I will show you all the back side of the CM made by complete contactless remote shooting ~ STUDIO DISTANCE

I will show you all the back side of the CM made by complete contactless remote shooting ~ STUDIO DISTANCE

txt: Kana Yamamoto Composition: Editorial department

With How to survive the Corona era

With A series that analyzes the current state of video production in the Corona era and thinks about what is happening now, what is needed, and what will come after that. Even in the video industry, which has begun to restart, I have heard some stories from the field. This special feature so far has been a chapter that captures the scene and thinks about tomorrow, but from Vol.05 onward, I would like to follow the new form of video production that responds to the times as soon as possible.

In Vol.05, we will pay attention to STUDIO DISTANCE, which was launched in April and specializes in remote photography. Mr. Ryohei Kaneko, the producer in charge, and Mr. Keita Yukoshi, the cameraman, explained the CM example of Star Channel produced by STUDIO DISTANCE.

(Left) Producer Ryohei Kaneko, (Right) Photographer Keita Yukoshi

完全非接触型リモート撮影で作ったCMの裏側すべて見せます~STUDIO DISTANCE

In Japan, the state of emergency was lifted on May 26. I just hope that it will continue to converge, but if you look around the world, the number of newly infected people is still slowly rising, and about 20,000 newly infected people have been reported in the United States and Brazil. The situation is still unpredictable. Surviving the With Corona era will require more flexible thinking and action for those who live in video.

About the remote shooting service "STUDIO DISTANCE"

BS10 Star Channel "Watch. Digging. More." TVCM main story 15 seconds The main story released on May 26 was made after about a month of production in complete non-contact.
──Isn't the Star Channel commercial "Watch. Digging. More." The first commercial in Japan that was shot completely non-contact? Please tell us how you started STUDIO DISTANCE.
──The main story is released on May 26th. It's a great sense of speed. How long did it take from the concept of the service to the production of the case study?

The flow of full remote video production as seen in the "Watch. Digg. More."A strange combination of existing ones

"STUDIO DISTANCE", a service that completes everything from orientation with clients to delivery with full remote control

──I would like to ask you about the specific flow of shooting, but I imagine that the performer will play many roles, starting with the operation of the camera. Basically, everyone is an amateur in video production, isn't it? Please tell us what kind of preparations you made before the performance.

One performer at the scene sets up and prepares the equipment himself

──What are the important check items unique to online location scouting?

Yukoshi: From the cameraman's point of view, I was concerned about digital literacy as to whether the performer could really operate the camera. And the internet line. It is necessary to prepare Pocket Wi-Fi for production at the line speed where the line speed is interrupted even if you connect with Zoom. In the shooting so far, it is necessary to cover items that I did not care about at all.

BS10 Star Channel "Watch. Digg. More." Hen About an hour and a half until the making video camera is delivered and set up.
──When you watch this making video, Kaneko is actually rehearsing as a performer.

What is the shooting method that reduces the burden on the performer?

──In the video production, you entrust the shooting to the performer who is an amateur, from the lighting and camera settings. What kind of measures did you take to reduce the burden on the performer at the same time as not giving up on the quality?
──What is the camera used in this project? Also, do you make a shooting kit with the lens and filter set?

The performer shoots with Canon EOS R in a selfie style (strictly speaking, Mr. Yukoshi does it remotely)

──You make a shooting kit with the lenses and filters set according to the performer's environment, right?

Yukoshi: This time, when I looked at the angle, I narrowed down to one RF 15-35 lens. At the time of the production contest, most of the images are the performers looking at the monitor, so it was decided that a single wide-angle lens would be sufficient. We will give you a filter with a lens attached, so the performer just turns on the switch.

Shooting production that challenges with 1/4 number of staff. What are the issues you saw?

The zoom of the camera is processed by the edit zoom.All the shooting was done at Mr. Yukoshi's home

──Please tell us about the actual shooting environment. How many staff are previewing on the Zoom screen?
──Is the session on Zoom comfortable?
──What kind of issues have you seen after the actual production?

Future possibilities, required skills and mindset

──What kind of development are you thinking about in the future with STUDIO DISTANCE? Also, please tell us if there are any projects already in progress.
── Now that you know that unexpected things happen in your life, I think the world will continue to change. Please tell us how you see the image of the producer and the image of the cameraman needed in such an era.

txt: Kana Yamamoto Composition: Editorial department

◀ Vol.04 [AfterCOVID-19] Vol.06 ▶

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