I want to sink a friend of a self -named Mac believer in a self -made keyboard swamp that understands new manufacturing

I want to sink a friend of a self -named Mac believer in a self -made keyboard swamp that understands new manufacturing

Making lab

by Murasaki

2021/10/14 07:00


I am a MAC fan and teach my own keyboard to a friend of the Magic Keyboard school.I have been teaching for about two years and haven't been able to reach out.When this happens, you have to make a keyboard that makes you feel like trying your own keyboard!I am not very good at electronic work, but in the self -made keyboard world, there is a culture of designing and selling keyboards, and there are a lot of predecessors and there is a lot of information.You should be able to do it even if you are not familiar with the design.

My friend is a Mac group that visits the Apple headquarters (at that time).The keyboard is of course Apple genuine.Can you make a keyboard to invite him to your own keyboard!?

Simulate the keyboard for the MacBook school I think

We aim for a keyboard that is "easy to change from the headquarters keyboard" and "you can enjoy layout and custom only because it is your own keyboard."The purpose is not to be satisfied with this keyboard, but to know the fun of your own keyboard from here and make your own customized keyboard.It is a "swamp entrance" keyboard.

Specifically, we decided to set the following three points.

  1. MacのUSキーボードに近く違和感なく使い始められるレイアウトと構造。
  2. 肩こりが楽になる分割式(友人はエンジニアで長時間使うので、特にこれを味わってもらいたい)。
  3. 親指のキーを手の形に馴染む位置に置き、Enter、BS、ESC等のよく使うキーを配置し親指を活用する便利さが味わえるように。

これらを盛り込んで作ったレイアウトが上の画像です。keyboard layout editorというサイトを使うとブラウザ上でレイアウトをシミュレーションすることができます。

Make a prototype machine to try and error while using it while using it

By the way, when the layout is decided, I make a board, but when I use it, I am afraid that it will be "not this layout!", So I will first make one on the prototype board.


新しいものづくりがわかるメディア 自称Mac信者の友人を自作キーボード沼に沈めたい

The prototype is completed with the key cap.The firmware was also diverted from the SU120, and it was made with almost a browser.

How is the prototype and a friend's reaction?

At this point, ask a friend to use it and get feedback.

Receiving a little more rigidity, a feedback such as a key layout, etc., adding fine corrections, such as determining the thickness of the board when ordering, or changing the layout.

Finally designed the board and ordered

レイアウトも固まり、いよいよプリント基板を発注したいところ。自動で基板を作成してくれるサイトKeyboard PCB Builderを使って基板データをDLし、フリーの基板設計ソフトKiCADで開きます。ほぼできています、すごいですね。

Add missing parts, draw wiring or change the outer shape.I don't know if it's there, but the test has passed, so it's good to output "Eya!" (I will regret later).There are various ordinances, but I ask a Chinese company called All PCB, which was a hot topic in the free board campaign.

It was ordered on the 17th and arrived on the 28th.In the past, I thought, "It would take some time to order a board," but the period I had left was longer than the length until it arrived....。

When the board arrives, the product feeling suddenly comes out and the tension rises considerably.It looks like a selling one!(But this is a joy later....)

Assembly / operation confirmation

If you assemble the keyboard parts that have arrived, it will be a fine keyboard.Since the dedicated firmware has not been made yet, it will work if you put the appropriate keyboard firmware.Of course, the characters to be entered are messed up, but if you write the firmware exclusively, it will work! Complete!It's easier than I thought!(I thought at this time...actually...)

I'll make it a kit, I like the store


But here is a problem...

While sending the kit, I wrote the firmware of the koshiko firmware and now I can use it with a proper key map, but there are still some strange input.When I checked it properly, I made a big mistake in the wiring.

急遽手配線での修正工程をいれることに。もはやPCB(Printed Circuit Board)の意味がない手配線具合に。友人に連絡すると「こちとら修士(工学)よ」という力強い返事をもらったので手配線もやってもらうことにしました。しかしここまでとは思っておるまい...sorry.

Have a friend make a keyboard

It's time to drop a friend in the swamp.My own keyboard is one of the interesting things to assemble.Ask your friend to assemble a kit.Work while connecting remotely for an emergency declaration.

He seems to be looking forward to it because it is the first full -fledged keyboard.The first smile is nice!

However, when it comes to the arrangement line, "Seriously..."A friend who is becoming more and more silent.

The assembly is a big face when approaching the second half.And almost, the one key does not move at the end.Where are you making a mistake?

デバッグを続けて原因を特定し、やっと正常に動きました!! 勝利のガッツポーズです!(1か所配線を削って切るのを忘れていました)。

The kit wasn't done properly, so I made a steep mountain up.I guess I hated my own keyboard instead of dropping it in the swamp....?I will listen to my impressions."It was smooth and fun except for the arrangement, except for the arrangement," a surprisingly positive reply! 

Was good!"I just like white as a Mac believer."Thank you, the wiring correction version is made in white.

Repeated version upgrades and products are made

This time, it was very easy to understand that my friend used it at each stage, so it was difficult to use here and it was difficult to understand.I felt that the products that are easy to understand and use for those who use it are made by accumulating detailed things, and commercial products are amazing.

In addition, I did not go beautifully with mistakes, but the design of the board itself is not so difficult, I can order online easily, and the satisfaction is very high, so I would like you to try it if some people are lost.I'll do it until I upgrade the version and make it a proper kit!

This learning: After the final confirmation, let's order and ask a friend.


Prototype board version

Substrate ordering version