"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
Impress E Sports Club Women's Retro Game Team
Hello, this is Mizuki Kuroda! This time, the 8th retro game project is the "Clock Tower" released by Human.In the game released in September 26 years ago, the retro game distribution site project EGG was ranked number one in the week, so I tried this work this time! You can purchase it for 440 yen for the project EGG!
レトロゲームは、ビジネス向けのPCでもさくさく動くということで、この連載ではマウスコンピューターさんの「mouse F5-i5」を利用していきます。おもな仕様は、Core i5-10210U、メモリ8GB、SSD 256GB、フルHD液晶を搭載しています。レトロゲームをプレイするさいの参考にしてくださいIt was a survival horror game released as a super -Nintendo software, and comments on distribution and people around me had the most voices of "I've played!" And "Nostalgic"!With his eyes, the player operates the main character Jennifer, escapes from murderers and paranormal phenomena, and aims to escape from the hall.
タイトル画面When you start the game, it will be on the menu screen.Wow, kindness design! Retro games have some difficulties before you start, so I am glad that it is kind to beginners.
メニュー画面Gamestart → Quickstart from the beginning → The story of the story Continue → EndingList → Stereo that can check which ending you have shortly before the last killed.
When you press the game start, the movie (story) starts immediately.The protagonists who grew up in an orphanage will be picked up in a large Nordic mansion and will enter the mansion called the Clock Tower, along with Mary, who will lead.She tells her to wait in the saloon, but she doesn't come back and she looks for it, and everyone who was with me suddenly disappears.
Looking for everyone ... to leave this mansion ... from here the player starts to escape.
冒頭の物語There are two types of operation methods, a keyboard and a pad, but this time I decided to play with a game pad! It is a point and click method that indicates the 2D graphic screen with a cursor.Bring the cursor on the corridor or in the room, and click it to check things and get them as items.
The collected items can be used in a specific place or not.Because the items spring are random, and there is no key that should have been here last time.Such a thing.There is always somewhere in the mansion, so if you are not in the previous place, try it by effort.However, the mansion is extremely large.In a strange place, it was "Difficulty !!" (laughs).
This game is important for exploration to advance the story.When I'm looking for the room to find an item ...
オウムからの死亡Is killed by parrots
鏡から出てくる手からの死亡The game is strangled and the game is over in the hand that suddenly comes out of the mirror.You will be killed so much that you do not understand the meaning.
Speaking of survival horror games in Japan, Ban Ohazard is famous, but it is not so strong.Jennifer is really weak ...If you say it's just a weak or weak, you'll be killed by a parrot, so it's the weakest class for the person you've met.
It was written as a game to enjoy the battle and defense!I will continue while thinking.Some sites were written as action games, but the feeling of death is close to the game ...Do you feel like you can remember what you can't touch or learn how to avoid it.
While exploring the mansion many times repeatedly, Laura's body came to the mansion together!
So, the Sizaman is also a don!
When the scissors appear, the BGM starts to flow.It looks like a kind of signal, which is being targeted?Until then, it's basically only environmental sounds, but that's also like a holly ... I don't like it (laughs).Only environmental sounds ... I'm scared and I'm not good at it.Uh.
I'm quite impatient with the BGM, but I'm even more impatient that Jennifer's movement is not agile (laughs).When I first confront the Sizaman, I was almost panicked.
シザーマンにはやっぱり殺られるAlthough it is killed without any delay, the first work of the clock tower series does not have any save, but it is an auto -saved mechanism when you enter the room.So, if you are defeated and return to the title, if you continue, you can start over from the previous action to be killed.This specification was enough, but Egg can make up to 10 save data, so if you are worried, you may be able to use it.
By the way, it seems that the save function has been added from the second series!
Although such a weak Jennifer, there are ways to escape from the battle with the Sizaman (?) And all the devices.That is a panic button hit with stamina.
The stamina exists from red dying to full of blue, and can be checked at any time with Jennifer's face in the lower left.The decreased stamina starts to recover when sitting with a sitting button.Sit down and recover before the battle begins or before the strange phenomenon occurs.
ジェニファーの顔And while this Jennifer icon is flashing, panic mode.Only in this panic mode, you can take an evasion action by hitting a panic button (X button).
I wrote around that I could escape earlier, but this panic button is not absolute.So I wrote the possibility.In fact, in the climax scene, it seems that a teacher who appears with a certain probability is killed with a certain probability!
Of course, I was lucky enough to have a certain probability and.
安定の引きI was so surprised that my heart jumped out.The button doesn't work ...I was too surprised to be able to press it properly.
When I actually looked back, my heart had not come out, but my eyes popped out.It was dangerous.
目ん玉が飛び出てた筆者If you do it only with environmental sounds, you will be surprised enough even with a slight change in sound.As long as the eyes come out.I'm just screaming, but I think it's a game that can be done by those who are not good at horror because the picture is too real.Actually, I was not good at holly, so I was able to clear it!
無事エンディング!Nine endings are provided for each condition for the game clear.Throw everything, no one will help.If you escape without solving the mystery, you will reach the ending of the H -route at the bottom.By the way, the H -route was the worst way to be killed by a Sizaman while escaping from the mansion.
From here, H → G → F → E → D → C → B → A and Finally, the hidden ending geuts are prepared.
The ending is elaborate one by one, and it's really good ...S is the best way to end, so I want to watch S, of course, but since all nine ending movies are different, "Wow! I want to see everything !!"With this motivation, I want to start with a different route again.
全部で9つあるエンディング!That's why I did a clock tower this time, but I really like it! The degree of as a horror game is just right for me, the mystery solving element, the creepy story, and above all the ending are available.I feel love, but I can survive with this love even if I die unreasonably.If you want to be a little nervous, please go to the Clock Tower.
Thank you for watching this time as well.
Impress E Sports Club Women's Retro Game Team『クロックタワー』1回目Impress E Sports Club Women's Retro Game Team『クロックタワー』2回目