Use VIVA Insight in the 53rd Teams

Use VIVA Insight in the 53rd Teams

 Microsoft has announced the Microsoft Viva (VIVA), a platform for ensuring the maximum ability for employees and teams.This is an employee experience platform that coordinates communication, knowledge, learning, resources and insights.It is mainly provided using Microsoft Teams (hereinafter, Teams).

 VIVA is composed of several modules.At the first stage, the following four modules will be provided.

・ Microsoft VIVA Connections (Connections) Entrance for accessing in -house information and communication tools.It is possible to search for content, sites, news, etc. for the entire organization.

・ Microsoft VIVA Insight (Insights) Microsoft 365 analysis of data such as e -mails, meetings, services, etc., provides information to understand the work environment and work status, and to balance welbying.Proposal.Teams, Myanalytics, etc. can be customized according to individuals and positions.

・ Microsoft VIVA topics (TOPICS) Content and knowledge in the organization are organized and provided with AI.It makes it easier for employees to find information without spending time searching for information.

第53回 TeamsでVivaインサイトを活用する

・ Microsoft VIVA Learning (Learning) Provides learning content to improve the skills of employees.It can be added from Teams and can share learning content and information.

 今回は、上記の中から、個人向けの「Microsoft Viva インサイト(以下、インサイト)」をTeamsに追加して試してみる(図1)。なお、画面や操作は執筆時点のもので、機能が追加されたり、変更されたりする可能性がある。



 Insights for individuals can be used by adding them to Teams as apps.

 Insights analyze data anonymized in Microsoft apps and services, such as email and chat, and propose a better work style.There is a personal behavior analysis tool of "Myanalytics" that has already been introduced, but these functions are compiled with suggestions and information to secure work and breaks while maintaining connections with colleagues within the team.Is an insight for individuals.


 After adding, fix the application so that the insight can be displayed at all times.To fix it, right -click "Insights" on the left and click "Fix".




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