A dead spirit of calling the Internet Explorer, which should have been buried in Windows 11, is discovered

A dead spirit of calling the Internet Explorer, which should have been buried in Windows 11, is discovered

Yajima no Mori

Don't use it, never use it!

 “Yajima no Mori”では、ニュース・レビューにこだわらない幅広い話題をお伝えします。

Windows 11にも「iexplore.exe」はあるが、起動しても「Microsoft Edge」にリダイレクトされてしまう

 The support of the Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) desktop application on Windows 10 will be discontinued on June 15, 2022.Perhaps because of that, Windows 11 does not originally have IE 11 and cannot be used basically.Looking into "C: Program Files (X86) Internet Explorer", "IEXPLORE".There is "EXE", but even if you try to start by double -clicking, you will be redirected (transferred) to "Microsoft Edge".


Windows 11で葬られたはずのInternet Explorerを呼び出す死霊術が発見されてしまう

Microsoft announced the end of the support of "Internet Explorer 11", the grace period is about 1 year, until June 15, 2022

  • The next OS "Windows 11" has a function to be disabled to "Internet Explorer" to be abolished or deleted.

  •  However, the only abolished "desktop application" of IE 11, that is, the outside.The core component (COM component) is left as it is to maintain compatibility.IE components are used internally in various apps (such as "IE mode" of "Edge"), so if you delete it suddenly, there will be a large amount of applications that will not move.

     Using this, "Qiita" introduces the method of launching IE 11 in Windows 11, which should have been abolished.

     The gimmick is simple, just call the IE component with a script (the following example is vbscript).Write the following code in the text file and ".If you save with an extension called "VBS", double click will launch IE.

    IEコンポーネントを呼び出すVBScriptを記述して実行「Edge」へ移行せよとの警告Windows 11環境で起動したIE 11

     According to the "Hatena Bookmark" on this page, "PowerShell" can do the same (in short, IE components can be called)."The following code".Save it with an extension called PS1, and execute it with the [Run in PowerShell] command in the right -click menu.

    $app = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application; $app.Visible = $true

     However, there is no guarantee that Microsoft will leave this method forever.Don't be ate, just remember it as a solution in case of trouble.Don't think about making IE 11 a default web browser if you make a mistake.Transfer to a "alive" browser quietly.