

This is Santaro Imai, a professional minecrafter who exhibits his work on the Marketplace under the official approval of Microsoft.

I first got acquainted with Minecraft more than 7 years ago.

"Minecraft" has become a classic game that has been developed on all platforms and is now a standard game that no one knows about. Its history is surprisingly short as it was released in 2009, and the official version was released at the end of 2011.

Shortly before that, I came across Minecraft, which was still in development, but released under the name of Beta.


Nowadays, it's not uncommon to see an early access version (a game that is still in development and receives feedback from users), but at the time it was extremely groundbreaking. This method carries the risk that if the development is delayed, copy games will be released ahead of the rest of the world. But Mojang has kept the idea of ​​competition in mind from the beginning, and captured exactly what was most important to its users.

In fact, after the big hit of "Minecraft", many games with similar gameplay appeared. Famous examples include "Dragon Quest Builders" (Square Enix), "Terraria" (Re-Logic), and "LEGO World" (T Games). I have no intention of criticizing them.

As a result of building a big genre including these similar games, as a result of being the closest to the user's experience, "Minecraft" has acquired an immovable position in the genre of sandbox type action adventure. This idea of ​​good nature has been handed down to this day, and just recently, part of the source code, which can be said to be the heart of the PC version of Minecraft, was released, and I took my hat off to this.

In other words, "Minecraft" is not just a game loved by the world. It's often said that if you want someone to love you, you should love them first, but as the saying goes, Minecraft itself loves its users more than anything else. No wonder the world loves Minecraft.

By the way, do you know the game that sold over 100 million copies worldwide? Of course, when it comes to the cumulative total of the series, there are several names, but there are only two games in the world that have set such a big record with just one. One is "Tetris" that everyone knows. And the other is this "Minecraft". The number of cumulative sales released far exceeds the total population of Japan.

Since then, Minecraft has continued to evolve with regular updates. Once again, I would like to explore what kind of game it is, based on my experience of about seven and a half years, from my encounter to the present day when I became the first professional crafter in Asia.