# the video AR experience of new adult performers in the future au 5G region connected by honeybees

# the video AR experience of new adult performers in the future au 5G region connected by honeybees

"I will always connect more. "# Hattage Connect the Future," which Au has partnered with 20 groups of new adult performers, will air on January 18, 2022.

New adult performers have posted videos on social networking sites about the possibilities of 5G services and performers, as well as future dance, sports, music and other performances. In addition, the video has been released as a vision in the car of the 5G railway line.

Currently, videos of all 20 groups of performers have been posted on the special website of # Bee to the Future, after TIME&SPACE introduced nine of the 20 new adult performers and their true faces.

As an attempt to update, AR can be used to watch videos produced by performers in the 5G area of some stations, such as the Yamanote Line, the Osaka Ring Line and the Nagoya main Line, from February 28 to March 31. I really tried what kind of experience I could have.

In order to watch the performer's animation with AR, the technology of VPS (Visual Positioning Service: visual location Service) is used. VPS refers to the technology that can accurately measure the location and direction of one's own place and direction when viewing the scenery through a smartphone or AR glass combined with the location information of the surrounding buildings. This is an indispensable spatial identification technology to correctly display the AR content as augmented reality according to the actual landscape.

Therefore, in the 5G area, the east entrance of Shinjuku Station, AR experienced the performer's make-up video.

First, use your phone to launch the AR app "XR CHANNEL", click "# Bee Connect the Future", and select the performer you want to play. Then, show a map of where you are (this time at the east entrance of Shinjuku Station). When you approach the yellow pin on the map, the content begins to download. After that, ask them to identify the ground and follow the instructions to point the phone above the building.

As the arrow changes the direction of the smartphone, a red circle appears while the word "Look Here" is displayed. Put the white dot in the red circle and the AR content will begin to play.

Videos of performers are displayed at the east entrance of Shinjuku Station across the smartphone screen.

What you can see here is the production of videos that are not publicly available on the Internet. This time a video of Mr. ReiNa of HIPHOP DANCE was played.

In this VPS-based AR content, you can see the production videos of all the performers. For example, this is what happens when a high school Banbang video is played around Tokyo Station.

In addition, videos of RIKU and Sora Aota around Ikebukuro Station are also played around Tokyo Station.

"# Khataki will connect the Future" in collaboration with various types of new adult performers. We asked Shakuro Matsumoto, a member of the brand management department of KDDI, about the process and ideas of this initiative.

KDDI ブランドマネジメント部 松本沙久良

#ハタチが未来をつなぐぞ au 5Gエリアで新成人パフォーマーのメイキング動画をAR体験

Please tell me the story of this project.

KDDI takes the declaration of'5G railway lines'as the starting point, focuses on railways and business districts close to the lives of guests, and speeds up the process of 5G regionalization. Among them, when we hope to share and experience the excitement of the future of 5G connectivity with many people, we pay attention to the bees who ushered in the rite of passage in 2022.

Last year, due to novel coronavirus's infectious disease, adult ceremonies were often held and suspended remotely. In addition, starting from next year, the adult age will become 18, so I think "Bees in 2022" will be special. Therefore, it expresses the "connection" posture of our company. "I will connect you more. Under the slogan "au", we want to connect the ideas of bees who challenge the future with their dreams.

In addition, there is another intention to work with 20 groups of performers in the name of bees. In the future, the possibility of performance and communication mode should be expanded by making use of the characteristics of 5G, such as high speed, large capacity, low latency, multi-connection and so on. Therefore, I would like to introduce to you the possibilities of 5G services and performers, as well as their future performance. By bringing you different types of performances, we also show the diversity of the future 5G era. "

What do people who want to see the video feel?

"I hope you can go all out to enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime moment of Khataki and feel the heat and yearning of performers who are addicted to challenges facing the future. After watching the video, there are also unfamiliar types. The performer said, "I want more people to know the types and scenes they are fascinated with!" "I said enthusiastically, I also want a lot of people to feel its charm."


Please tell me how I actually felt after watching the performance video.

"everyone, this is a very wonderful performance, I am deeply moved, I can still recover. When I saw the reasons for approving the plan, a sentence in response to the interview, a serious expression during the performance, a happy expression, a confident expression, and so on, I naturally smiled and looked back again and again.

KDDI ブランドマネジメント部 松本沙久良

While there are many such powerful bees in Japan, I also know the type for the first time, and I look forward to the animation every time. The off-shoot of the performer and the production video of a peep behind the scenes can be watched by AR in the object attractions in the 5G area, and I will be very happy if one person can let more people watch. "

"I will always connect more. On au's Twitter and au's official Instagram, people who saw the video said: "after playing the video, I was fascinated."there are many fields of acting and interviews, which are very interesting."there are a lot of unknown games in the world. "" how is everyone's physical fitness? "wait a minute, I got a lot of comments. The enthusiasm of 20 groups of performers seems to be conveyed to everyone.

The au 5G railway line is also successfully expanding the area. Asked the KDDI propaganda Department of the small needle Qianyu the current situation and prospects.

KDDI 広報部 小針千絵

Please tell me about the au5G of the railway line.

With the goal of 5G regionalization of railway lines, KDDI issued a declaration on 5G regionalization of railway lines on June 30th, 2021. In order to make 5G closer, we are paying attention to the "life line" of our customers and plan to expand the area. The places used by many guests, such as stations, inter-station, surrounding major stations and business districts, which attach importance to railway lines, will be promoted in turn. "

-- to what extent does the "5G railway line" extend?

"on June 30th, 2021, a total of 30 stations on the JR East Yamanote Line and 19 stations on the JR West Osaka Ring Line in Japan can use 5G. Starting from this, on January 25th, 2022, the 5G regionalization between the platforms and stations of the main section of the railway line 17, including the JR Tokaido line, Nagoya line, and so on, was realized. In addition, focus will be placed on the national business district with the above stations with the front number of people getting off as the center, while promoting the expansion of the 5G area.

In addition, the latest status of the 5G area can be confirmed through the 5G area Map and the list of 5G expanded business districts. "

JR東日本の山手線全30駅のホームでau 5Gが利用可能

-- what can users do when the area of au5G is further expanded?

"in the future, with the development of advanced technology and the expansion of the popularity of 5G smartphones, the content that can be provided to guests, using animation and sound, will become more and more abundant (large volume). In particular, major stations and trams are also places where data transmission and information are concentrated. In order to comfortably use rich content in these places, we will strive to evolve and expand technology in terms of 5G regionalization and content experience expansion. "

-- how will the railway lines that can use au5G be expanded in the future?

"by the end of 2021, in order to be able to use 5G on Kanto Route 21 and Kansai Route 5, we will continue to increase the spacing and strive to expand. The vast 5G area of au and the evolving 5G smartphones and increasingly rich content will work together to bring you an exciting future experience. In order to make you pay attention to the development of 5G in the future, we will continue to devote ourselves to the release of information. "

"# Bee Connect the Future", which works with newly adult performers, shows the diversity and possibilities of the 5G era along with the expanding regionalization of au5G.

In the future, KDDI will also expand the 5G area to make life more convenient and comfortable by building a tough communication network, while continuing to offer joy and create new experience value with a variety of partners.