I went to Japan's largest running trade show "Tokyo Marathon EXPO 2019"

I went to Japan's largest running trade show "Tokyo Marathon EXPO 2019"

「東京マラソンEXPO 2019」に行ってきました

 The Tokyo Marathon 2019 is finally approaching March 3rd.It started in 2007 and this is the 13th time.

 The runner who participates in the Tokyo Marathon will receive a number card, and will receive information on marathon tournaments overseas, and exhibit and sell running wear, latest gears, and accessories.Is "Tokyo Marathon EXPO 2019".This time, the venue has been moved to an outdoor space in Odaiba (Tokyo Big Sight from 2018), and it is held for three days from February 28 to March 2.

 We have been looking into Japan's largest running trade show, which will be held in the first open space.


 First, the official shop of the Tokyo Marathon 2019.It was so successful that the product entrance was in line.There are a lot of official goods.


日本最大級のランニングトレードショー「東京マラソンEXPO 2019」に行ってみた

 Next is the Tokyo Community Zone & Co -sponsored Media Zone.Several local governments from the 23 wards of Tokyo, such as Chiyoda Ward and Taito Ward.In the co -sponsored media zone, there was also a booth of the Tohoku and Miyagi Reconstruction Marathon 2019.


 Next, enter the big tent of the official partner exhibit zone.There is a booth on the Metropolitan Expressway near the entrance.


 The wide -Tokyo Metro booth displays successive official official trophy.The same trophy is also displayed as those given to the winners of the Tokyo Marathon 2019.In addition, there is a service that allows you to put a dream scene in which the goal tape is cut in the camera with the background panel of Tokyo Station, which is the goal point.This had a line of foreign tourists.

トロフィーは必見! 今年は誰の手に?!行列を作っていたゴールテープを切るイメージ写真コーナーアサヒビールでは発売されたばかりの高炭酸飲料、アサヒドライゼロスパークをプレゼント! ノンアルコールです

 At the ANA (All Nippon Airways) booth, the Airbus A380 aircraft, which will be launched on May 24 with a large wall panel, appealed.And the first Japanese airline, ANA COUCHII, is also on display.The appearance of a customer who is interested in the flat seats.


 When you go outside, there is a large food area.There are plenty of local items such as Nakatsu Kara, Sanuki udon, Fujinomiya Yakisoba.Please be assured that there is a place where you can sit and eat.Next is a general exhibition company zone with many small tents.


 There is an overseas exhibition zone in one corner of the general exhibition company zone.This time, the Ministry of Tourism and Tourism Agency of the Indonesian Tourism and the Tourism Agency will be exhibited here.Organizers from each tournament are coming to Japan from the site, so you can get the latest information on marathon tournaments in Thailand and Indonesia.If you are worried, visit and ask various things.

インドネシア共和国観光省ブースでは、バリマラソン、ビンタンマラソン、ボロブドゥールマラソン、ジャカルタマラソンのオーガナイザーが来日中。いずれも秋に開催される大会ですこちらはタイ国政府観光庁パンフレットなどを用意してお待ちしていますH.I.S.(エイチ・アイ・エス)では走ってみたい海外マラソンに投票を! なんとエントリー枠とランドパッケージがプレゼントだそうです11月10日に開催予定のおかやまマラソンからはマスコットキャラクターが応援に新コースで12月1日開催予定の大阪マラソンは、4月5日エントリー開始を猛アピール最後にコムレケアをいただいちゃいました出口です