ISUTA [iOS 14] iPhone home screen can be customized!Cute arrangement of icons and widgets ♡

ISUTA [iOS 14] iPhone home screen can be customized!Cute arrangement of icons and widgets ♡

Have you downloaded the iPhone's new OS, iOS 14?

In iOS 14, the customization function of the iPhone home screen has been dramatically improved, making it possible to change images of app icons and widgets.

This time, we will introduce the technique of customizing the iPhone home screen using the iOS 14 function.If you are updating to iOS 15, please see this article.

Customize the home screen of the iPhone with iOS 14

Immediately, let's customize the icon image of the application on the iPhone home screen.

First, prepare an Apple genuine app "Shortcut".

When you open the "Shortcut", tap the plus mark in the upper right and create a new shortcut with the "Add Action" button.

Next, search for "Open App" in the upper search column, and select the displayed action.

Specify which application to create a shortcut for which app with the "Select" button.

This time I chose a camera!

Tap "Next" at the top right of the screen to proceed.

Here, press the button on the right side and select "Add to the home screen".

ISUTA 【iOS 14】iPhoneホーム画面のカスタマイズが可能に!アイコンやウィジェットをかわいくアレンジしよ♡

Tap the icon displayed below to change the image.

If you save the image in the camera roll, select your favorite image in "Select a photo".

Finally, enter the name and complete the operation with "Add" on the upper right!

The home screen is the icon of the specified image, creating a camera shortcut.

A normal app icon is also left on the home screen.If you delete this, the app itself will disappear, so please do not erase it!

It is recommended to create a dedicated folder and put it together.

The widget is cute with iOS 14 ♡

In iOS 14, a "widget" function that can access the compatible app immediately can now be added to the home screen.And you can arrange such a widget with your favorite images.

First of all, please download the application "Photo Widget".

After opening the app, use a plus button to pick up the image from the camera roll.

In the setting mark on the upper right, you can set up a "photo time setting" that switches the image every few minutes.It is recommended because you can enjoy various images by setting the time ♡

Return to the home screen and press the screen to add a widget.

If you choose "Photo Widget" here,

A widget of the saved image will appear!

Finally, the photo widget is completed on the widget you want to arrange!

At first glance, it is a photo widget, but a swipe hidden widget is displayed ◎


Create your own home screen!

It takes a little time, but the home screen will be dramatically cute, so please try it.

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