"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
A lock screen you see every time you get an iPhone.Here you want to set your favorite photos.
This time, we introduce techniques that change the image of the lock screen depending on the timing and time of charging.
If you can't decide on one photo, please check it out.
First, choose multiple photos you want to use for the lock screen in the iPhone application "Photo".
Next, open the app "Shortcut" and select the plus button on the upper right.
Enter an easy -to -understand title such as "Wallpaper" in the shortcut name at the top.In the search column at the bottom, enter
Here, select
Move a little below, select "random" for the order, and set the restrictions to "on" and "acquire one photo".
Use the search column again, enter the wallpaper and add the item.
In this case, the wallpaper on the home screen will be changed together, so tap the
Press the arrow to set the
From now on, I will specify when to move the created shortcut.
Switch to "Automation" and tap
This time, I wanted to switch the wallpaper at the time of charging, so I chose a
Check both "Connected" and "Connected" and proceed to the next.
From the addition of the action, select "Run Shortcut".
Tap the shortcut part and select the shortcut "wallpaper" created earlier.
Finally, turn off "ask before execution"!
This will switch the image of the lock screen when you insert the charging cable or when you pull it out.
Once you create a shortcut for wallpaper, just replace the image in the photo folder and the lock screen will be changed automatically.
Many people wake up on the iPhone alarm.It is also possible to change the picture of the screen you see in the morning every day.
The created part of the automation is "time" instead of a charger, and
Please keep the time before waking up.The subsequent settings are the same as the charger.
Now you can wake up on a different lock screen every morning!The special lock screen will be completed, so please try it.
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