, unlocking the area will expand the space, so let's actively release it.

As the player level goes up, you can get to the world map.On the World Maps, you can fight with NPCs, raise units in resource areas, and collect resources necessary to strengthen facilities.

The battle proceeds automatically if you choose the unit to sortie

 Battle occurs when the area is released, when resources are collected on the world map, or when participating in the event.An enemy is displayed on the upper screen, and a frame that can be sortie at the bottom of the screen is displayed.

 Choose a unit only for that frame and press the "Battle" button to start the battle.It will be developed automatically until the win or loss is decided.

 By the way, there are three types of units, "people", "sub -humans", and "demons"."Humans" are in a three -sized relationship, such as being strong in "sub -human", so let's grow them firmly.

Battle start screen.It is possible to decide the units that appear in the "collective formation" by auto.Also, when you set a TV animation character, the skills you have during the battle are activated.You can develop the battle in an advantageous manner

If you belong to the guild, you can fight the middle boss!You can make your own guild and participate in what other players have made.

As the player level goes up, the number of battles that can be challenged will increase.Not only the strength of the unit, but also the number of possessions will be important.

 This work is a content that allows you to enjoy training and maintenance of bases while feeling the world of "Peach Boy Riverside".I think everyone has an element that can be hooked, so if you are interested, let's try it casually.