"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
Chinese Bird Market (C) Jiji News
The new colon virus, which is the source of China, is also expanding in Japan. The virus pathogenity is said to be the same as seasonal influenza, but it does not allow unknown viruses alone. Although the original host of the new Coronavirus is estimated to be bat, the pandemic due to the common infection of animal viruses has been threatening humanity many times. Even with the new influenza alone, Spanish Cold in 1918 has killed 50 million people worldwide. Asia cold in 1957, Hong Kong cold in 1968, and new pandemic flu in 2009. Of the past four pandemic, Asia and Hong Kong are said to be the source of the Greater China. In addition to that, there were many people who were infected with SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) from 2002 to 2003, this acute respiratory disease (COVID-19), and even bird influenza virus (H5N1). Is also a Greater China area. Why is the Great Cancer a source of occurrence? We asked Hiroshi Kida, a special invitation of a common infection research center at Hokkaido University, a leading person in Hokkaido University, a leader in a common infection of the beast.
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