How to automatically input time -consuming characters with Google documents

How to automatically input time -consuming characters with Google documents

If you can make a "character wake up" to create a document while listening to voice data recorded on voice recorders and smartphones, it will lead to "time saving" in the business scene.

In fact, in the Google Document, you can automatically get the text by simply selecting audio input from the "tool".

How to make characters in Google Docs

This time, we will introduce Windows version, iPhone application version, Android application version.

PC版 How to make characters in Google Docs

To get a letter in the PC version Google Document, operate it in the following steps:

This time, the procedure is introduced using Huawei Matebook X (Windows 10).Basically, since it is operated on a browser -based, there is almost no difference in the operation procedure on other PCs such as Mac.Please refer to it.

1: Open Google and click the "Google App" icon at the top left of the screen.Access Google documentation.

2: Select one template from "Create a new document".This time, we will create a "blank" template.

3: Select the "Tool" at the top of the screen.4: Click "Voice input".

5: The microphone mark is displayed on the screen.If you want to start audio input, click this microphone mark.

6: When the microphone recognizes the audio, the characters should be automatically entered on the Google document.If you want to stop audio input, click the Mike mark that is reddish again.

The above is the audio input method that can be done in Google documentation.

If you use Google Document voice input, such as important meetings and lectures you don't want to miss, you will be able to check the contents later.


How to create characters with the iPhone version of Google Document App

Next, let's enter the audio using the iPhone application version Google Document.It may be useful in places where it is difficult to bring in PCs or listening to people's stories.

The terminal used is the iPhone SE 2nd generation (iOS14).7.2).Other iPhone can be input with almost the same operation, so please try it once.

1: Start the Google Document App.2: Tap the " +" mark displayed at the bottom right of the screen.

3: Select a template for documents from "Select a template" or tap "New Document" to create a new document data.4: Tap the microphone mark at the bottom left of the keyboard.

5: The microphone starts, the waveform is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and you can input by voice.If you want to finish the audio input, tap the waveform.

This is how to enter voice in Google documentation using the iPhone.If you can't enter with voice well, try restarting and updating the app.

How to create characters with the Android version of Google Document App

Next, the method of introducing the Android Google Document App recognizes the audio and automatically transcribes characters.

The terminal used is Galaxy S20 (Android 11).Other Android devices should be able to enter audio with almost the same operation, so please try it.

1: Start the Google Document App.2: Tap " +" at the bottom right of the screen.

3: When a new document is created, tap the blank part of the document and display the keyboard.4: Tap the microphone mark displayed on the keyboard.

5: The microphone can start and enter audio input.Let's talk to your smartphone.6: If you want to stop input, tap "End".

In addition, smartphones may vibrate or sound at the signal of voice input starting.Please be careful when using it during public places or during meetings.

Can Google Docs a letter image or PDF file?

In fact, if you use a Google document, you can convert images and PDF files into text data and edit or add with Google documentation.

1: Upload image data or PDF files to Google Drive.2: Right -click on the cursor to the image or PDF data that has been uploaded.3: After selecting "Open with the app", click "Google Document".

4: Google document starts.The image or PDF data should have been converted, so please edit the document or add and delete characters.

There are four types of files that can be converted: "JPEG", "PNG", "GIF", and "PDF".The file size is up to 2MB or less.Please refer to the following related sites for details.

[See] Convert PDF and photos files into text

* The data was examined as of late September 2021.* The information is made to thorough, but it does not guarantee the perfect and accuracy of the content.* Please use and operate the product at your own risk.

Sentence / Ko Takamizawa