How to customize the Mac login screen to your liking

How to customize the Mac login screen to your liking

I think Mac users customize the menu bar, Dock, and other things.

But do you know that Mac can also change the login screen as you like?

To enhance security, you may be inputting both username and password when you log in.

Or, you may want to display hints on the screen because you forget your password.

If you have a favorite quote, you may want to start a day by looking at it.

This can also be displayed on the login screen.

This time, let's introduce how to easily change the login screen on a Mac.

table of contents

1.Change the Mac login screen

2.Display your favorite message on the login screen

3.Change profile image

4.Log in with Apple Watch

Change the Mac login screen

Most of the login screen setting is performed in the system environment settings.

In addition to automatic login, displaying users, displaying control buttons, enabling Voiceover, you can also make many settings.

First, select "User and Group" in the "Apple Menu> System Environment Settings" on the menu bar.

Before changing the login screen, you may have to unlock in the "User and Group" settings.

In that case, click the key icon in the lower left corner of the "User and Group", enter the password and unlock.

This time, click "Login Options" in the lower left.Select the one you want to use from the options on the login screen on the right side of the open screen.

Change the setting of the Mac login screen

Automatic login: This function does not need to enter the password first when you start a Mac, so it opens your desktop immediately.Enable the automatic login, select the user's account name, and enter your password.It is convenient if you only use your Mac and when your Mac is always in a safe place.

With FileVault enabled, automatic login cannot be used from the beginning.If you want to know more about FileVault, check out "Useful FileVault Guide".

Display at the time of login: You can choose from "List of User" or "Name and Password".The former selects your username and enters your password, but both have to enter.


If you are worried about security, choose "Name and Password", which must enter both username and password.

"Sleep", "Restart", and "System End" button: Check this check box and display these buttons on the login screen.

Show the input menu in the login window: A user can select a language before logging in to the Mac is displayed.This is useful if you always switch the language and keyboard format.

Display password hints: You can display the password hint on the screen when you click the question mark or make a mistake in the password three times.

To add or change password hints, click the left user name and click "Change Password" with Password.Enter an old password, follow a new password and confirmation.Then, add a password hint, and finally click "Change Password".

Fast user switch menu display: This option switches the user quickly on the Mac menu bar.You can choose what to display from the full name, account name, and icon.

After changing the settings, click the key icon in the lower left corner so that you can not change any more.

Enable the accessibility option on the login screen

VoiceOver, zoom function, and other accessible options can also be enabled on the login screen.Click "Accessibility Options" to check what you want to display.

If you enable such accessibility functions, your settings will be applied to everyone on the login screen.Similarly, the disabled functions are not applied to everyone.

Display your favorite message on the login screen

You can also display your favorite message on the login screen.

For example, suppose you want to start a day with a motivated quote.Also, if you display your contacts, when your Mac is lost, the kind people who find the Mac can contact them to return.

To display a message on the login screen, select "Security and Privacy" in "Apple Menu> System Environment Settings".

If you are locked, click the key icon in the lower left corner, enter your password and change it.Then follow the steps below.

  1. 「一般」のタブをクリック。
  2. 「画面がロックされているときにメッセージを表示」のチェックボックスにチェックを入れ、「ロックのメッセージを設定」をクリック。
  3. ポップアップのダイアログボックスに、ログイン画面で表示したいメッセージを入力し、OKをクリック。

The next time you lock the screen or launch a Mac, the message will be displayed at the bottom of the login screen.

Change profile image

As I wrote earlier, if a user list is displayed on the login screen, a profile image is displayed on the user name.If you want to change, you can easily change your profile image.

To change the profile image, select "User and Group" in "Apple Menu> System Environment Settings" and change according to the following steps.

  1. 自分のユーザープロフィールを左の一覧から選ぶ。
  2. カーソルをプロフィール画像の上に乗せ、「編集」と表示されたらクリック。
  3. ポップアップウィンドウが開き、使いたい画像の置き場所を選ぶか、「カメラ」をクリックしてMacのカメラでスナップを撮る。
  4. ズームスライダーを使って、写真を適宜調整する。
  5. 「保存」をクリック。

Log in with Apple Watch

Strictly speaking, it is not a "customization" on the login screen, but there is another way to log in to Mac besides automatic login and entering names and passwords.If you have an Apple Watch, you can log in to Mac on the Apple Watch.

To enable this feature, click Security and Privacy in the Apple Menu> System Environment Settings and follow the steps below.

  1. 「一般」のタブを選ぶ。
  2. 「Apple Watch を使ってアプリケーションとこのMacのロックを解除」のチェックボックスをクリック。(Apple WatchのwatchOSが3、4、5の場合は、「Apple WatchでこのMacのロックを解除できるようにする」と表示される)
  3. パスワード入力画面でユーザーパスワードを入力。

When you are wearing Apple Watch, enable this feature and open the Mac login screen, the message "Locks is unlocked" is displayed.

Mac to your preference

You can use some or all the above options to make your Mac login screen your favorite.You can change the login screen very easily, so you can adjust it whenever you want.

If you want to know other customization options on the Mac OS, check out how to change the Mac desktop or how to customize Mac using the terminal.

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Image: makeuseof

Original Article: How to Customize The Login Screen on Your Mac By Makeuseof