How do you set the initial setting of Windows Server?

How do you set the initial setting of Windows Server?

Last time, we introduced Windows Server 2008 installation work.This time, let's look at the initial settings such as the necessary password settings and the configuration of TCP/IP, and the newly installed management tool "Server Manager".

Initial settings and management

 In Windows Server 2008, set the administrator's password at the first login, not during installation.This work has a slight difference between Server Core and full installation.

For Server Core

  1. 「Ctrl」-「Alt」-「Del」を入力(画面1)
  2. 「他のユーザー」を選択(画面2)
  3. ユーザー名に「Administrator」、パスワードはなしでログオンする(画面3)
  4. パスワード変更のダイアログボックスで「OK」をクリック(画面4)
  5. パスワード変更(画面5)

Screen 1 ● Windows Server 2008 Common login screen.You should see it in the future

Screen 2 ● At first, there are no registered users, so only "other users" are displayed.

Screen 3 ● Since the password of the Administrator is not registered, it can be blank

Screen 4 ● After installation is completed, the password of Administrator is completed.

Screen 5 ● Specify the password.See the text for available character types, etc.

Windows Serverの初期設定はどうやるの?

For full installation

 The steps from (1) to (3) of Server Core are automatically executed in full installation.That is, the screen of (4) is suddenly displayed.Further, there is no part to specify an existing password on the (5) step screen.

Precautions about passwords

 Windows Server 2008 passwords need to meet the following rules:

 In Windows Server 2008, the administrator password also has a 42 -day expiration date.If necessary, launch the management tool "Control the Computer" and enable "Indefinite Password" in the user's property.You may use the "server manager" described later.

Initial setting method

 Set the password and log on to Windows Server, then make the initial settings such as the configuration of TCP/IP and the composition of the computer name.These tasks were set during installation in Windows Server 2003, but Windows Server 2008 has been changed to be performed after installation.

 In the case of full installation, when the administrator logs on, the "initial configuration task" starts (screen 6).In the "initial configuration task", a link is displayed as a list, so you can choose from there.On the other hand, since there is no list in Server Core, it is necessary to set up by the administrator.

Screen 6 ● "Initial configuration task" displayed when logged on

Time zone

 The default value of the Japanese version of Windows Server 2008 is Japan.If there is no need to change, leave it as it is.In the case of Server Core, "Control Timedate.Execute the CP command.This setting consists of a GUI (control panel) in Server Core.


 Configure the network interface.When you click "Configuration of Network", a network connection management screen is displayed.

 On the other hand, in the case of Server Core, the command must be executed.List 1 has 192 IP addresses.168.1.197, 24 -bit of subnet masks, default gateway and DNS server 192.168.1.This is an example of 1.

List 1 ● Network setting command in Server Core

computer name

 The computer name is randomly set, so be sure to change it after installation.Executing the "computer name and domain input" in the initial configuration task is the same as the "System" of "Control Panel".You can also participate in the Active Directory domain here.

 In the case of Server Core, execute the command.List 2 is an example when configuring as a server name "Core"."" In List 2 ".(Period) is a special ID that can be used instead of the current computer name.

List 2 ● Setting of computer name in Server Core

 If/Reboot is not attached, it will not be restarted automatically, so it is necessary to restart manually.The restart command is "Shutdown /R /T 20"."/R" is a restart option, and "/s" shuts down."/T" also represents a timeout.Here, the restart is performed for 20 seconds.

Server update

 If necessary, select "Enable automatic update and feedback" to configure the automatic installation of the update that will be required in the future.If you select "Download and Install of Updates", you can install the currently available update.That's all for the basic initial settings.

(Next page, following "Management of the server")