Hiroyuki asks Fumio Kishida, "You're not suited for prime minister, are you?"

Hiroyuki asks Fumio Kishida, "You're not suited for prime minister, are you?"

Have more fun with the real economy! We are delivering in "Nikkei TV Tokyo University" YouTube channel! Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor at Yale University in the United States, and Hiroyuki Nishimura, the founder of 2channel, present a talk show called "Re:Hack" that provides new perspectives on fundamental issues in Japan and the world. This time, we invited Mr. Fumio Kishida of the Liberal Democratic Party, who was inaugurated as the 100th Prime Minister, as a guest, and thoroughly discussed the future of Japan. * Recorded before the presidential election

One panda in the studio for the gorgeous performers

Recording date is September 11, 2021. Mr. Kishida, who is extremely busy with the presidential election, will be performing remotely from his office, Mr. Narita will be performing remotely from the United States due to work, and Mr. Hiroyuki will be performing remotely from France as usual. Yes, in the studio.....one pirameki panda (one?)

Hiroyuki asks Fumio Kishida to be the prime minister You're not cut out to be a minister, are you?

Simple character "This is my land"

Aside from the surreal image, the background of Mr. Kishida is the uniform and cloth of the local Hiroshima Toyo Carp. In fact, before the start, the secretary hurriedly covered the cardboard piled up in the office to hide it. It was Mr. Narita who opened the call. His own mother said, "Kishida-san is handsome, but he's sober." Is this sober character natural or intentional? "Basically, I think this is my land," Kishida-san replied calmly with a smile. On top of that, he said, "It is important for politicians to appeal, but what is needed now is a leader who draws trust and cooperation through dialogue."

Prime Minister, isn't it for you?

Hiroyuki-san, who was listening to the conversation between the two of them, opened his mouth. "Are you aware that Kishida-san is said to be plain?" Without pause, Kishida-san admitted honestly, "There are people who say that you are plain-looking or that you don't have a strong impression." spills. Mr. Kishida himself smiled. It seems that "pointing out a sober character" is not bad. However, Mr. Kishida, who spun his words after that, changed quickly to the face of a stern politician. Hiroyuki, who is not satisfied with the answer, "I would like to explain the meaning of my characteristics to everyone, rather than forcing myself to show off my presence." "Politicians are the type of people who like me. Winning the presidential election means becoming prime minister, but isn't that suitable for you?" Kishida Hiroyuki explained, "The radical reformers stand out more, but I want to show off my strengths," but Hiroyuki doesn't stop.

Proactive for plain character reform

While giving examples of other politicians' gaffes and scandals, Hiroyuki said, "Mr. Kishida is too rational. Is it natural?" Mr. Kishida repeats, "The purpose is not to stand out, but to produce one result. I'm not consciously trying to be plain or not stand out." Hiroyuki was overjoyed at Mr. Kishida's serious response, just like his character. Propose a sober character reform to Mr. Kishida. Citing Mr. Narita's uniquely shaped glasses as an example, Mr. Kishida said, "If you just make it look flashy, it will create a bright atmosphere. Wouldn't it be nice to wear something weird like a necktie?" He replied, "I'll take your advice into consideration." Mr. Kishida himself had the experience of being unnoticed even on the subway, and was confident (?) in his own stealthiness, but it seems that he intends to work on "subtle character reform" in the future. Is it possible for him to appear in front of the public in a bright red tie, thick round glasses, or a tank top that makes use of his hobby of muscle training? After that, when the topic shifted to the new coronavirus, the debate over policy rapidly developed. What are the policies to reduce economic disparity? How will we deal with China in the future? Important themes for predicting the future of the new administration will continue. What kind of image does Mr. Kishida envision for the future of Japan? We are delivering in "Nikkei TV Tokyo University" YouTube channel! is. Do not miss it! * Program information [Hiroyuki vs Fumio Kishida] "Mr. Kishida, you're plain..." Corona exit strategy! Economic disparity! Mr. Kishida's glasses... what should I do? [President election SP] | Nikkei TV Tokyo University Appearance: Yusuke Narita (Representative of Hanjuku Virtual Co., Ltd., Assistant Professor at Yale University) Hiroyuki Nishimura (Founder of Hiroyuki 2channel) Guest: Fumio Kishida (politician) Pirameki Panda (Panda belonging to TV Tokyo) Nikkei What is TV Tokyo University? TV Tokyo Communications and Nihon Keizai Shimbun launched an economic variety YouTube channel that allows you to learn about the real economy in a more fun way.