How did the MUFG coin evolve this year? "Information Bank" also appears on the MUFG booth of "CEATEC JAPAN 2018".

How did the MUFG coin evolve this year? "Information Bank" also appears on the MUFG booth of "CEATEC JAPAN 2018".

 This year will be the third year after "CEATEC JAPAN" changed its orientation to "CPS/IoT Exhibition" in 2016. Among them, the display area that plays the role of "display cabinet" of CPS/IoT Exhibition is "IoT Town". Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) has participated in the exhibition for three consecutive years since its town of IoT was first established in 2016.

「MUFGコイン」は今年どう進化した? 「CEATEC JAPAN 2018」のMUFGブースには“情報銀行”も登場

 Using the latest technology, financial institutions have begun to work on a framework that is not limited to financial services. Active efforts to solve social problems and other display contents have attracted the attention of many visitors. Especially in last year's "CEATEC JAPAN 2017", the "MUFG coin" of digital currency was disclosed for the first time. As an example of the installation of blockchain technology, it has also attracted much attention, which is still fresh in my memory.

 What will happen to the exhibition of MUFG, which becomes a topic every year, in this year's "CEATEC JAPAN 2018"? Headed by Mr. Takashi Fujii of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (Vice President of Digital Planning Department), Mr. Junosuke Ogata of Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (investigation role of career Development team of Digital Planning Department), Mr. Tatsuya Saito of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank Co., Ltd. (role supplement for Fintech Promotion Room of Business Planning Department), and then We interviewed Hideo Iwano (Deputy Director of Innovation Lab) of Japan Digital Design Co., Ltd., a 100% subsidiary of MUFG.