Manned space flight with Amazon founder Bezos, successful bid for 3 billion yen

Manned space flight with Amazon founder Bezos, successful bid for 3 billion yen

[New York = Takenori Miyamoto] Blue Origin, a space development venture established by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, held the company's first manned space flight auction on the 12th, with 2800 participation rights. It was sold for 10,000 dollars (about 3.06 billion yen). The winning bidder will fly with Mr. Bezos in late July.

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Blue Origin held a live auction event on the 12th. The auction started at $ 4.8 million and eventually sold for $ 28 million. The winning bidder's name will be announced in a few weeks. The winning bid will be donated to a foundation that develops human resources for science and technology.


Blue Origin will launch a manned spacecraft "New Shepard" from Texas, USA on July 20th. Approximately 3 minutes after the launch, the capsule that the occupants boarded is separated and crosses the "Karman Line" at an altitude of 100 kilometers above sea level, which is said to be the beginning of outer space. After a few minutes of weightlessness, the capsule makes a soft landing on the surface using a parachute. It takes about 10 minutes from launch to landing.

Bezos announced on the 7th that he and his younger brother Mark Bezos will board the first flight of "New Shepard." On his own Instagram, "I've always dreamed of traveling to space since I was five. On July 20, I'm going on that journey with his brother. I'll have the best adventure with my best friend. I posted. We were looking for one person to participate in space travel with the Bezos brothers in an auction format.

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