How to change the color of the Mac folder

How to change the color of the Mac folder

If you want to add your own personality to MacBook or iMac, why not change the color of the Mac folder?

If you want to make your desktop a little fashionable, make it easier to use Finder, or to distinguish a specific folder in color, you can do it in just a few seconds.

This time, let's introduce how to change the color of the Mac folder.

How to change the color of the Mac folder

There is no need to download a third -party app to change the color of the folder on a Mac.The following procedure is just the case.

  1. 既存のフォルダではなく、新しいフォルダの色を変えたい場合は、新規フォルダを作成する。便利なショートカット「Cmd + Shift + N」も使える
  2. 色を変えたいフォルダを右クリックし、「情報を見る」を選ぶ。
  3. 開いたウィンドウの上部にある、フォルダ名の横にあるフォルダのアイコンをクリックし、「Ctrl + C」を押すか、メニューバーの「編集 > コピー」を選ぶ。

Now the folder image has been copied to the clipboard, so you can paste and edit it with another app.Next, let's look at the procedure to change the color in "Preview".

1. Open "Preview".Press "CMD + Space" to open Spotlight and open it immediately after entering "Preview".

2. When "Preview" is opened, select "Create a new from a clipboard" or press "CMD + N".If this option is grayed out, restart Mac to work correctly.

3. Click the "mark -up toolbar" button on the left of the window search button.You can also select "Display> Markup Toolbar" in the menu bar.

4. Select the "Adjust color" tool.In the case of MacOS Big Sur, it is displayed in three sliders icons, and in an earlier version, it is displayed with an icon like light prism.

5. Use the slider displayed in the "Color Adjustment" window to change the folder color as you like.The color can be changed using "color", "color temperature", "saturation", etc.

When the folder is a favorite color, copy the image and paste the folder you want to change the color.

   How to change the color of the Mac folder

1. Select "Edit> All" from the menu bar, or press "CMD + A" and select all of the preview edit screen.

2. Press "CMD + C" to copy the new colored folder icon.

3. Finally, return to the "See Information" window, click the icon of the upper folder again, press "CMD + V", and paste the new folder image on the old folder image.

The color of the folder quickly changes to a new color and is reflected on the desktop.It can be used anywhere in Finder.

4. Repeat this procedure to change the color of other folders on the Mac.

If you want to use the same color in other folders, you don't have to return to "preview", just open the "View information" window in other folders and paste a new color icon.

"Preview" is a basic option to change the color of the folder.If you want to add more, you can change the color more finely by using "Photoshop" or other image editing software when pasteing the folder image in the process of paste the image in the above.

Other ways to change the color of the Mac folder

The above method is enough to change the color of the folder, but it is not convenient.If you want to change the color of many folders, you can use other methods faster.

In MacOS, you can paste other compatible images in the icon image of the folder at the top left of the "See Information" window to make it a new folder image.

In other words, you can not only change the color of the folder, but also download and use folder images created by other people, such as "MSIKMA'S MacOS Folder Icons" on GitHub.There are some folders in this.

Another option is to use the Mac application "Image2ICON" that can customize folders.

Just drag the image, the image is reflected on the folder, and the icon can be changed.

If you download a high -quality color sample from the website, you can quickly change the color of various folders on the Mac using this tool.

"Image2ICON" also contains utility to change colors by built -in.Be careful as some features are locked as in -app billing.

Easy to change the color of the Mac folder

Now you know how to change the color of the Mac folder.Just copy the image of the folder to the image editing software, change the color, and then paste it into the folder image.

Just a little change in color makes you feel fresh, but this is just one of the ways to change the appearance of a Mac folder.

Source: Msikma's MacOS Folder Icons, Image2ICON

Original Article: How to Change Folder Colors on Mac By Makeuseof