Free video watching app sharing night after night on Telegram?

Free video watching app sharing night after night on Telegram?

Free TV shows and movies are being studied all over the world. For this reason, like bamboo shoots after the rain, it grows back no matter how much you crush it, which is the trick of watching TV and movies for free. It seems that Android stray apps are getting popular recently. Let's take a look at the dangerous free video watching apps that are being shared night after night on Telegram.

Free video watching app sharing night after night on Telegram? Click here for the image of >>

Video free viewing app on Telegram Nightly sharing?

Information about apps for watching free videos is shared

Hardware called “Android TV Box” has become popular in recent years for free watching TV programs and movies. One of the reasons is that Chinese video sites and P2P TV restrict access from outside the country.

As a countermeasure against illegal videos, a Japanese TV station and a major Chinese video site jointly conduct a distribution business, and officially distribute Japanese animation, etc. It is not uncommon for the situation to be chaotic that it will be done.

The measure we took was to restrict access from Japan. This time, as a "countermeasure", techniques such as spoofing the IP address and pretending that the access was from China were born, and the method of using the hardware in question (paying a certain amount) as an easier and more reliable method spread. .

In the midst of this, Japan's core TV enthusiasts are secretly paying attention to the "Telegram" channel, which is a highly confidential chat tool. There is a channel to share Chinese free video app information.

Thanks for the app for watching free videos for Chinese people

[next page] There is a dubious stray app that is not distributed on Google Play, etc...Editor's recommendation

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