I want to reproduce the horror movie "Saw" on DBD!Thinking about the romantic composition of pigs

I want to reproduce the horror movie "Saw" on DBD!Thinking about the romantic composition of pigs

Are you playing with Super Ultra Masterpiece asymmetric action Survival Horror Game "DEAD by Daylight"?I (Tsuki) I'm playing a lot.Survivors and killers are played on either side, but I especially like the killer side.

This work tends to be particular about winning and losing due to the characteristics of competition games.When playing with a killer, if you can annihilate your survivor, you will laugh so much that you will laugh, and if everyone can escape, it is frustrating enough to writhe.Naturally, in survivor play, the opposite is true.

However, this work is not just "competing for winning or losing."This is a game that uses a horror movie of a murderer.How can the player behave like a murderer appearing in a horror movie and makes her survivor scary?The role play that has been a murderer is really fun.

In fact, the appeal of this work is that we are focusing on collaboration with horror movies, and you can feel the love of the original from the abilities and parks as well as killers and stages.

This time, I would like to consider a park configuration for murderer roll play just like a movie, with the collaboration killer "Pig" with the movie "Saw".It is such an article.It will be jigsou.

What kind of movie is "Saw" in the first place?

When he wakes up, his feet are connected by chains in the corner of the unknown bathroom and is confined.On the other side of the room is another man in the same state.Jijii's corpse in the center of the room ..."What is this? What should I do?"Despite the low budget, it was a huge hit due to its fun, and a sequel was made.

A murderer jigsou who abductes a person who has a past that he wants to be broken and participates in the Game of Death, a game player tossed by a gross game, and the police pursuing Jigsou.It's a very interesting movie with three people intertwined.

The following is a little spoiler of the "Saw" series.I would like you to read the article after watching the movie if possible, but please forgive me because I do not write much.

What does the pig's ability indicate the original?

The identity of "Pig", who is participating in the "DBD" as a killer, is Amanda, a person who is the disciple of the first jigsou.For some reason, she was also participated in a jigsaw game, and after a faint, she was invited to the DBD world after "Saw 3" (for any, look at Saw 1-3.Let's see everything.)

There are two pigs as a DBD killer.

One is to squat down and hide the heart sounds and sneak up, and rush to rush while raising a beast -like groan.This is the reproduction of the scene where Jigsou abducted the game participants in the original.It is quite impressive because the scenes that sneak up behind the scenes and the sound effects that were sneaking in behind the scenes and its sound effects.

Many players thought, "If you don't have that groan, you won't be bald," but the groan is like "Sou".Jigsaw's pretend needs that "Gao".

And the other is "reverse toraba scissors".On the game, it can be attached to a downed survivor, and when the generator is repaired, the timer starts.If the key is not found in the zigus box within the time limit, the attached survivors will be torn and killed.

This is also one of the jigsou games that appear in the movie, and it is impressive that "it will be started under certain conditions and dying if you find the key within the time limit and remove it."Although it is an item that symbolizes the Soushi series, there are not many people who died in that trap in the movie.

Even in DBD, many people will have the impression that "it's a time -consuming item, it's difficult to aim for a kill.It can be said that it is an item that faithfully reproduced the original.

Although the introduction became longer, I thought about the romantic pig park configuration, which was not taken into account or not.It's all romance, so it's not very practical, but let's introduce it.

Pigloman Park configuration plan 1 "Configuration that I want to kill with reverse toraba scissors"

"Reverse toraba scissors are only time -gained, and it is difficult to aim for a kill there."She said that earlier.However, the next good moment after using a pig and "when you can annihilate" is "the moment when you can kill with reverse toraba scissors".Do not you think so.You will think.

In the display of "Game Over" displayed on the screen when it is killed with a reverse toraba scissors, I, as a soufan, will come.That's why I thought about "the configuration that I want to kill with reverse toraba scissors."

The "whisper", where you can see if the survivor is nearby, is used to make the rip -out survivor in addition to the enemies, as well as the unmatched survivor.It's insidious.It's insidious, but I want to always watch the game in a special seat.

"The culprit of anxiety" and "the root of agony" are used to increase the difficulty of checking the jigsome box.You might think, "The root of agony in the pig? Is it better to hit the one you are touching and touching the box from behind?"That's right if you play normally.

However, the protagonist this time is "reverse torabasami".I want Survivor to experience the death game and be annihilated, so I'm going to get impatient.I know if you get done, but I really hate this combo.

"Deadlock" is equipped with the feeling that "I want others to repair it to start the timer, but if it is repaired one after another, it will be troublesome."

With the add -on "remodeled timer" and "mechanical parts box", the time limit of the timer is shortened, and the time to spend one box is extended.Offering "R".P.D."The badge" will make the stage a notorious "Raccoon City Police Station".

DbDでホラー映画「ソウ」を再現したい! ピッグのロマンパーク構成を考える

This stage is so large that it is divided into two levels, so it is really troublesome to go around the zigus box.If you can't cancel it with the first or two, the reverse toraba scissors will be quite desperate.

Survivor, who can no longer go around the box with a little time left, is irresistible.Close to the evil hobby of Jigsou after "Saw 4".

It is not a park configuration that aims to annihilate it, but is a "structure aimed at killing by reverse toraba scissors".It is vulnerable to tactics such as "I will stop the generator for my friends!" However, if you detect such an atmosphere, you should hit it and switch to a tactic you usually hang.Most of the time, you will be repaired normally, so you can calm down and aim for a chance to start up.

Pigloman Park Configuration 2 "Speaking of" SAW ", it is a scene where the door is closed while the game is over, it will reproduce that."

The most exciting scene while watching the "Saw" series.Last but not least, with the familiar theme song, everything is revealed, and jigsou appears to the loser in the desperate game."Game over".Then close the door with Beroo.

Seriously cool.I want to do that.I want to win while closing the door with a burn.

There are two types of DBD, "How to Close the door with a burn and win."One is when closing the escape hatch in front of the survivor.Use a blueprint with an annotation to fix the hatch appearance position, turn off your heart sounds when you become the last one, and then do the barn while decling the game over when the survivor approaches.。It feels like a jigsou.When the offering is used, the position of the hatch is also barred in the survivor, so I want to be careful.

Well, there is a reasonably high hurdle to do this role play, and if you want to aim for this, you should use a park that is normally used instead of this park configuration.

Another "How to Close the door with a burn and win" is a park "blood guard".Once the gate is open, it will be available and you can see the aura of the survivor in the gate area.

Then, if you hang the survivor on the hook in that state, you can completely block the exit for 60 seconds.However, it doesn't stick.It is a so -called romantic, but if it can be activated, the sense of despair given to the survivor is terrible.

The park is so easy to stab so that the opponent licks it, so let's do it appropriately until the last generator is repaired.If you can afford it, it will be easier to kill about one person.It would be great if you could create a state down one person when the last generator was repaired.After that, if the survivor doesn't open the gate easily, you can open the gate yourself.

The protagonists are "blood guards" and "magic: no one can escape death", so the remaining two parks can be tried various things."Grudge" is also recommended.The offering may be a "Mement Mori" system.I feel good.

It's really nice to be able to forcibly help the survivor suspended for activation and have a good place to do a good place to do something that is good to be given.

Well, there is no such scene in "Saw".

Pigloman Park Configuration 3 "I will try out how far I can expose myself for others"

How far can you sacrifice yourself for others?It is a situation that often appears in series after "Saw 3".The texture of "Make your Choice" comes out many times in the movie, and the pig's unique park is also the English name of "You are up to you".

In this unique park, if survivors are rescued from hooks more than 32m away from the killer, the rescued survivors will be defenseless for 60 seconds (down in one shot).

Can you risk yourself in danger for others' lives?It is a wonderful park that condenses "Saw".When playing a DBD on the killer side, there are many things that make you feel bitter with a "insanely friendly survivor".Let's use such a friendly action in reverse.

As you can see, it is a park configuration that jumps the risk of all actions to help friends.How far can you expose yourself in danger and save your friends?Or do you only survive by abandoning your friends?Decide.

The problem with this configuration is that you cannot rely on the park until you take down from the enemy.I have to do my best on my own."Forced penetration" and "mad guts" may be replaced with other parks.

Total coordination configuration for "Saw"

Instead of breaking through one point, I thought about a perfect jigsou or a pretend girly pretend to dye everything with a good feeling.

It is a configuration that can be immersed in "sew".The kimo of this configuration lies in add -on and offering.If you wake up, you will have a strange abandoned factory, a mysterious machine on your head.It's a completely Saw world.

The generator must be repaired to escape, but when the generator is repaired, the timer of the equipment starts.If you give priority to removing the device, you will not be able to escape forever.If you help your hanging companion, you will be dangerous.Survivors are forced to make decisions in all situations.

It is recommended because it can be quite jiggle.I want you to try it once.

Recommended parks when playing with pigs

The configuration introduced so far is only for "Saw" and "Zigsou pretend".If you want to aim for annihilation normally with a pig, there are many recommended parks, so let's introduce it for the time being.

A park where you can get over the windows faster and close the overcoming windows for a while.It doesn't start to keep up with the chase and not attaching the reverse toraba scissors, so it's convenient to reduce the time of the chase.

A park where you can only flip even if you hit an indomitable board.The pigs have a technique that forcibly use a board for a crouching and surprising attack on survivors, which are spinning around the board.Even if you hit the board at that time, it will not be very stressful.

A park where you can see the survivor treated near the nurse's mission.It feels good if you squat down and hit with a survivor who is treating in the shade.

A park where a generator repaired by multiple people dissonance shines.This is also compatible with surprise attacks.In addition, the generators that are repaired multiple people are usually repaired immediately, so it is good to use the reverse toraba scissors.

Magic: A park that is oblivious until the hung survivor destroys the corresponding totem.Even though the release of the reverse toraba scissors alone is busy, you have to destroy the corresponding totem.It is quite jigsou to urge you to choose which one to do first.

A park where you can see if there is a survivor within a specific range.Since the pig's heart sound range is the same, it is good to switch to crouching mode if you react.On the contrary, you don't have to squat when you don't respond.It is quite convenient because the efficiency of moving increases.

We have introduced various parks, but this game is quite frequently adjusted by updating, so be careful.At that time, please consider a new jigsaw -like configuration.

You will be jigsou too.

(Buna Tsuki / Configuration Nooto)