It's okay for beginners. Four nursing methods to promote plant growth

It's okay for beginners. Four nursing methods to promote plant growth

Dreams and hopes swell up when young saplings are brought home for the first time.

I want to depict the future of green and rich growth, but to achieve this, some maintenance of plants is needed.

The word "husbandry" in plants, also known as "maintenance", is to care for and enhance plants. Using specific methods (wire network pruning), plants can blossom better and promote optimal growth.

However, that method is difficult. It may be difficult to judge which beginners should try.

By practicing the beginner-oriented techniques introduced in this article, the grower should also be able to move (the plant) in the right direction.

Catalog (catalog)

How to use barbecue training (LST)

A simple maintenance method that does not require technology

How to use the Green screen method

How to use High Speed training (HST)

How to use barbecue training (LST)

One of the easiest ways to start taking care of plants is through LST.

This approach begins when plants are very young and flexible, and (as the name implies) there is little pressure on plants and growers.

In LST, when a plant begins to grow, it bends and holds the plant. By doing so, we will avoid dense leaves and ensure that the sun shines evenly.

At this point, buy a plant-specific venitra, or use a soft pipe cleaner to gently fix the stem in the newly curved direction.

The horticultural website Safer Brand suggests drilling holes in plant pots to secure Vinitai, or using small weight fishing as anchors.

Whatever you use, be flexible so that you can continue to move or bend the plant as needed. However, avoid metal or hard plastic that may bite into the stem of the plant.

After the necessary things are prepared, attention is the simple task of the necessary things. Safer Guard uses surface fasteners.

Starting with the outermost branch, bend each stem downward away from the center of the plant. It's easy to use Vinitai as a hook and wrap it around the stem.

But choose where the branches and leaves will not break. Gently pull down the stem with a hook.


Other LST-like shapes have loops and are often used in bonsai.

The loop uses light and flexible lines to bend the plant into the desired shape. This is used in the maintenance of bonsai, forming branches and shapes that extend horizontally as a symbol of potted plants.

A simple maintenance method that does not require technology

LST requires a degree of attention. In order to make the light uniform and make it a richer plant with more branches and leaves, we need to continue to bend the newly growing parts and keep the leaves not dense.

The other LST is something that requires no skill at all. This is just the stem that bends the center of the plant.

Because it is a method that can be left alone all the time, it is suitable for beginners.

Of course, the condition of the plant must continue to be observed, but this method does not need to bend other stems.

How to use the Green screen method

No skilled care and LST can adjust the shape of plants, while "green screen" or "scrOG" can use the network to promote upward growth.

In this case, the material of the net is usually rope, plastic or metal that guides the plant to grow upward rather than inward or horizontally.

Net (net), using PVC pipes or metal, installed around the plant above the stem. When the stem gets here, it will pass through the net or cast the net.

The grower's website California Lightworks instructs growers to "pull outward with the outermost branches".

Then, let the branches pass through the network. After winding the branch in the specified position, begin to move on to the next stem.

Let each stem work inward until all branches are woven horizontally on the entire screen.

As the plant grows and more branches reach the network, it will continue to grow to the height preferred by the grower.

This method is used to promote plants that are still young and grow upward before the stem or branch hardens or grows inward.

How to use High Speed training (HST)

As a maintenance of simpler and more stressful shapes, there is a way to pick "ingredients" from stem tips as plants grow.

When the tip is cut off, more sprouting signals are sent to the plant to get sunlight and promote further growth.

This process takes more time and puts pressure on plants, but if carried out in moderation, plants will grow much better.

"ingredients", similar to pruning, is the work of cutting off leaves and sometimes cutting stems to trim plant shapes and promote growth.

Finally, thinning is to sow some seeds, remove weakness as they grow, and make the strongest survive.

Intersprouting is a stressful process for plants (and for growers who essentially kill the plant themselves), but it becomes a powerful and healthy plant, so buds are more likely to grow.

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