Is "Twitter away" progressing among high school girls? Instagram stories act on behalf of high school girls' "away from Twitter" inevitably progresses

Is "Twitter away" progressing among high school girls? Instagram stories act on behalf of high school girls' "away from Twitter" inevitably progresses

Some say, "It's also a group. I'm in contact with my parents as a group." LINE, an important contact tool for connecting with family and friends, has become a communication infrastructure.

LINE is widespread among all generations, and according to the 2017 White Paper on Information and Communication by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the LINE usage rate for teens to 60s in 2016 was 67%, and that for those in their 60s was as low as 20%. All other generations have more than half the utilization. Everyone is experiencing the decrease in the number of people who say "I'm not doing LINE" every day.

CM of smart speaker "LINE Clova Friends" that can make free calls (Source: LINE official YouTube)

The much talked about "read through" and "unread through" aren't bothering me these days. Some high school girls say, "How many days do you meet? If you have a business, I think you should return it as soon as possible, but if not, it doesn't matter." Some high school girls say, "It depends on the person you talk to." Other high school girls nodded to the opinion, "It's the same as email."

The way LINE is used, which was a play in exchanging good-tempo talks, is gradually changing, and it seems that the demand for it as a means of contacting close people and a calling tool is increasing. Even if Instagram and Twitter are fun, there is no option to quit LINE.

"By the way, Twitter doesn't open at all."

One high school girl said, "I am too" from other high school girls. What's happening on Twitter, which high school girls loved as much as LINE?

Instagram Stories replaces Twitter

According to the "Active JK Peeping Project [Vol.7] Twitter Survey" released by research company Testy in February, "LINE" ranked first with 87.1% and second. Was 67.5% on "Twitter" and 53.0% on "Instagram" in third place.

I wrote in the article "Why junior and senior high school students use LINE and Twitter properly" as to why Twitter, an old SNS, is supported by high school girls, but they always try to post according to the destination. is. Even if you create multiple accounts, we are careful not to make the reader feel uncomfortable.

However, recently, a high school girl has come out saying, "When you open Twitter, it's about someone's birthday." When asked why, he said, "I will post things that I tweeted on Twitter to Instagram Stories."

Instagram Stories are posts that, unlike regular posts, automatically disappear after 24 hours. You can post still images and videos with text and motion processing. The feature is that many people feel free to post everyday events, not posts aimed at "instagram".

女子高校生の間で「Twitter離れ」が進行?Instagramのストーリーズが代行 女子高生の「ツイッター離れ」が進行する必然

"For example, when you want to say that it's hard to work part-time, it's heavy to write" hard part-time job "on Twitter.

I think it takes a lot of time to take an image, but if you don't have an image, you can post just the text, so you can complain brightly by using colorful backgrounds and fun fonts.

Hashtags and location information can be entered in Stories, but it is rarely done. "I put in a lot of GIFs (GIF videos). I also do a lot of questionnaires. I'm watching all my friends, so I get answers."

"It's nice to have a rush (in my friend's stories). If you comment when you see it, it will be a DM as it is, so the conversation will continue. It will be a story to go there next time."

Stories comments are sent to the other party as "DM (Direct Message)". On the contrary, isn't it difficult to comment? I think that, but it is certainly convenient that you can shift to conversation without being seen by others.

It's not uncommon for Instagram DM and LINE talks to be held in parallel with the same person. "I often talk about school on Instagram, food on LINE, and other topics that are different from the same person. I send LINE a funny face video taken with Snapchat." , You can see how SNS is used naturally.

Stories can enjoy sharing tweets like Twitter (photo by the author)

"And the stories should be easy to see! If you open Instagram and tap the stories, your friend's stories will be displayed automatically. I'm not interested because you can jump to the next one by popping the screen. You can see everything when you do it. "

Stories will automatically play posts from the accounts you follow one after another. It's easier to look at the automatically played stories than to scroll through the regular posts.

This "almost no burden on the viewer" is the reason why even high school girls who want to keep their posts according to the situation can post freely. And the stories disappear in 24 hours. Even if it looks strange, it will not be looked back on by others. You can also leave your favorite stories on your profile screen. It is also important to feel free to make more and more and leave only what you like.

Twitter is still popular

Just as adults have different favorite SNSs for each person, high school girls also seem to like which SNS they like depending on the type. The move from Twitter to Instagram has the impression that there are many bright and fashion-conscious “Yoka (cheerful characters)”. On the other hand, "Yin-Yang" still tends to push Twitter.

"Stories are annoying to put in and post images, you know who read them, you're online on DM, and it's annoying. Twitter is the easiest. Create a private account and connect only with good friends. It's best to have a conversation with a lip (a tweet that doesn't say to anyone, also called an air lip). "

The most posted dog face filter in Stories (Photo: Instagram)

"I can't post my favorite entertainers or games to Stories, and I'm just a hobby."

It may depend not only on your personality but also on your grade. I get the impression that Instagram is used even by high school students as the grade goes up. Currently, junior high school students start Twitter on the LINE timeline, before and after entering high school, and then go to Instagram.

Even high school girls who are sensitive to fashion, the instagram is harsh every time. Stories, which can be posted with casual content, can quickly share what you want to say just by taking images and videos. Instagram has captured the hearts of young people with new features, but this trend is not limited to Japan. According to data released by Instagram in August 2017, teenagers (13-18 years old) share 6 times more photos and videos on Stories than other users. Keep an eye on future SNS trends.