"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
STV News Hokkaido
Photo -shared application Instagram that allows many people to send the charm of gusset to many people. In Rausu -cho, Hokkaido, elementary school students are promoting their proud seafood on Instagram. We are also looking forward to the activities of the "6 -year Instagram group". Elementary school students who keep the wavy sea on the camera. While holding a tablet, we will cut out the magnificent scenery of the local area. The photos taken are posted on Instagram. We send the nature and charm unique to Rausu -cho every day. Followers are popular in half a year, approaching 1500 people. (Child) "I hope we can make a lot of Rausu and improve the town." that name as well. "6 years Instagram!" Rausu -cho in eastern Hokkaido. The "Instagram group" visited the local fisheries factory on this day. The purpose is to promote the boast of the seafood such as hockey and cod. (Staff of the processing plant) "This is a white child. It is a very high -quality ingredient." Take a picture, actually check the taste and think about appeal points. (Child) "Soft and delicious than expected" (child) "I thought that it would be nice to have a local -producing area of the local production of fish being processed in this way." People also have great expectations. (Hamada Shoten
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