Is it a pitfall for large screens and high image quality?Miscalculation of people who failed to choose a TV

Is it a pitfall for large screens and high image quality?Miscalculation of people who failed to choose a TV

Introducing the failure story of choosing a TV (Image. Getty Images)

Recent TVs have a large screen and high image quality, and it has become possible to enjoy powerful images while staying at home. It is one of the must-have items to enhance your home time, and some people may say, "I can't think of a life without a TV!" Under such circumstances, it seems that some people have failed to select a TV and regret it. Don't say "That's TV". From the user's voice, let's find out the points to be careful when choosing a TV. [Image] Many nostalgic CRT TVs

The proper size for a 6 tatami room living alone is ...

Mr. A, a man in his 20s who works for a temporary staffing company, lives alone in 1K, which is about 20 square meters in Tokyo. He says he is facing the size problem of a TV in a 6 tatami bedroom.

大画面・高画質にも落とし穴? テレビ選びに失敗した人たちの誤算

"It's difficult to get the right size for a TV for living alone. I've been using a 24-inch LCD TV for a long time, but a few years ago I thought it was a little small and replaced it with a 32-inch. I was happy at first, but With more opportunities to watch movies and dramas and play games at home, I've come to think that it's "small" again. "

Mr. A, who went to a consumer electronics retail store to consider purchasing a new TV, was surprised when he was told about the proper size of 6 tatami mats.

"The clerk told me that the recommended size for 6 tatami mats is 49 inches or more. Full high-definition and 4K compatible TVs have a shorter optimum viewing distance, so even in a small room, a large screen is" just right. " Somehow, I was really surprised because I assumed it was about 40 inches at the largest. "(Mr. A)

After worrying about Mr. A, he chose "55 inches", which is even larger than 49 inches. Mr. A laughs bitterly at the drastic choice, saying, "It's too big to think calmly. I regret it a little."

"I was on sale at that time, and the price didn't change much. I thought I'd get used to the size soon, so I bought a 55-inch. I thought I could put it.

However, when I installed it in my house, it was bigger than I had imagined, and I felt oppressive. In addition to the high-quality image quality, looking at the large screen nearby will increase the distance the eyeballs move, which makes the eyes tired, so it may have been better if it was a little smaller. "(Mr. A)

Next page: It's hard to move with OLED TV