Google solves the "lovely flaws of the iPad" left by Jobs

Google solves the "lovely flaws of the iPad" left by Jobs

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The tech media "wccftech" reports that Google accidentally solved the drawback of the iPad that Apple has not solved for 12 years.

* Category: Technology Technology | * Source: wccftech, SteveJobs Archive


Google solves the problem of "calculator does not exist" on iPad

Apple's iPad is a great product left by the late Steve Jobs, but it also has its drawbacks since its first release in 2010. That is, there is no calculator app.

The reason why there is no calculator on the iPad is that Steve Jobs did not admit it to the developers who were developing the calculator app for the original iPad as "poor". Since then, Apple has said that "computer apps are under development" and continues to this day, a "lovable flaw" that can be said to be a remnant of Jobs. The details of this story are explained in the related article at the end of the article.

However, there are many users who want to use the calculator on the iPad. Recently, however, "wccftech" points out that "Google has solved this problem unintentionally."

Google recently released a calculator app for Chrome OS on the web. This web app can be accessed by any device that can use Chrome.

This app has a UI optimized for large screen tablets. Of course, this app was developed primarily for Chrome OS, but since it can be used on the iPad by accessing the page, Google unintentionally solved Apple's long-standing problem.

However, this is not an app, it's just a web app. Therefore, users can only use this feature when they are online. (* Addition: If the cache remains, it seems to work even when offline)

However, considering the fact that there are few computer apps optimized for large screens, and most of the apps have public notices, Google's calculator is quite appreciated.

Click here to access this Google calculator app. It can also be accessed in Safari on the iPad, so if you use the calculator frequently, it seems convenient to add it to the home screen of the iPad.
